
Chapter 127 - He Just Looked At Her

"You know, there is nothing to be ashamed of when help is being offered to you and you accept it. The world is cruel and you\'re blessed if people are willing to help you get over it. This is not a question and matter of pride. Remember that."

Shu Xian couldn\'t help but smile at Wang Fang when she said that. With her nodding finally, she thanked her again, teary-eyed as she was getting help.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Miss Wang Fang. This… this means so much," she said, Wang Fang nodding as she pulled her hand away from her and reached out to the tissue box and handed it to Shu Xian.

"Pleasure, Shu Xian. You are a good student, I could see that. A very good person—and I don\'t even need to know you for a very long time to prove that."

Shu Xian felt warm that she is seen this way. With her suddenly remembering that Pan An has told her about this, she then furrowed her brows, wondering why they talked about her.

"If I may ask, Miss Wang Fang," Shu Xian started, getting the Chief Librarian\'s attention. "I wonder why you have talked about this with Professor Pan An?"


Wang Fang blinked her eyes a few times. Of course, it is understandable that Shu Xian would be curious about this, making her smile at her as she assured her that Pan An had not said much about her if this is what she\'s worrying about.

"Don\'t worry, Shu Xian. Professor Pan An is just worried about you. Since we\'re friends, he told me that you were a good person. He told me how you two met and how he is helping you—making me want to help you, too, since it would pose a problem if people would coincidentally see you together."

With that said, Shu Xian felt relieved, smiling at Wang Fang as she was assured that Pan An did not talk about her deeper—especially her family background.

"I told him that we are further going to talk about this over dinner in Molto Affamato so it\'s near the university. Let\'s finish duty first and we can meet there, yes? Since you also need to come home for a while and tend to your dog, it\'s alright. The professor and I can go first so it will not raise suspicions."

Shu Xian nodded, feeling grateful that she understands that she would be late so she could take care of Wan Wan. She did not even need to ask more time from her as Wang Fang understood what responsibilities a person could have when it comes to being a pet owner.

"Now, if you don\'t have any more questions, then go back to your work station. We have 40 minutes before time out. You and Zhang Ren need to shut down the computers and do cleaning, yeah?"

"Yes, Miss Wang Fang," Shu Xian said, standing up from her seat and giving Wang Fang another bow, this time, showing her gratitude. "Thank you so much for talking to me and your willingness to help. I noticed that I am indeed blessed with such great people in life."

"Of course," Wang Fang agreed, smiling at her once more. "I know what I give will be given back to me twofold or more. It\'s good to help people."

With Shu Xian agreeing with her, she now left the office, a happy smile on her face which made Zhang Ren grow curious.

However, the moment she came out of the office, what she saw in front of her co-worker was another fellow co-worker of theirs, seemingly visiting their workstation.

Zhong Li.

As Zhang Ren looked at Shu Xian with a wide smile on her face, he arched a brow at her, her joy infectious as a grin also appeared on his handsome face.

"Wow. It seems you got more than a scolding," he commented, Shu Xian, nodding as she couldn\'t help but show her smile to Zhong Li, too, despite them not getting along since their first meeting.

"Yes. I\'ll tell you about it later," she said, already going inside the workstation, greeting the other man, too. "Good evening, Zhong Li."


Zhong Li looked at Shu Xian.

With her hair in a ponytail, it showed her neck more, showing how flawless and smooth her skin is without even having the need to touch it. With her white blouse and her black skirt suiting her well, too, Zhong Li actually found her cute, a soft blush coming to his face.

"Zhong Li?" Zhang Ren called, furrowing his brows. "Yo… you already borrowed my old psychology notes. What\'s up?"

Zhong Li actually came to borrow Zhang Ren\'s notes. With him giving him his old binder notebooks that he still brought with him, he thought that he would leave, but turns out that he still stayed.

Now that he noticed that Zhong Li\'s eyes were on Shu Xian, he couldn\'t help but want to tease him, already clearing his throat to get his attention.

"You know, Zhong Li… if you want, you could still be friends with her even though you two had a shaky start."

With him saying that so suddenly, Zhong Li blushed more, the man rolling his eyes at Zhang Ren as he continued laughing.

As Shu Xian is curious about their topic, she looked at them briefly, arching a brow at the two.

"What are you two laughing about?"

"Nothing," Zhong Li immediately answered, Shu Xian, already leaving the workstation to help Zhang Ren turn off the computer units so he would start sweeping the floor.

"Huh… but you two were looking at me," Shu Xian mumbled enough for them to hear, Zhang Ren, replying to what she said.

"Yeah! Turns out that there is a possibility that someone might be interested in you and—ow!"

With Zhong Li elbowing Zhang Ren\'s stomach, he gritted under his breath before leaving the two alone in their workstation.

"Don\'t you dare assume something… or I\'ll cut your tongue off."

However, as Zhong Li walked away from the library, he felt his heart racing in his chest, finding the sensation weird as he had never felt this way before.

He just looked at her… what\'s so different about Shu Xian compared to when he looked at other girls?

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