
Chapter 14 - Would Rather Suffer

Pan An looked at Shu Xian from the corner of his eye. He then got her plate and started slicing her meat, snapping Shu Xian out of her thoughts as she gave another smile at Cai Li.

"Thank you for being understanding, Ma\'am," she politely thanked Cai Li, who was sipping from her wine glass before she spoke.

"Oh, it is fine. It is something not to judge about people," she replied, a smile appearing on her face. "Now tell me, how did you guys meet?"

"Well," Pan An trailed off as he continued slicing her meat. "It was sudden," he answered, Cai Li, looking at her son.

"Oh? What do you mean by sudden?" she asked, putting her wine glass on the table as she expectantly waited for an answer.

"I saved her from a gang last time when she was alone in the park with her dog one night."

"My!" Cai Li\'s eyes widened when she heard this. "What were you doing in the park alone? Even at night time!"

Shu Xian let out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Yes. I was kicked out of my apartment that night. I was looking for a place to stay, but to no avail, I couldn\'t."

When Cai Li heard this, her eyes slightly widened before she raised a brow at her, surprised about what she heard.

"You got kicked out of your apartment?"

Pan An was even at a loss for words when he realized that Shu Xian was too honest with his mother.

Even the professor now started feeling nervous when he saw Cai Li\'s reaction. It made him worry if their actions will succeed.

"I\'m sorry, Ma\'am Cai Li," Shu Xian apologized, sincerity evident in her voice. "I know that this fact surprised you, but it\'s true. I lost my stay at the apartment."

Cai Li didn\'t know if she were to ask her why or not. She heaved a small sigh before taking another sip of her wine before speaking again.

"May I dare ask why? I have the right to know since Pan An only told me he\'s dating a girl--not even stating any teeny-tiny detail. As you are aware, my son is the son of a conglomerate company, and with him--"

"Mom." Pan An interrupted her, instantly silencing her. "I told you... I dated Shu Xian because it\'s her I want. I wouldn\'t let you meet her if I was not serious about her."

"I know," Cai Li replied, "But as a mother, I would want to know her side. I would want to get to know her by the way she acts and talks."

Pan An\'s lips then turned into a tight line. He always respected his mother. He knew better not to talk back at her, especially if he knew she was right.

This time, he knew she was right. Nothing\'s wrong with what his mother said about knowing the girl he dates from her perspective.

He just hoped that what Shu Xian will do would both save them.

"Well, I am a student, Ma\'am. I have been living on my own since I have a very..."

Shu Xian didn\'t know how to continue her sentence. Talking about her family was something sensitive, that even that part was difficult for her to share with her best friend, Shi Lian.

However, Shu Xian knew that she couldn\'t lie about herself to Pan An\'s mother. Knowing her and with the connections they possibly have, they could investigate things about her.

She crossed her fingers, hoping her honesty would convince Cai Li to believe in their act.

Even though their relationship was fake, being honest about some things wouldn\'t hurt if it meant to convince the other, right?

Shu Xian sighed. She knew it was a lot to take in. Surprising the two with her, she drank her wine in one go, gaining the confidence to share what she found difficult to share.

"I was raised by my abusive uncle without me knowing who my real parents are. He claimed they were dead, and he had no choice but to take care of me."

Hearing this, both of them silenced as Shu Xian continued to tell them more about her, a sad smile appearing on her face as she tried her best to put up a strong front.

"I grew up in a very depressing and painful environment. My uncle always threw negative words at me. Whenever I made a mistake, or whenever he felt like it, he would hurt me verbally, and sometimes, physically."


Cai Li couldn\'t help but cover her mouth with her hand, her eyebrows knitted together as her eyes showed sympathy.

Even Pan An didn\'t expect this. He thought Shu Xian was lying to try her best to convince his mother, but with Shu Xian\'s hands under the table trembling, he realized that she was telling the truth.

It was at this moment that Pan An realized something about Shu Xian.

She is not capable of lying. Even though this is just an act to help Pan An get out of a situation, she could not lie about herself.

"Wanting to be out of the situation, I left the house when I was in high school. I then started earning for myself--working in part-time jobs as I enrolled myself in a public school, my best friend helping me in secret."

"Didn\'t your uncle look for you?"

Shu Xian slowly nodded, answering her question.

"He did. Sometimes, he would come to pick me up," she answered, her eyes turning glassy as she remembered her dark days when she was with her uncle.

"Then, how did you escape? Why did you not tell the police?"

Shu Xian shook her head when she heard the other question thrown at her.

"My uncle, I don\'t know who he is and what connections he has--he is close with them. But with my best friend\'s help whose family is also known in the city, she was able to block his connections, hiding my existence."

Hearing this, Cai Li and her son, Pan An, silenced. They did not expect this kind of past to a kind and gentle girl such as Shu Xian.

"I didn\'t care if I have to struggle," she mumbled, enough for the two to hear. "As long as I escape from my uncle, I would rather suffer than be in his merciless hands."

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