
Chapter 191

Lex smiled at the man whose name he had forgotten mere moments after he had introduced himself. He was just another one of the people who his advisor had invited to this party, and despite not caring for the man or his words, Lex kept up his facade of politeness.

There was no need to give these people reason to hate him and make enemies when he could make friends, even if most posed little threat to him.

The expedition had arrived, and what had been gained for the city had been very good, and much had been given without the need for trade. The green court had given much as charity including enchanted items, storage cells full of exotic foods, and a few alchemic recipes which they could actually use.

Lex, like he had so many times before, had announced a celebration, and invited all of the most prominent and influential people of the city. He did this whenever he saw a need, and it was always a good way to create connections and also remind people of who he was, and the power he held.

He was also going to use this as an opportunity to get an update on how things were going with the others in regard to their problems. He had invited all of them of course as they were all influential people in the city, especially Hyde who was the most powerful elder of the burning sands sect.

Lex scanned the people, trying to spot Henry. The party was taking place in his estate, and decorations, expensive food, and drink had been set up with other forms of entertainment. He hadn't been able to use the girls like usual since they were all in the bunker, but he had been able to hire some from the other brothels alongside the usual dancers and fighters.

He didn't like having dull parties where all everyone did was speak and drink. No, he wanted people to truly enjoy themselves, and think back on their time here. He wanted to make sure they wouldn't forget.

He eventually spotted Henry in a corner alcove of the main room where most people were in. He had two girls to either side of him as his hands roamed over their bodies. One fed him grapes while the other kissed up and down his neck.

Lex decided to leave the man alone and speak to him after he was done. No need to interrupt him.

He spotted Hyde next, speaking with an elder of the steel wind sect. That was a surprise since both had been at each other's necks recently, and he'd even heard rumors that a fight had broken out, though it had involved a powerful stranger. He hadn't investigated because it simply wasn't any of his concerns about what the sects did.

They knew not to bother him or any of his people. They all remembered what had happened to the Jolt lion sect after they had pushed and pushed. That had been in his earlier years when he had been rising in power.

As he was about to walk over to Hyde, he spotted WIll out of the corner of his vision. The dark-skinned man was dressed in an old-world suit that looked immaculate and he motioned Lex over with a tilt of his head.

Lex changed his course and gave Will an expectant look when he arrived in front of the man. "What is it?"

"I have some news for you," Will said. "But I think we should speak elsewhere."

Lex nodded. "We can use one of my private rooms, follow me."

If Will had information on what Lex thought he did, then it was important he heard him out. Lex motioned to the guards who guarding a door, and both stepped aside to let him and WIll passed. There were certain areas of the house which guests did not need to see and he had made sure all guards knew this, not that he expected any foolish mistakes. They all knew what the price of that was, the freshly skinned body of the spy was proof of that.

Once they were securely in his private room, Lex took as eat on a comfy chair and motioned WIll to do the same.

"I'll stand," Will said.

"Suit yourself," Lex replied with a shrug. "So what is it you need to tell me?"

Will smiled. "Well as I'm sure you are aware, the green court arrived with the expedition."

Will paused to see if Lex would say anything, but when all he did was nod, Will continued. "Well, I just thought to let you know that they may not be your only hope."

"How so?" Lex asked. He already and plan to send a message to them, but if there was an easier way.

"There is an alchemist who came with the expedition," Will explained. "And unlike most, has been spending time around the city, taking interest in certain local plant life, and other products, though for what purpose is unknown. I take it you see where I'm going with this?'

Lex nodded. He did understand and knew this was a perfect opportunity If he could make contact with this alchemist and help him, then maybe the man would cure him in return. He was taking interest in the city, and Lex could definitely help him with that.

"Is there anything else?" Lex asked. "What type of person is he? Is he approachable?"

Will shrugged. "That's how it seems. He seems normal. As long as you don't offend, then I don't think you'll have any problems, though I can't be sure as I haven't personally spoken to him, nor have any of my people."

"Thank you for this, Will," Lex said seriously. "I will return the favor when all is said and done."

He meant it as well. He may have been ruthless, and cold, but he upheld his deals and paid back those he owed. Will had helped him tremendously since he had revealed his problem to the man.

"I know you will," Will replied with a smile. "Now, I heard you ired some different dancers this time. May I ask where they are?"

Lex smiled. "Ask a servant to escort you to the dancers changing ooms on my orders. Keep in my these aren't like our girls."

Will smiled. "Some crystals and charm should do the trick."

The man bowed, and with one last smile, left the room.

Lex had a servant bring some brandy as he thought on Will's words. His chances had been slim, but now they were far greater, not to mention in this case, trying more than one avenue was better. He would still send the message to the green court, but also try and make contact with the alchemist.

He would approach cautiously and without any sort of tricky, simply offering to help the man. He wouldn't go himself, instead, he would send one of his most loyal men.

He pressed a finger to the small enchanted box in his pocket. Less than a minute later, a servant entered the room and bowed. "Sir."

"Bring Gregory to me, tell him it's an order."

"Of course sir. "The servant bowed once more then left to do as told.

Lex had people to do most everything he needed now, and the days he left his rate to work alongside his men were long past. He hadn't done that since the days of his father and leading his own group, turning them slowly to his side. Most of that loyal group had passed away, but two remained. Max who was most likely in a fight entertaining the guests, and Gregory who could always be found with a woman.

Both had their uses.

Max was his best fighter and hadn't lost a brawl in a very long time. The only people in the city, save the expedition, who could match him were Hyde and a few others, but he knew they wouldn't as Max was a ferocious fighter and a masochist. Pain and normal injury would not affect him the same way as a normal person, and his size didn't match his speed.

Max was not what he needed for this task though. He need someone who was better versed in verbal combat and manipulation. Gregory was Lex's spymaster, infiltrator, assassin, and the person he sent went he needed to charm someone or pull them to his side. His looks alongside his natural and trained charm made him very popular. He would have to be careful and make sure Gregory knew not to push or try any of his usual tricks.

A few minutes after the servant had left, Gregory burst into the room, wearing only a pair of pants, and with an annoyed look on his face. "Did you have to interrupt me?"

Lex rolled his eyes. "You can have your fun, later. In fact, if you accomplish this task I'm about to give you then when we release the girls from the bunker, I'll let you have a pick of any three, understand?"

Gregory's annoyance turned to excitement. "Loud and clear, boss. What do you need me to do?"

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