
Chapter 55 - 55. A Tower To Call Mine

Mack put the mages clothes and was ready to go, but then he remembered something.

'I can't fucking hear them!'

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Raz, by the side, didn't know what was happening and was about to ask when Mack suddenly removed his mask and threw to him.

Raz quickly understood what was happening.

Mack was deaf. At least for everyone else at this gate.

'Is this going to work, Arcane?'

[In all these years in this vital industry, this is the first time this happened to me]

'Oh, man! Now you are mimicking those cartoons I saw on Earth. I created a monster!' .


Raz put the Mask and walked forward. He knew he would need to do the talking.

Mack, for instance, felt naked without the mask. He was already used to it.

Approaching the tower range they suddenly felt an extra pressure. Essence.

'Did they discover us?'

Mack was ready to run if things turned sour. He could not fight. Not today.

And as quickly as the pressure came, it also vanished. It was just an automatic response from the tower.

'That was close'

Thought Mack, before continuing to walk to the tower with the other warlocks.

Approaching the tower, Mack saw a device close to the door that seemed to be for communication.

'Now comes the hard part'

But then he hears some noises, and the door suddenly opened.

Mack looked at Raz but he too didn't understand what was happening and shook his arms.

'That easy?'

A mage came out of the door.

Looked at the group for a few seconds and screamed something that Mack could not hear.

Raz gave a nod and ordered to everyone to quickly come inside.

Mack was lost for words.

'Did they never get tricked like this before? What's wrong with these people? In Earth, if you look to the wrong side you get robed.'

[Warlocks don't have a use for mage towers. In battle, they usually leave them alone or destroy them]

'Makes sense'

Mack and the warlocks entered the small door one by one and the mage that opened it waited by outside, quickly closing it after entering too.

Mack looked inside the tower and it was so plain that he felt like a child discovering that Santa was not real.

The first floor looked like a lounge with some kind of beds and other stuff for daily use and a few mages were playing some odd kind of cards at a table while others were just resting or eating.

'I was expecting way more. Where is the magical stuff from movies?'

[This is a battlefield mage tower. It's as simple as common outposts from Earth if compared to castles]


'I hope it will not be a wasted trip'

Thought Mack, looking around while Raz talked with the mage.

He could not hear anything, but that mage seemed very preoccupied with something.

The mage said something to Raz and started to walk to some door by the side, and pressed a button.

'An elevator? What a modern tower they have. Now that is something unexpected.'

Mack image of a mage tower was like medieval towers from earth with long staircases and candles by the sides.

But this one looked like a common building from Earth.

Simple and functional.

Mack entered the elevator with them and stayed at the back.

Raz kept talking with the mage, who knows about what.

To tell the true Mack was impressed that Raz could behave himself and didn't kill anyone until now.

Mack heard a noise, and the elevator stopped.

The doors opened and Mack finally saw what he came for.

The control room of the tower.

Runes were everywhere mixed with machines and some kind of glass screens that replayed the outside.

'Jack pot!'

Said Mack, stepping foot inside the room.

Raz was now talking with someone that looked like the one in charge of the tower.

And he also seemed to hear every word Raz said. with very concerned eyes.

Mack was getting very very curious now.

'What they keep talking about? To have these ugly faces.....'

But the goal was more important.

Mack looked at Raz and gave him a nod. It was time to end the play. They already accessed the control room.

Raz pointed to one of the glasses that replayed the outside and asked something.

The two mages turned their head to look.

Even Mack turned to look.

And in the next second, the head of the two mages fell on the floor.

Raz didn't even blink while killing them with his daggers.

Mack jaw fell.

'Fuck! I needed that one alive!'

Raz cleaned his 'devoid of blood' daggers and put them on his wrists again.

Mack kept starring at him. Like a dad that caught a son doing something bad.

Raz scratched his head but didn't say anything.


'Nevermind. What is done, is done.'

Thought Mack, pointing to the mask in Raz's face.

He was really feeling naked without it.

Raz removed the mask and gave to Mack.

After putting the mask, Mack looked around, and all warlocks were still there.

"What are you guys waiting for?!! Do you want a coffee before going to kill the rest of them?!!"

Mack didn't even know if coffee was a common thing for them. But the warlocks seemed to figure the meaning and quickly left the control room thru the elevator.

Mack looked back to Raz. Still there.

"What? Was not you so eager to kill mages? You can kill them all now."

Said Mack, pointing to the elevator door.

Raz murmured something with his head down, but still moved to the door.

"Only comeback with all mages dead!"

Raz raised his head like craving to retort, but in the end just closed the elevator door.

Raz knew he should not have killed that mage. But his blood was boiling with rage after he discovered the warlock army was defeated.

This plan of them was a long shot, but he knew that was better than just throwing his live at the battlefield like everyone else.

"Now its me and you."

Said Mack, looking at the control board of the tower.

He finally had a tower to call 'his'.

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