
Chapter 347: The Golden Wolflord


The Pyro Geovishap seized the opportunity, unleashing a torrent of flames at the immobilized Yomite. Despite his best efforts to shield himself, the fire attack caught his left arm, leaving it badly burnt and scorched.

The pain was immense, but Yomite knew that he couldn\'t afford to falter now. He gritted his teeth, willing himself to push through the agony and continue fighting.

As Yomite surveyed the damage inflicted on his arm by the Pyro Geovishap, he couldn\'t help but wince at the severity of the burns.

The once smooth and healthy skin was now marred by a patchwork of angry, blistered reds and purples, the result of the intense heat generated by the fearsome creature\'s fiery assault.

"Damn it!"

With great effort, he managed to break free from the ice encasing his leg, his movement now slightly hampered by the lingering cold and stiffness.

The burn stretched from his wrist up to his shoulder, the flesh appearing almost melted in places, with the skin cracked and weeping a mixture of blood and clear fluid. The texture of the damaged skin was a stark contrast to the surrounding healthy tissue, appearing raw and rough to the touch, like the scorched surface of volcanic rock.

The pain emanating from the burn was near constant, a relentless, searing agony that seemed to pulse in time with Yomite\'s heartbeat. Even the most gentle of movements sent waves of pain radiating through his arm.

"I need to...change location..."

Summoning his remaining strength, Yomite lured the Geovishaps into a narrow gap between two colossal boulders. Driven by their primal desire to vanquish their foe, the beasts followed him into the confined space, their movements restrained by the tight quarters.

Yomite unleashed a barrage of rapid attacks upon the trapped Geovishaps, his injured arm screaming in protest with each swing of his claymore. Yet, he refused to let the pain hinder him. As the beasts struggled to maneuver and counter Yomite\'s onslaught, the damage they had sustained throughout the battle began to take its toll.

With a final, desperate effort, Yomite channeled the last of his strength into a charged attack. He slammed his claymore into the ground, sending a shockwave of energy rippling through the earth. The Geovishaps, unable to withstand the force of the impact, crumbled to the ground, their once-imposing armored exteriors shattered and broken, blood pooling around their lifeless forms.

Exhausted and battered, Yomite slumped against a boulder, his breath ragged as pain throbbed in his leg and arm. These injuries served as stark reminders of the price he had paid for victory, and that he was far from the strongest being in the world.

"I can manage...two more cubes...and then I\'m spent..." he reminded himself.

Despite the severity of his wounds, Yomite knew he couldn\'t rest for long. The fifth and final wave of the first trial still awaited him, and he had to muster the strength to face it. With a weary expression, he forced himself back onto his feet, his eyes fixed on the arena\'s center where the formidable enemy known as the Golden Wolflord would soon emerge.

In the wake of a chilling, electrifying air, the atmosphere seemed to shift, growing colder and more intense.

A cataclysmic bellow heralded the emergence of an interdimensional gateway, from which the Golden Wolflord materialized, an awe-inspiring apparition bathed in celestial luminescence. It loomed over Yomite, its colossal lupine form swathed in glistening gold fur that danced and shimmered like living fire. Its eyes, ablaze with fierce intelligence, bore into Yomite\'s soul with an amber hue that pierced the depths of his being.

The sovereign presence of the creature was unequivocal, exuding an aura that commanded both reverence and astonishment. Its razor-sharp contours and the elaborate designs woven into its fur radiated an alien allure, as though it had transcended the boundaries of myth.

Though wearied and wounded, Yomite couldn\'t suppress the wonder that stirred within him at the sight of the Golden Wolflord. The beast was an exquisite enigma, a formidable adversary, and an embodiment of nature\'s grandeur.

"I kinda want to pet it..."

An inexplicable desire to stroke its fur tempted him, but he couldn\'t allow the creature\'s splendor to distract him from the ultimate trial that stood before him.

The Golden Wolflord scrutinized Yomite with a fusion of curiosity and contempt, its unyielding gaze fixated upon him as it circled the arena. Suspended in midair, it surveyed its opponent with fluid grace, its potent sinews undulating beneath its golden coat.

Yomite\'s pulse raced, his breaths shallow and erratic as he struggled to match the Golden Wolflord\'s agility. He recognized his disadvantage, his injuries hindering his ability to compete with the creature\'s unparalleled dexterity.

As the tension within the arena intensified, he knew he must act swiftly, lest his injuries further debilitate him. He resolved to seize the moment, launching an ambush to catch the regal creature off guard.

Propelled by a surge of velocity, Yomite barreled toward the Golden Wolflord, his claymore brandished high. The creature, seemingly unperturbed by the sudden onslaught, elegantly sidestepped Yomite\'s strike, its nimble form effortlessly evading his advances.

"Damn it!"

Unwavering in his resolve, Yomite persisted, unleashing a barrage of ferocious, rapid blows. The Golden Wolflord artfully dodged each assault, its movements fluid and graceful. However, Yomite\'s unremitting aggression began to tax the creature, compelling it to assume a defensive posture.

Sensing a window of opportunity, Yomite feigned an overhead swing, luring the Golden Wolflord\'s focus upward.

In a split second, he pivoted, redirecting his claymore into a sweeping arc toward the Golden Wolflord\'s flank. The majestic beast, caught off guard by the ruse, barely managed to evade the blade, its fur grazing the cold steel.

A faint wisp of golden strands drifted through the air, evidence of the near miss.

A flash of fury ignited within the Wolflord\'s amber eyes, and it let out an earsplitting snarl that shook the very foundations of the arena. As if responding to an unspoken command, the atmosphere became tempestuous, with swirling winds whipping violently around the battlefield, lifting the sand below.

Yomite, realizing that he had wounded the Wolflord\'s pride, braced himself for the inevitable counterattack. The Golden Wolflord, now incensed, lunged at Yomite with blinding speed, its gleaming fangs bared in a snarl. Yomite narrowly dodged the snapping jaws, feeling the rush of air and the electric energy of the Wolflord\'s presence as it passed.

The turbulent gale continued to escalate, sand particles spiraling in a furious vortex, obscuring Yomite\'s vision. The stinging grains tore at his eyes, rendering him momentarily blind. He strained to see through the swirling haze, but the relentless tempest engulfed him, leaving him to rely on his instincts and heightened senses.

Though blinded, Yomite\'s goal remained steadfast. He tuned into the subtlest of sounds, the faintest of movements, acutely aware of the Golden Wolflord\'s proximity.

The primal dance continued, a symphony of clashing steel and snarling fury, each combatant seeking an advantage in the midst of the blinding storm.


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