
Chapter 65 They Call Me The Legendary Dragon Slayer [Pt 1]

Zabdel was feeling an emotion he hadn't experienced in so long—FEAR!

He gulped and stepped back as the unfathomable being approached. Sweat dripped from his body and his instincts went into overdrive.

An Adventurer was expected to be brave and daring—and while Zabdel was more conservative in his approach—he was still the Vice Guildmaster, one who represented that ideal.

For someone of his caliber to break down before a fellow human being... it was shameful of him.

However, there was no one who could blame him.

'Scary... he's too scary!'

Fortunately, Zabdel's frightened state did not last forever.

"Ah... apologies." The menacing man spoke up, pausing for a moment.

He noticed Zabdel's current condition, despite how hard the latter tried to hide it—as expected of someone with deep insight.

"It seems merely using this is too much for even you." The overwhelmingly powerful man caused his aura to dissipate while whispering.

His blade also vanished from sight, and he assumed a normal form. For this, the Vice Guildmaster was eternally grateful.

Now in a gentle stride, moving slower than before, the man approached once more.

"There's no need to fear that monster any longer."

His voice exuded such confidence that Zabdel couldn't help but think within himself, 'Why?'

"Why, you ask...?" The man gave a smile as he drew even closer.

'H-how did he know I—?! Did he read my thoughts?!' The Vice Guildmaster could no longer control his surprise, but even that did not faze the one who stood before him.

No, it was the opposite, actually.

His smile simply broadened.

"... Because I have come."


"I-I see..." Zabdel muttered, still recoiling from the brief story he was just told.

He and the strange man were currently in his office, and while Zabdel sat in the seat of authority, he knew the one who was truly in charge.

"So you have the Title of Dragon Slayer, and you know about that beast because of your natural ability to detect Dragons?"

"That's right." The Dragon Slayer spoke calmly.

'No one I know has ever gotten that Title before. The requirement is too high. I don't know the effects of that Title, but I don't think he's lying,' Zabdel thought to himself.

"Normally, you'd need to be a part of the Adventurer's Guild to undertake Quests and challenge the Labyrinth. That means you'll need to take the exams..."

"Ahem!" The man gave a gentle cough, but to Zabdel, it was more like a menacing prowl.

"... B-but, of course, we're willing to make an exception for you! You've clearly proven your mettle as an Adventurer..." Zabdel paused to look at the expression of the man.

It was still looking somewhat uncomfortable.

'What more does he want? I know, I know!'

"We'll give you an official Adventurer's license. S Class, of course." He glanced at the man again.

The Dragon Slayer was still not pleased.

'A-ah... he's clearly stronger than S Class. But, that's the highest level that exists. Unless...'

"That's fine. Since we've gotten that out of the way, I need to hurry back and take care of some business."

Zabdel was happy he didn't have to resort to his final card, but he was still wary so as not to disrespect the person before him.

"A-ah, I see."

"Remember what I have told you. In the next two days, the Dragon will strike the 9th Floor. No Adventurer must be in action then. Or else..."

Rising from his seat, the man headed in the direction of the door, only to turn his head back to intensely stare at the seated Mage.

Zabdel gulped as he and the man made eye contact.

"... They'll die."

Upon making that final statement, the man left the room—every ounce of unease departing with him.

"Haa... what a guy." Zabdel smiled to himself.

He had silently cast [Calm] on himself many times, but the presence of the Dragon Slayer was too overwhelming that none of the effects worked.

It wasn't until after he left that Zabdel finally felt at ease.

With a relieved smile on his face, and a resolute heart, the Vice Guildmaster of Dulum stared blankly into space and readied himself for the upcoming events.

"I suppose I have my work cut out for me."


"Haa..." A heavy breath escaped my lips as I left the Adventurer's Guild building.

I made sure I walked a considerable distance away from the place before I finally loosened my tense face and flexed muscles.

'Shiiiiiit! That was so harrrrrddd!!!' I wailed internally while walking.

My face still displayed a calm front, but I was really tearing up within.

'Acting super cool and edgy for long hours is really draining. How could Damien pull this off throughout the series?'

I guess it would be so much easier if those vibes were natural, but in my case, I had to play the part.

'Thank goodness he believed me. Whew!'

Thanks to my currently high Level, greater number of Skills—especially my newly acquired one—and my enhanced apparel, I was able to beat those Adventurers down to get Zabdel's attention.

'It's better I don't go through the whole exam scenario and waste valuable time. This is a shortcut that I need...'

Currently, Sarah and Gerard were hunting for extra supplies of Mercury and Mana Chalk. I still had a good amount in my Inventory, but more couldn't hurt.

'Besides... I've used some up.'

One of the biggest changes I made to the original timeline was that I refused to waste my first day in the Adventurer's City.

It was still day 1, yet I was already almost done with my business in Dulum.

'I would have loved to kill the Earth Dragon as soon as possible, but...'

Earth Dragons were notorious for being evasive. Since I had no idea where and when it would appear, it was better for me to simply kill it when there was a better chance at success.

'I'm sure many people would challenge Zabdel's decision to give me special treatment, so if I make the Adventurers witness my bold feat, they'll see just how reliable I am...'

I realized something after failing in my first turn. It was something I had thought of achieving eventually, but now I understood its urgency.

'Allies. Subordinates. Partners. I need as many of them as possible...'

If I could start with Dulum, that would be great.

'From my interaction with Zabdel, and the short time I've stayed here—even though the Novel didn't give me many details—it's obvious...'

The people in this world respected the powerful!

'By creating this Dragon Slayer persona, I'll be able to earn their respect and acknowledgment. If I play my cards right...' A smile formed on my face.

For the time being, though, it was better to work on my other little project.

'I would have preferred to get a permit from Zabdel and start grinding in the Labyrinth, but my interference could cause a chain of reaction that will affect the Earth Dragon's appearance. I can't risk that!'

I simply had to be patient and hope all things worked according to my careful calculations.

There really was no room for mistakes.


[Two Days Later]

A group of Adventurers was gathered before the Labyrinth.

Loud grumbles and dissatisfied noises pierced the air as the respective people voiced their complaints.

If one could make out the words they uttered, only one conclusion would be arrived at.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"You can't just shut down the Labyrinth because of that reason!"

"I get my means of livelihood from this job. Come on, I need this gig!"

"We knew the risks when we signed up. Just let us in."

The Adventurers only had one demand—that they be allowed entry into the Labyrinth.

Unfortunately, the entrance was barricaded by a group of highly-ranked Adventurers. A couple of A Class and one S Class. Since it was an airtight formation, the desperate Adventurers could not dream of forcing their way through.

Besides, doing so would have also been a violation of the Adventurer's code. No one dared do something that would cost them their profession.

As if those factors weren't enough—

"Calm yourselves, everyone."

—The Vice Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild showed up.

In an instant, everyone fell into a complete lull.

They sharply glanced in the direction of the strong voice, spotting the Zabdel approach with another man beside him.

The man wore a dark cloak, having a mysterious aura around him. He looked much younger than their Vice Guildmaster, but the more perceptive Adventurers somehow got a more oppressing aura from him.

"I believe this was announced on the Guild Board yesterday. You were all told not to come here today." Zabdel stated.

The Adventurers grumbled. It was clear that they had no basis for their complaints. The Guild already informed them prior to the date.

Still, it was a well-known fact that these kinds of people were stubborn and very greedy. It would take more than a Notice to deter them.

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