
Chapter 115 - 115. Blood On My Name

Loris saw the the man in black leaving the dark smog with thousand wisps like souls surrounding him, and around him a vortex sucked all the air as if to show the size of his rage, as if death itself had descended and taken the man body to avenge his foes.

'There is a reckoning coming', and with that thought Loris prepared herself to a fight to the death and as if it was a automatic reaction, her two hands started forming one fireball in each one.

The scorching heat of her fireballs being created hit everyone around her and as if someone had throw a bucket of cold water, everyone came back to reality and prepared to fight.

The young man with white horns body now laid unmoving, with lifeless and open eyes, and a pool of blood around, but no one seemed to care about that anymore.

Seeing everyone tensed up and preparing to attack him, Mack could only think of his initial intention....

'It seems it was all a waste of energy, Unfortunately... Today, I will have a lot of blood on my name', Mack was not the type of guy to care a lot, but thinking about his father 'hero' and 'kind' personality, he suddenly looked up, and said in his head, 'Can you see I'm sorry?' and with that he lowered his gaze, and disappeared from the spot he once was, and not a second later, dozens of spells hit the place he was, raising another column of fire and smoke.

Loris, by the corner of her eye, could see a blurry shadow moving extremely fast and screamed "He is there" and pointed her finger to the her right, where a group of five people stood beside each other.

As soon as her scream reached everyone ears, it was already too late, the only thing everyone saw was five headless bodies still standing on their own feet's.

Mack had activated his variation of a 'forcefield' spell, it was the most demanding runespell he had created in terms of physical strength and to use it he had to have a strong will and endure enormous pain every time.

Blood flowed around him making him more pale at each second, but at each second his will over everything became more strong. Like a virus infecting everything, his thoughts became reality, and reality was his to bend as he wished.

It was a constant struggle to resist the urge to stop the runespell, but Mack became faster, stronger, and nothing seemed to oppose his will, the air was his wings, the gravity seemed to not exist, and the earth bended at each step, making way for his ruler.

That was the feeling to have everything at your will.

But the pain, was sevenfold higher, his body, pale with the loss of blood, and his head light as if he was on the verge of fainting all the time.

Blurry figures passed around his eyes and everything became reflexes and automatic responses, each strike of his sword, each step, was all automatic, he stopped thinking and let his body do what he was trained for.... Kill.

Faint screams echoed at his ears and blurry red shadows appeared, heads rolled and spell were broken.

But Mack seemed absorbed in his own world, as if all he heard or see was just the background noise of a drunk man.

'Drunk' he suddenly thought.... as if coming to a realization.

Loris, suddenly saw that 'devil' stop in his tracks as if something had hit him hard, his face even covered by the mask showed the evident pain, red bloody wisps flowing in and out of his body and the swords now covered in fresh bright red blood rested in his hands.

But the man was laughing..

"HaHaHaHa Drunk! HaHaHa"

Dozens of heads had fell by now, the red stains in his clothes proof of his deed.

But he was laughing out loud. 'Is.... Is... he enjoying this?' thought Loris, as if she finally realized what she was against to.

"M.. M.. onster!" she cursed under her breath and threw another fireball, her eyes fixed on her target, now showed rage and indignation.

Her fireball flew straight to Mack and let a shrill cry behind as it moved as if tearing the air around, as if the rage in Loris eyes was the fuel that fed the fireball.

But to her surprise, Mack put his swords pointing to his back, slightly inclined his body and jumped head first against the fireball.

As if understanding what was happening she unconsciously screamed "Fuck!" and jumped to the side rolling on the ground, but still, a sharp blade tore her left hand apart leaving three fingers on the ground.

"ArghHhH!!!" She screamed in pain as her nerves were torn apart, but she was alive, terror and fear now replaced the disgust in her eyes as she dragged herself on the grass and rocky ground.

A bloody trail was left behind as only now she realized that her leg too was severed.

But the man seemed to not care anymore about her and was no where to be seen, as more bloody battles unfold on her ears and sound of spells and screams echoed.

Seeing the man changed target, she put herself together, and formed something akin to a fireball but instead of throwing it she moved close to her mangled hand and using the heat cauterized the wound.

"Ahhhhhhhrghhhh" She gritted her teeth but the pain was still too much, than, she looked at her leg, she could not believe, was she doomed to die here? today? in a trial to join a organization? 

'What a failure I am, endure Lorin, endure!' 

She gritted her teeth again and moved the fireball to her leg wound, the cut was so clean that she could see the bones, and even the nerves, when the fireball touched the leg, the familiar smell of roasted meat came to her nose, and that was the last thing she would remember, because she fainted not a second later.

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