
Chapter 116 Here Comes An Overwhelming Crisis [Pt 2]


As misty breaths escaped my lips, I looked around me.

The North. East. South. West. My sharp eyes took in everything in all directions. In my ascended state, floating above the Adventurers City, I was able to get the best perspective of the enemies that closed in on us.

A predominant thought etched itself in my mind throughout.

'This is... impossible!'

Their numbers were astronomically higher than ours, and I wasn't exaggerating.

Still, it wasn't as if I expected the denizens of this City to be of much use to me. I couldn't make excuses about that.

'The real problem is their formation. They're in four companies. Even if I can somewhat manage to stop one, the remaining three will plunge this city into ruin.'

I could send the Golems to hold the fort in another location, but that still left two more that would be unguarded.

If I concentrated the stronger Adventurers in another direction, it would still leave one more entry point that could still make everything fall into shambles.

'It really is an impossible situation.' I sighted everyone rejoicing and celebrating my arrival.

In a way, I was grateful. I had thought they would somewhat harbor ill thoughts toward me, considering I told them all to rest instead of readily preparing for war.

'It doesn't make sense, if you think about it. Why are they attacking immediately?'

Even I indulged in sex, rather than actively making preparations for the battle.

'There's not enough Mercury and Mana Chalk to set up arrays. Not enough time to enhance everyone's weapons or strengthen them with Potions. I can't fortify the city's defences or lay traps too. This surprise attack is really a pain.'

However, I wasn't going to give up now. I had already determined within myself to try my best. Thanks to one Demon Girl, ironically, I had regained my will to win.

'No matter what....I won't abandon these people!'

The moment I strengthened my resolve, I noticed the fourfold Demon Army paused in their advance. It seemed they had finally taken notice of me.

'Ah, shit! My Levitation Potion's effect will soon run out. I better do something fast.' My panicky eyes sought for an easy and quick solution to the problem.

The Demon Generals at the far back seemed to be up to something, so I had to make my first move. There was no way I could survive a bombardment from all of them—in all directions, for that matter.

'Hero or not, I'm still human!'



Instantly, two things appeared in my right and left hands respectively.

One resembled a gun—who am I kidding, it was a toy gun! The kind of big toy guns that would propel balls when triggered.

Depending on the model, some capsules could hold up to five balls. Well, I was currently with a super large one that could carry ten balls within it.

The bright blue and white color of the fake weapon made it stand out, and I made sure to enable it's sound effects.

The sound amplification rune I placed on the gun caused its 'action music' to be as loud as I wanted. The devastating volume and blood curdling beat traveled a far distance, and I was sure the enemies could hear it.

'Phase one complete. I'm sure bluffing won't be enough, at this point...' My eyes darted to the second object on my hand.

A Mana Bomb!

Shaped like a ball that one would.notmally put in the toy gun, my lethal Mana Bomb was brimming with power and raring to go.

'I only have like three more of these things. They're not nearly enough to take down all of them, but...'

First impressions were important!

Quickly, I locked and loaded the shell into my 'Magic Blaster', as I dubbed it.

'The Rune Inscriptions I kept in the gun keep it from overloading due to the Mana I'm about to discharge. The conductivity is good too, since I've tested it...'

The Toy Gun itself didn't cost me that much Karmic Value, and I ensured I improved it immensely—getting more than my money's worth.

I took my aim, stretching my weapon in the direction of the Northern Gate. With my sound amplification still ensuring both enemies and allies alike were shocked and anxious, the trigger was pulled.


Mana coursed through the gun, increasing it's reach over a hundred fold. The velocity peaked to an unprecedented degree, and the Mana Bomb was sent flying directly at the center of the Demon Army.


The rush of stocked-up Mana created a cloud of dust, energy, and smoke. The reverberating echo of the churning ground and consumed Demons filled the air, and within moments, my first impression was solidified.

My majestic draconic form remained floating in the air, even though I knew time was almost up, and I pointed my gun in the direction of the south next.

'It's not loaded, but...'

A confident grin played on my face, and the 'heavy metal' of my gun's music reached a critical bass.

The timing was perfect!

The dead Demons were at least five hundred. They weren't much, in the grand scheme of things, but I had just created an impression that I could casually destroy do many opponents without much effort.

The music stopped playing, and the entire area was wrought with silence. I had enough experience in theatrics to know that the time had finally come to speak.

"Demons... it seems you are a lot more foolish than I gave you credit for."

The Demons were a far distance, but I could still see some of their expressions were soured. To be called foolish by a human must have stung a bit.

Still, none of them could ignore someone who supposed had their life and death in the palm of his hands.

"You did well gathering here like flies. Everything is just as I envisioned it. The future is also within reach."

I was sure, at this point, they would be raiding questions like;

"Can he see into the future?!"

"Did we really fall for his plan?"

"H-he saw all this coming?!"

The answers to these questions were most definitely a big 'NO'!

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