
Chapter 216 Succession

He was sure he did not spend up to a day in the presence of the majestic entities, yet when he opened his eyes to the world outside, he discovered that three months had gone by, that he had spent a whooping three months in a place he only stayed in for what seemed like hours.

The Wyvern leader was the first being he opened his eyes to see, resting his body on her hands.

She was the one that told him for how long he had been gone for, and also made it known to him that during those months, he had actually been unconscious after his successful evolution.

Orun unsure of what the Wyvern leader was talking about, called on Oracle to provide an understandable explanation for what the Wyvern leader was saying.

Oracle did as commanded, and opened up to Orun about the activities that happened prior to his fight, and the events that transpired in the past three months that he had been asleep for.

His first concern was on what happened to Caius, the opponent that he had been battling with, to which Oracle gave a thorough explanation on that as well.

Turns out, a sacrifice was made regarding Caius and Ignatius, with the outcome being of great benefit to Orun.

A lot of things transpired between them, and Ignatius, was gone, like forever gone. It carried out an act that caused its eternal disappearance.

It was only right that after the disappearance of Ignatius, a new fire Elemental king would be born to take its place, so as to maintain the natural order of things amongst the four elemental kings.

The process of an Elemental kings birth, is an event that happens with nature giving birth to a new elemental king to ascend and take over the previous one.

Elemental kings as mentioned, are a force of nature, they represent the natural order of the four greatest elements; the elements of fire, the elements of water, the elements of wind, and the element of earth.

This four elements, work together in maintaining balance in the world, not just one world, but across galaxies, universe, dimensions, and many more of such unprecedented locations.

Their movements to worlds are not restricted, but accepted, as they are born of nature, and are the representation of the very nature that gives life to all things, gives purpose to the existence of beings.

They have an immense connection with nature, the kind of connection that most can only dream to attain.

Unlike an average being, or a powerful being, or an immortal being; elementals are..... Mass of energy come together to birth a physical demonstration of elements, signifying the reign of nature itself.

What this means, is that Elementals as earlier said, are not restricted in their movements, and are free to visit wherever it is they wish, be it a journey to the very end of the world, the underworld where the souls of the dead are said to be kept in, the abyss where it is said that one would only meet with eternal darkness inside of it, the Gods domain that is said to be practical only for the purpose of accommodating the presence of the Gods.

There is no such place as a place that the elementals cannot breach through, wherever nature lingers in, is a place they can be in, and nature as we know it, is everywhere, and as such, there is no such language that is beyond the scope of the elementals understanding, or an energy level that is too great or powerful for the elementals to attain.

Take for example the energy that the people of this world make use of, the same energy that is referred to as Mana?

Mana is but one of the many sources of energy to have existed, with branches of such energy spread out, but called on in different names, depending on what world they are being used in.

A particular world might refer Mana to as spiritual energy, while another, would refer to it as internal energy, and another would call it Ki.

Many of such names available in different worlds, but it all comes back to being a source of energy derived from nature itself. And as elemental kings who are the natural embodiment of nature, they have an unlimited access to whatever energy source they desire, and in whatever quantity they desire it in.

They reside in the plane of the divide between nature and creation.

It is only natural that such beings should be referred to as the true creators of worlds, the givers of life and the reapers of it? They are..... Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnifarious.

Yes, they have four of such powers that are mentioned above, and it is more than enough to qualify them as the most powerful, but at the same time, they are not.

Elemental kings, just like any other being that has proven to be too powerful, reaching beyond the realm of having the capability to bring an end to billions of years of history, have a restriction placed on them by the very nature that birthed them, to prevent them from going rogue, or missing with natural order of the plane of existence with the powers they possess.

There are several laws passed down by nature, meant to infringe on powers of the Elemental kings, and one of such rules, is that they are not allowed to use their powers outside the scope of their realm, the divide between nature and creation.

The true purpose of the elemental kings, is to create elemental spirits that will aid the average being, guiding them on the path to becoming formidable beings.

Elemental kings are not expected to contract with the mortals, or become involved in the political affairs of whatever world they have been summoned into.

The scope of their duties does not extend that far. Their reasons for existing, is not to flaunt their powers or declare themselves rulers of all, but to sit in their realm, and to continue the creation of elemental spirits. That, is the primary duty hnaded over to them by nature.

When an elemental king decides to go beyond natures task, and is contracted by an average being, they do not rescind their powers to their contractor, nor will they still have it with them.

What happens when an elemental king forms a contract with another, is that, nature deprives them of all powers and their identity as what truly makes them kings during the course of the summoning.

The powers they lend to their summoners after the contract, is the power they got from amassing the natural energy from the world they have been summoned into, and not the power they had during their moments of creation by nature.

Even without their powers, they are still connected to nature, and as such, they can amass more energy from it than a million men put together can accomplish.

The law is an essential reason for why elemental kings are hard to summon, because they do not wish to lose what makes them who they are, for the purpose of serving under another.

With the exception of Ignatius who had taken interest Caius, and also wanted to explore the world beyond the elemental spirit realm.

Another reason is because they become vulnerable to the threat of higher existence once they are out of the elemental plains; meaning they can be killed by beings who sits at the pinnacle of strength.

Reasons for giving a too detailed explanation of what elemental kings are? Is because, after he awakened from his three months slumber, he discovered that he had been chosen by nature to become the next fire Elemental king after the disappearance of Ignatius.

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