
Chapter 8 - Arthur Hew McKenzie Draper


'and never will'

Thought Mack, feeling rage for being forced to run his entire life, feeling rage for not having a single parent alive, not being able to have a girl to call his, not being able to have a true friend, always hiding, escaping, getting hurt, stealing, killing. Just for the sake of live another day. He was pissed, he was tired of this bullshit, he wanted to make whatever was responsible for this to feel the same and even worst, he wanted them begging to be killed just like he did the last days.

And just as all these thoughts passed in Mack's head, to his surprise, the acute voice that was always in his head talking bullshit after bullshit stopped.

Feeling refresh by this, Mack looked at the medic and said "Thanks".

But then, he heard a clear voice in his head, different from the noise he used to hear the last days. This voice was crystal clear.

[Congratulations human, you passed the first trial, the trial of the heart.]


'Trial? What trial? Who is talking? Is this some hallucination? Am I finally going crazy?'

[Those voices you heard for the last months were your trial. To test your will to live, stimulating you to confront your own will to live]

[You almost failed several times, but every single time that you almost killed yourself, you unconsciously left a path to live, you could have killed yourself in several more effective ways but every time you choose to do so, you choose one that left you with a drop of hope to live]

'Who are you? Is it all because of that book?'

[Yes, the moment you engraved the runes on your body, your trial started. Now, you must do the Oath and I will be able to explain everything to you.]

'What Oath? oh right, the one on the last page of the book?'


'Hey answer me, bastard!'



Mack could see that the damned voice would not answer him anymore, so the only choice left was to do the Oath. At least this way, he would find some answers.

"My will shall be the law"

"The law is me"

"And I'm the law"

"The law of Chaos"


"I AM!"

The medic, seeing Mack scream some nonsense, thought all went wrong and the man finally went insane.

'I should never ever try to advise someone again.' it was the only thing passing in the medic's head, now looking with pity at the man in front of him.


But, just like magic, the man vanished in front of him. Only leaving the handcuffs making noises while hitting the metal bars from the patient's bed.

And just a few seconds later came the sheriff from Kirakira. And seeing the guy was not there, he asked.

"Where is the guy?"

The medic, hearing the voice of his old friend, woke up from the stupor, and with a pale face, looked back and said.

"Would you believe me if I say that he just vanished?"

"Stop with the jokes. This is serious. That guy, Arthur McKenzie Draper, is on Interpol's Red List. They flagged him as a terrorist!!! A fucking terrorist!" screamed the sheriff.

The Medic could not believe what he was hearing, but he also could not believe what just happened. That guy, 'Arthur', just vanished in front of him.

'How is that even possible? I did not remove my eyes from him. I'm must be hallucinating, must be the new medication for pain, that's the only explanation.' Thought the medic, but refrained himself from saying aloud.

"I don't know, I came back, and he was not here anymore"

"Did you leave? I told you to keep an eye on him and warn me if anything happened. Now we have a terrorist running free on the Island. Dammit, what am I supposed to do? This city doesn't even have any robbery last year, let alone murder crimes, and now we have a fucking terrorist. Dear God." said the Sherrif, cleaning the usual sweat on his forehead.

"What should we do now?" asked the medic, still a bit shocked by all events.

"You will do nothing. They will send a team from the capital, and I ….."


" ….. I will be making coffee for them," said the sheriff, lowering his head, already thinking of the bad days ahead.

The medic then looked at the handcuffs still hanging on the bed and moved closer. He touched the handcuffs, and to his surprise, they were still locked with not a scratch on them.

'What a hell is happening? How can he just vanish in the air?'

For a man of science, any unrealistic event like the one that just happened was hard to digest.

What neither the sheriff nor the medic knew was that they just brought the hell upon this small and paradisiac island.

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