
Chapter 343: The First Trial Beginns

The landscape gradually transformed as they continued down the path, becoming darker and more foreboding, with a palpable sense of danger looming overhead.

Eventually, they reached a vast platform, at the heart of which stood an immense stone structure featuring thirteen distinct doors. Each door was ornately decorated with vibrant colors, elaborate patterns, and enigmatic inscriptions that hinted at hidden meanings

The party members gathered around the doors, studying them closely in an attempt to decipher the cryptic messages.

Lisa, who had visited this place before, suddenly declared, "I\'ve been here, and it\'s perfect for your training. These doors lead to different challenges designed to test our abilities and push our limits. Handsome," she said, addressing him, "I believe you have the potential to pass these challenges. It won\'t be easy, but if you succeed, you\'ll become stronger than you ever thought possible. In this regard, you will focus on the challenges within the doors, while I\'ll train your team with any method I can."

"Sounds good. Alright, girls, I\'ll be right back."

Yomite took a deep breath and approached the first door, only for Lisa to stop him.

"Wait," she said, gently grasping his hand. With her free hand, she removed the restraining bracelet she had fastened on him earlier.

Yomite\'s eyes widened in surprise as the oppressive pressure he had felt vanished. "Why did you remove it? I thought you said I would have it for the rest of my stay here, right?" he asked, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

Lisa smiled tenderly, her eyes softening. "You won\'t be able to complete these trials with the bracelet, Handsome. It restricts your abilities considerably, and you\'ll need every ounce of your strength to confront these challenges. I don\'t want you to die, after all. You\'re my precious student. I care about you."

Yomite gazed at his now unshackled wrist, overcome with relief. He took another deep breath and nodded, accepting Lisa\'s counsel. "Thanks, Teach. Any tips for me?"

Lisa nodded and began outlining the first trial. "In this challenge, you will face a succession of five battles. Each encounter will pit you against enemies recreated from the collective memories of Teyvat. They can be any type of adversary you\'ve faced before, or even foes you\'ve only heard of. The final battle will feature a more powerful and fearsome opponent—a so-called boss."

She paused for a moment, allowing Yomite to process the information. "There\'s nothing particularly extraordinary about these enemies. Success hinges on your ability to adapt to their diverse strengths and weaknesses. Focus on utilizing your own abilities effectively and strategize to exploit their vulnerabilities. As long as you can defeat them, you will pass this trial."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Yomite declared, "This doesn\'t seem too hard."

Lisa\'s eyes narrowed, her stern gaze cautioning him against underestimating the trials. "Don\'t let appearances deceive you, Handsome. This is merely the first of many trials, each escalating in difficulty. The further you venture, the more arduous the journey."

She hesitated, then confessed, "To be completely honest, I\'ve only ever reached the third trial. Despite my best efforts, I couldn\'t overcome it. I remain in the dark about what challenges lie beyond that point."

Yomite\'s expression shifted from disbelief to concern, and he fell silent, processing the gravity of the situation. The realization that even Lisa – arguably the most powerful person he knew, apart from deities like Zhongli – couldn\'t surpass the third trial filled him with apprehension. \'Thirteen challenges, and she couldn\'t even complete the third? How can I possibly pass them all by myself?\'

Recognizing Yomite\'s growing unease, Lisa offered reassurance. "Don\'t let my experience discourage you. Your potential is immense, and I have faith that you can triumph where I faltered. Remain focused, adapt, and trust in your strengths. I will support you as much as possible, and even if you fail a challenge, you\'ll simply be forced to leave and can try again later."

Yomite nodded slowly, absorbing Lisa\'s wisdom. "I understand. If I\'m ever confused, I won\'t hesitate to seek you out, Teach."

"Be careful Yum-Yum!"

"If you dare die I shall perish with you."

"Assistant isn\'t the type of person to die like that, you know!"

"Paimon thinks this is too dangerous...but if Good Tattoo wants to go..."

"My heart is with you."

"Master, goodbye."

"Yeah, yeah...you girls sure are making it out to be as if I was about to die...so dramatic for no reason..."

He bid the girls farewell and approached the first door.

As Yomite stood before the imposing entrance, he studied it closely. The massive door, crafted from ancient, weathered wood, bore a deep, rich hue. An array of weapons adorned its surface, each meticulously embedded to create a captivating pattern. Swords, spears, bows, and even more exotic armaments that Yomite had never seen before filled the design. He attempted to pry the weapons from the door or damage it, but the ancient structure remained unblemished, as if mocking his efforts.

IIn the heart of the door, the word "Pugna" was masterfully etched into the timber, its potent and elegant script evoking an aura of majesty. The characters shimmered with a gentle, radiant light, as if infused with the very essence of ancient power. Although inscribed in a tongue unknown to Yomite, he could for some reason understand its meaning: "Battle."

Drawing a deep breath, he ventured forth into the inaugural challenge.


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