
Chapter 218

Chapter 218

"Zirani which poisons are best to use?" I asked. It had been a few hours since we had started and we were continuing our training by focusing on techniques and how we could change them. I had been working on my poisons and I had difficulties deciding which ones I should use and the potency I should put in. Unlike Zirnai I wasn't familiar with the correct doses needed to disable and not kill and which ones were best for certain situations.

"Good question," Zirani replied. "There are a lot of different types and the amount you should use and potency is important as too little can lead to a bad effect and too much can cause permanent damage or kill, and then there's mixing poisons which is a whole nother conversation. When we reach my lands we're going to need to get you a naga teacher to teach you more about poisons. For now, however, I suggest you focus on paralysis as you spent a fair amount of time on it, though the type you are using is going to have less of an effect on large targets. You should increase the potency and practice forming wooden syringes to pierce and inject, or creating darts and spears coated in them."

She tapped a finger against her chin. "There is something else I could teach you, but it's rather dangerous, and I don't think your ready for spores and the more horrific things."


She sighed. "So far Aiden, you've mainly seen a lighter of what is possible, and we haven't truly scratched the surface as to what else there is. My aunt's court has developed many types of plant life and other things. An example would be a spore that infects people and turns them into zombie-like creatures, like a necromancer in a way, but different. She based it on a real-world plant that infected insects with spores. it's just one example."

"Plant zombies, really?"

She nodded. "There will come a time where I will need to teach you what I've learned from there or perhaps even take you there, though I'd rather not think about that possibly. In any case, work on the potency and combining it with other techniques. You've already toyed with the smokescreen and created a poison that matches it in color and so can blend in. Why not try and make the paralytic poison the same color and try and make it odorless. There are tons of possibilities and tons of combinations you can create with your techniques. So many ways to dominate a battlefield. Remembered what I told you so long ago. Those with the nature affinity, those who can harness its true potential can dominate in all ways."

I nodded and got to work. My paralytic poison was created via aether change with the information Zirani had sent through our bond when she had first taught me and I'd come far enough that I could change aspects of it. The color was simple to do, though I couldn't get it fully to make the smokey color of the smoke screen. It was close enough however and in the middle of a fight, it would be extremely hard to notice. The smell was a bit more challenging. Perhaps if I had more information on more types of paralytic plants and poisons I could have done more, but in the end, I wasn't able to fully make it odorless, not that I was worried about Pate detecting it.

He would be busy with me and fighting for his life. Once I was done with that, I tested it out a few times which involved having to get paralyzed. It was not pleasant but if it worked on me then it would most definitely work on Pate as he was at the same level as I was. The only difference between us was that he had a second core he could use and I just had the lost queen.

Speaking of the queen, A bit through the training she and Zirani had talked, though I had been too focused on training to listen in. It had ended well though from the fact Zirnai didn't look angry, though she did look somewhat worried. I would ask her about it later, but for now, training was the focus.

Misty was currently working on her life and death techniques, and I had seen her do all sorts from clouds of black smoke to fast-moving crescent blades and orbs, and a technique which rained down a blackish liquid that didn't seem to affect Misty but it certainly affected anything around her. The ground sizzled. There was her flesh manipulation and a few blood techniques as well. One of the most interesting things I had seen was the manipulation of her hair. She could change it, sharpen and lengthen it. She could use them as limbs or cutting tools, and at one point she had even made them long enough that they could lift her off the ground, though it clearly cost her a lot of aether to do so, and she needed to take breaks in between.

It was the same with me and mainly because we hadn't yet refined them, though I didn't have as much trouble as she did. It was probably because she was using both life and death in unison for certain techniques and had been going nonstop since we had started.

Just as I was about to use a technique, I sensed a familiar presence and turned to see Sandra approaching us. "Mind if I join?'

"Not at all," Zirani said.

"You got bored didn't you?" Misty said.

Sandra nodded. "There's nothing to do without the three of you. I just ate some food, had a nice bath, and then wandered around for a bit. I need to train, get my aether going. I'm not fighting anyone but I don't want to lag behind."

"Good," Zirani. "Then I'll catch you up."

Sandra probably had it the worst out of all of us as Zirani most certainly caught her up, and made sure she knew everything and was taking in everything we had learned, however unlike the first few times when she had first started training under Zirani, Sandra didn't complain and whenever she was beaten down she got right back up, and the only complaint she made was that she regretted not wearing lighter clothing. I couldn't help but watch for a few minutes when she and ZInrai sparred but I soon got back to my own training.

I wanted to make sure I was ready for the upcoming fight, and that I didn't waste this time. Yes, it was only four days, but I could still learn a lot in that time and improve. I had already improved today, and I would tomorrow and the day after leading all the way to the fight with Pate.

If he was smart then he too would be training.

We worked through the day and part of the night since we didn't need as much sleep and the lights in the green court made it look like it was day, and provided comfortable natural sunlight. We did take breaks to eat and drink, and I had to admit the perks of being with Zirani were good as she could order anyone in the court about, not that she used it casually and abused her power. Zirani was the last person who would do something like that.

When we finally called it quits, we had all worked up quite a sweat and to my surprise when I looked around, Shana was still there watching. Had she really stayed the entire day?

I walked over to Shana who smiled as she saw me approach. "Hello, Aiden."

"Hello Shana," I said and gave her a quick hug. She returned the embrace and when I pulled away she kept hugging me for a minute more. "Shana, is there something you need? The others left hours ago, but you're still here, why?"

She blushed. "Well, I actually originally came to ask Misty if she wanted to spend some time together, but then I saw you two training and didn't want to interrupt, and well, erm, I liked watching you."

"That was obvious," Misty said as she walked over. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend some time with you. Tomorrow, I promise."

"Oh, great." Shana nodded, lacing between me and Misty Nervously. "Then I'll just go."

"Why don't you show Aiden around your home," Misty said, making the dryad pause. "I saw you have some male clothes with you. You aren't in a relationship with anyone are you?"

Shana shook her head. "No, those are just clothes I made. I want to be a weaver and make clothes in the future but I'm still learning. W-would you really let me spend time with him?"

"I don't control him," Misty said. "And I like you so yes I'm fine with it."

Misty gave me a pointed look and sent an image over the through the bond which made me push back a blush.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Aiden," Misty said with a smile as she walked away. "Have fun, I'll want to hear about it later."

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