
Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Once Misty and Shana returned from their trip, the dryad thanked Misty for everything before she left to go speak with lady Aeverie. Misty considered going with her, but decided that the dryad could handle it herself and lady Aeverie seemed the capable type, so if she did decide to take action and make sure the charity they had given was being used for charity then it would be accomplished.

If she could end a slave ring then she could deal with some rich people, especially since they couldn't really do anything in retaliation. They didn't have the power of authority to do any harm to those of the expedition and attempting to do so would be stupid. They would most likely plead and when that didn't work, just do as they were told.

Misty sort of felt bad that she hadn't considered asking lady Aeverie to do such a thing even though she had known what would most likely happen to everything the green court gave as charity to the city of Evenord. The simple fact was that if you didn't make sure or say how things should be then the city would simply do as they wanted, and the rich and wealthy would take and take. Maybe they would give out some, but the expedition probably hadn't done anything before, so they probably didn't expect anything to happen now.

They would certainly be in for a surprise that was sure, and if Misty was being honest, she was glad. Even if it didn't do much and was only a one-time thing, it would be good for them to get what they deserved for once for being too greedy.

If her father had been here, he would have called it business, at least the cold version of him would have. The father of her childhood was a far warmer person, even though thinking back on them made her chest ache.

Misty shook the thoughts of her father away, wondering why she was thinking so much of him recently. Perhaps it was because of how soon she and the others would be leaving the plains and heading for the lands beyond the scar. They had no way of knowing when they would return, and she was filled with both anticipation and apprehension, but no matter what, she wouldn't turn back.

She may not have had Aiden's drive or his reasons, but she knew she wanted to remain close to him and to be able to stand by his, Sandra's, and Zirani's side. She wanted power to decide her own fate, and not have to bend to the whims of others.

Freedom was what she wanted, and in the world they lived in, power was freedom. The more power you had, the more freedom you possessed, for better or for worse.

She knew it wouldn't start off like that and she had a long way to go, but was prepared to face that. She had already faced much more than she had ever thought she would, and though it had been hard, she had gotten through it.

To her surprise, when she returned back to their temporary home, she found Zirani near the table, drinking a cup of berry wine.

The jungle queen raised an eyebrow when she spotted Misty. "Couldn't sleep?"

Misty shook her head. "No."

"That's not surprising," Zirani commented. "You do have less of a need for rest than the others and well, you are nocturnal. What were you doing?"

"I went shopping with Shana," Misty said. "We explored the city. Are all Dryad like her."

"How so?"

Misty shrugged. "Lively, kind, caring?"

"For the most part," Zirnai said. "Like normal people, they all have their own personalities, but dryads are far less inclined to be negative or bad as you might say, though that word isn't something I like using."

"What, bad?" Misty tilted her head to the side. "Why?"

"Because I don't look at the world in shades of black and white," Zirani replied. "There is my good and my bad, which may be similar to your own, but also probably has some difference, even if they are only minor. There are also other factors when it comes to what constitutes good and bad. I don't wish to talk about that, though. I can tell you have something else on your mind, you have since you spoke to that vampire, what was her name, Vita?"

"I'm just unsure of what to do." Misty took a seat on one of the comfy chairs in the room. "I do want to meet the others, maybe they're not all like Vita and if they are then I won't join, but I'm also worried I might cause some trouble. My, er, beast was far more active than normal."

Zirani suddenly looked a bit guilty. "I probably should have told you this logan go, but your beast isn't a normal vampire thing, at least not in the same way it is for you. Don't get me wrong, they all have a more ferocious and bestial side, but the way you describe it is far different, and from the feelings and things I get through the bond with Aiden, sometimes the beast feels a separate entity that is connected to you."

"Do you think it has to do with my bloodline or the item that changed me?"

"Maybe," Zirnai said. "In truth, I don't think it's a separate entity, but I'm also not sure what it is at all."

? ?? ??-?? ???. ??? Misty understood what she meant as she understood getting angry, and losing control, but the beast was different. It wasn't just ferocity, but other things, and it didn't just stir when it was time for a fight anymore. At first it had felt just like her vampiric instincts, but it had changed, it felt more alive, and different than before.

"This is why I need to speak with other vampires," Misty said.

Zirani nodded. "I can help you and there are actually a few vampires in the green court, but that will only take you so far. As I said early, go and speak to the red ribbons. You are smart enough to know if anything is being done against you, and to not get caught up in any tricks. Learn as much as you can, ask some questions, but don't reveal anything about the beast or how you became as you are."

Misty nodded. "I'll be careful."

They lapsed into silence, and Zirani excused herself to head back to Aiden, asking Misty if she wanted to join.

"He's out cold, but there's always cuddling," Zirani offered.

"I'm going to stay out here for a bit," Misty said. "Maybe go back out. I'm just not sleepy."

"Alright then, goodnight."

Misty stood from her seat and headed to the table. She poured herself some berry wine, she decided that she would follow Zirani's advice and would take up Vita on her offer. She would give the woman a chance, even though she doubted she would actually end up joining. As Zirani has said, there was still much she could learn from the jungle queen and there was no doubt Zirani's position and wealth when they returned would allow her to help Misty even more.

Over what felt like an hour, she ended up drinking all of the wine, and it must have been some strong stuff as she actually felt tipsy. She glanced down at the empty pitcher and thought about getting some more, but then she shook her head and decided to take up Zirani on her earlier offer.

She stumbled a bit on her way to Zirani and Aiden's room. She had a vampire's constitution and was at the third level, then again as Zirani had said, the average level of power in the lands beyond the scar was much higher, so it made sense that the wine had an effect.

The jungle queen opened a single eye when Misty entered the room and then spread her arms out. The blonde cuddled up next to Zirani, and let out a soft sigh. The wine must have done more than she thought as she was soon fast asleep.


As Misty slept peacefully, unbeknownst to her, deep within lay a dormant power, a dormant entity that had tied itself to her the moment she had activated that item that had held it imprisoned for so many years.

It was not awake, not even stirring slightly, as certain conditions had yet to be met, and it was still recovering. It was an old and ancient thing, one of the first of its kind. Remnants of its bloodline still existed in some vampire houses, but its name had been long forgotten.

Imprisoned and forgotten, the chances of it ever being released were low, but all it had taken was time, and chance. Its first act when released had been one of mostly instinct, a part of itself acting to make sure it survived.

The girl had been turned, and it had tied itself to her. Its time in the prison had sapped much of its power and that simple act had taken what little had been left, but it had worked.

Now it slept and rested, recovering and waiting for the right time to act.

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