
Chapter 144 - 144. Fenryr Tower - First Floor

Half an hour later, and saying all that he was obligated to, the guide finished his explanations and said, "Now, let's move inside. Please be polite and follow me through the door behind me, and remember, don't make a fuss or fight close to the tower facilities or you will receive a fine, or in the worst case, banned for life."

Following the guide, everyone entered another room, this time much bigger, and inside this room Mack could see a bunch of people already, almost like a thousand people were there, some in small groups of 3 to 5 others alone, but all had a very relaxed expression, the guide raised his voice and said, "This is the elevator to the lower floor, it's the only way to enter or exit the tower, and each floor has one, by the morning of each day the elevators of all floors go down at the same time, and by the noon they go up, all at the same time, this way no one can directly go up or down in one strike, The Fenryr Tower has one of the best security systems of all mage towers, and one of the reasons is this due to his elevators." Said the guide, feeling a bit proud of the mage tower of his own world, but continued, "Next time you enter the tower, remember to take the normal gate. The one you guys used today was for newbies."

Barely the guide finished saying his words and the doors around the elevator started to close. Mack looked at one of them and saw a few people rushing in to not lose the time, and one minute later the doors finished closing.

Mack heard a strong bell like song ring, and the entire floor started to move down. He saw the walls moving up and the ceiling becoming far away in his sight. Time passed and the floor never stopped going down, until Mack heard a huge 'clang' noise, and the 'elevator' stopped moving.

One minute later, the new doors around them opened and Mack saw people going inside the doors and leaving the elevator, but the guide stood there as if waiting for everyone to leave before them.

Once the number reduced to a few dozens the guide said, "Now let's go, you guys are now on top of the facilities building, so I strongly suggest to you to don't make a fuss"

Once Mack heard that, he finally understood how the tower worked, it seemed that each elevator was in the middle of the tower, and connected with the facilities building and the elevator below, creating a 'huge column' in the middle of the tower. 'Indeed, this tower is very hard to invade. The moment someone breaks into one level, the other level can shut itself down by just moving the elevator a bit' and just as Mack thought of that, he heard the doors closing behind him, and the elevator moving out of the reach of the doors, the entire elevator had become a huge 'vault door', and Mack would bet that the material of the elevator was not just some kind of rock and iron like the medieval castles on Earth.

"Here guys, is where we part ways. If you somehow have any questions in future or need help with any 'bureaucracy', you can find me at the mission hall, or send me a message anytime. But mind that I will not always be there, so please, send a message if you want to meet," said the guide, taking a small and metallic egg from his pockets and throwing it to his front.

The egg never hit the ground, but one centimeter close to it, it started to unfold itself and took a shape of a metallic disk with silver luster and a thin surface. The guide didn't bother explaining things and stepped on the metallic 'plate' and a few seconds later was taken away by the strange vehicle.

No one said a thing looking at that, but that until someone said, "I bet Mr Serpentine never saw one of those before?"

The shy guy lowered his head and gave a nod, but said nothing.

"It's an Automag, its use magnetic fields to move. They only work inside the tower and other special buildings. It's practical and doesn't require spells to use."

The shy guy's eyes grew with curiosity and said, "Thank you for explaining, how do we get one?" asked Mr Serpentine while walking.

The group, unfortunately, had to walk down the stairs until they reached the ground level of the floor they were, because none of them had an Automag. 'That thing seems to be the 'common way' of transportation in the tower' thought Mack, while also walking among the group of people. 

"You can buy one, or exchange for points in the facilities. My brother said the shops inside the tower have all kinds of stuff," responded a girl by the side.

Only now Mack noticed the girl, but she seemed the innocent type of girl, the one that had a very protective big brother and was never allowed to go out with other guys.

The girl seemed a bit confident and added, "What if we form small groups? We all are new and no one will accept us in their groups"

"What about your brother?" the shy man asked.

"He is on the third floor, and he recently accepted a mission. He said he will only be able to come to meet me in a few days." said the innocent girl, but not one bit sad about that, by the contrary, she seemed a bit happy even.

"I have a few friends waiting for me already so I will have to decline your offer." said very politely a burly man by the side.

After a few more exchanges with the same kind of 'excuse' only one group was formed, the innocent girl, the shy man and Mack.

Yes, Mack.

To everyone's surprise, Mack accepted the girl's offer.

Believe me, even this poor author can't understand what was in Mack's mind. Why would he suddenly accept to join a team when he clearly was aiming to solo the big boss of that floor and move to the next one? No one knows...

[Don't tell me you joined her team just because she has a big ass?]

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