
Chapter 340: Teaching

Fischl and Hu Tao exchanged a meaningful glance, both keenly aware of the deepening connection between Yomite and Lumine. Barbara, however, couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of unease. Despite her reservations, she managed to offer a smile. Witnessing the bond between Lumine and Yomite stirred a pang of jealousy within her, but she understood that her friends\' happiness was as important as her own, and she resolved to support them wholeheartedly.

Over time, Barbara grew to appreciate the unique relationships that each of them shared with Yomite. She began to celebrate the love cultivated by Fischl, Hu Tao, and Lumine, recognizing that these connections enriched their collective journey. In this epiphany, she found solace and the inspiration to explore her own bond with Yomite.

As Barbara gradually opened herself up to her friends, her emotions evolved into something more selfless and profound. Though jealousy continued to flicker within her, it was tempered by the understanding that the love they all shared could coexist in harmony, nurturing a sense of unity and growth.

She realized that winning Yomite\'s heart and affection required her own individual effort. The delicate art of captivating his attention and fostering a deeper connection could not be accomplished through the influence of others. Instead, it was through the genuine expression of her unique qualities and the shared experiences they would create together.

But, did she possess those qualities? Was her unwavering kindness and gentle demeanor enough to leave a lasting impression on Yomite? Would he grow fond of her for her virtues or her beauty alone? Could she offer something more than the other girls vying for his affections? As these questions swirled through her mind, Barbara felt a mix of uncertainty and hope at the prospect that perhaps, her time with Yomite would yield something truly special.

Lumine took a deep breath and addressed the group, her voice steady and confident. "Thank you all for giving us a moment. I just want you to know that, no matter what happens, I\'m grateful to have each and every one of you by my side—"

"—Well, well, well, look who\'s finally finished the last floor," Lisa spoke as she arrived, interrupting Lumine, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "I must say, I\'m impressed with your performance. Congratulations, all of you. Oh, did I perhaps interrupt something?"

Lumine shook her head, "No, it\'s alright. You didn\'t. Welcome."

"If that\'s the case, then I\'m glad. I\'ve been observing all of you. There are a lot of things I\'ll say, but don\'t take my criticism too harshly, just keep it in your mind."

With amused eyes, Lisa addressed each member individually, her words both gentle and firm, urging them toward growth and improvement.

"My dear Fischl, your raven Oz is indeed powerful, but your stamina to draw your arrows requires attention. You lagged behind in many battles. Don\'t rely solely on Oz—diversify your moves or you\'ll regret it later."

Fischl\'s lips pursed in contemplation before she nodded, accepting the wisdom in Lisa\'s words. "Hmph...I shall acknowledge your teachings."

Turning to Lumine, Lisa\'s gaze lingered as she spoke. "Your swordplay is sufficient, Cutie, yet further training would serve you well. I\'ve observed a hidden potential within you, untapped and waiting. Allow me to help you unleash it with my teachings." Lumine\'s eyes widened in surprise, but she swiftly nodded in agreement, her expression resolute to gain more power.

Next, Barbara fidgeted nervously as Lisa\'s attention turned to her.

"Barbara, my dear, I must be frank—your potential seems rather limited. Jean\'s artifact has been doing most of the work for both you and your team. It\'s crucial that you enhance your healing abilities or discover your own strength. At Jean\'s request, I shall endeavor to assist you, but ultimately, the outcome depends on your dedication."


Barbara\'s eyes fell to the ground, a mixture of disappointment and anger at herself flickering across her features as she silently vowed to heed Lisa\'s advice to become more useful to Yomite.

Lisa\'s sigh preceded her words to Iris. "Dvalin...or rather...Iris, you possess immense power within you, but your indolence restrains you. To truly reach your full potential, you must apply yourself with diligence. I know it\'s weird coming from me, but stop being lazy."

Iris offered a fleeting glance before shrugging and dismissing Lisa\'s counsel. Lisa exhaled, knowing that Iris heeded only Yomite Hissha\'s words and no one else\'

Finally, Lisa regarded Yomite, her tone earnest. "As for you, Handsome, I know you\'re aware of your weaknesses. It\'s important that you confront them and strive for improvement. Remember, the journey to growth and betterment is never-ending."

Yomite nodded, understanding that gaining strength required unwavering effort.

As Lisa\'s words tapered off, the group fell into solemn silence. Though her counsel was stern, the truth it conveyed resonated within each of them. They recognized the need to embrace her guidance to become more capable.

With renewed determination, most of the members committed to the pursuit of growth and self-improvement, their hearts ablaze with the desire to unlock the full extent of their potential.

Lisa, however, wasn\'t done just yet. She turned to Rosaria, who had been standing off to the side, her arms crossed under her breasts, and her expression inscrutable.

"Rosaria, your abilities as a fighter are unquestionable, but your stubbornness is a hindrance. You\'re too unwilling to concede the kill and work together with your companions. If you wish to truly excel, you must learn to work alongside others."

Rosaria\'s eyes narrowed as she listened to Lisa\'s critique, her pride clearly bruised by the candid evaluation. She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she responded, "I don\'t need your advice, witch. I am always alone and I fight alone. I\'ll fight how I see fit."

Rosaria\'s cold demeanor concealed the sting of Lisa\'s words as she turned on her heel and strode away from the group. Despite her icy reply, she couldn\'t help but mull over Lisa\'s criticism.

Exhausted from their long day, the group agreed to seek rest in Yomite\'s teapot dimension.

After taking turns showering, the group settled in for a well-deserved night\'s rest.

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