
Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Kai winced as the platinum blonde vampire screamed, and was extremely thankful that he was at the fifth level of aether infusion, else it would be far more annoying. He could see that everyone below the fourth level was holding their hands to their ears, though there were some who used techniques to block the sound from reaching them.

Kai couldn't blame them since the sonic attack had been extremely loud. He had no doubt that most of the city had probably heard it, and that if a normal human had been around, they might have actually died from the attack. The vampire had poured a large amount of aether into the attack and the force hadn't just stunned and knocked out her opponent, but cracks had appeared in the ground.

The image of heads popping like grapes appeared in his mind, and he grimaced.

It was the first time Kai had ever seen such an ability. He'd heard of the unique abilities some vampires possessed but seeing and experiencing it was entirely different.

'At point-blank range, if I didn't use a technique, it might pop my head.'

The red ribbon vampire didn't stand a chance as the scream finally died off, she stumbled back and stood in place, frozen for a few seconds, before she topple to the ground. That technique that had been around her, and her vampiric constitution had most likely saved her from death or severe injury, but it was clear that she wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon.

Her eyes were unfocused, confused, and distant.

Kai was glad it was over and while it had been an interesting fight, he cared little for it. He had come for the fight that would decide the future of his entire clan.

Glancing at Pate as the leader of the red ribbons announced the winner, Kai couldn't help but smile in pride. His brother was a talented genius who had come from their family. A family forgotten but hopefully soon to rise.

As the two vampires walked off to be healed and seen to, Kai turned to Pate. "Are you ready, little brother?"

Pate stood with a calm and serene look on his face. There was no worry or fear there, just supreme confidence that helped boost Kai's own confidence.

What was he so worried about? Pate had this, and when Aiden lay on the ground, they would grasp the future tightly with both hands and rise to new heights.

"I will win," Pate said with complete certainty. He turned to Kai and gave him a rare smile. "You need not worry so much Brother. You've seen what I can do."

"I have," Kai replied, thinking back to all the training he had done with his brother over the years. "But please, don't take this lightly or stretch it out. End him quickly. Secure the victory. That is all that matters."

With the arena cleared, Zirani stood from her place in the green court section, and when all quieted down and gazes moved to her, she began to speak. "Our first fight is over and my pupil had proven herself. Now we move on to the second bout, and the one mosyt anticipated. My very own bonded and—"


Kai blinked in surprise as Ashala's younger sister, Lucy, stood and all eyes shot to her.

The jungle queen raised an eyebrow and Lucy bowed. "I apologize for the interruption, but there is something io must say. I wish to challenge Sandra Umbrin to a duel."


Kai glanced at Ashala who looked absolutely shocked which meant she hadn't known this was going to happen. He moved to stop the girl but was stopped as the Zirani glanced at him with a warning look.

"For what reason?" Zirani asked.

"I do wish to share why," Lucy replied with a bow. "But it is important to me."

All eyes turned to Sandra who looked surprised but not afraid.

"What say you, Sandra." Zirani turned to dark-harried arcanists. "Do you accept this challenge?"

Sandra turned her gaze to Zirani and the two stared at each other for a long moment before Sandra stood and turned her eyes toward Lucy, a fire lit within them. "I accept the challenge."

"Then it seems we shall have one more fight before the main bout."

There was grumbling at Zirani's word but not much as most wanted to see how the lost daughter of the Umbrin would fare after having spent much of her life in the plains and being trained by Zirani, someone who didn't have a dark affinity.

As the two walked down to the arena, Kai turned to Ashala and spoke in a hushed tone. "What's the meaning of this, Ashala. Did you plan this?"

She seemed shocked, but who knew if she was faking it or not.

"I had no clue," Ashala said her eyes locked on her sister. "Though, I suppose I should have seen this coming in a way."

"And why is that?" Kai asked.

Ashala finally turned her eyes to him and after glancing at Pate who was still serene, she leaned in and in the barest of whispers said, "Because she has had feelings for your brother ever since they met."

Kai blinked in shock. "Pate?"

Ashala rolled her eyes. "Do you have another brother? Yes, Pate. I imagine she's doing this to prove herself to him, not that it matters. Your brother cares not for her, and while I have tried to dissuade her, it seems her heart shall be broken by him."

'What a mess,' Kai thought to himself. 'I hope this doesn't change anything between us.'

Almost as if she could read his Mind, Ashala sighed. "I don't hold any ill will for this, Kai. I've known for a while that something like this would happen. Lucy isn't the type to wait and when Sandra came into the picture, she felt threatened. Then there was word of the bet, and well, I assume you could see how things have led to this?"

Kai nodded. "This isn't a bad thing though. If she wins it will help your clan, and if she loses, then you won't lose much face. No offense, but most are probably assuming Sandra will win due to her bloodline, lineage, and who her teacher is."

"None taken," Ashala replied, though she did have a slightly annoyed look on her face. "I'm not one to deny what is in front of me. I hope she wins, but I shall not punish her for losing. For not telling about this earlier, yes. But or a loss, no. She is above average, but not a genius or talented like Pate."

A sad look crossed Ashala's face. "Often times, the greatest hatred is born from love. I have a feeling that my dear sister knows she has lost, and so wishes to inflict pain upon that which she sees as having taken what she loves."

"Very poetic," Kai mused. "Though fitting."


Sandra continued to wonder about why she had been challenged all the way down to the arena. She faintly remembered the blonde from when she had visited the clan area a few days ago, but apart from that, she knew nothing else. She hadn't spoken to the blonde, nor had she done anything to warrant a challenge or the look of hatred that the blonde was directing her way.

'Did I do something to her?"

Sandra tried to think if she had possibly done anything against her, but couldn't recall anything. Perhaps the hatred was out of jealously and because she was of the main clan. That wouldn't be much of a surprise or maybe she just wanted to prove herself and gain some fame. Besting the pupil of ZIrani Atmore and a member of the main Umbrin clan would benefit her, though it might also cause problems if the main clan didn't take kindly to it, and some would demean the victory if she won. Thye would say that of course, she could best someone who spent msot of their life in the plains.

It was a risk.

Sandra didn't think that was it though. The hatred in the girl's gaze spoke of something else.

In any case, Sandra wasn't afraid nor particularly worried. Lucy was at the same level as she was, but nothing special or so it seemed. Her two affinities were dark and water with only one core being at the iron density. Sandra was confident in her capabilities and in a way, this would be good for her. She would show all these people that just because she had spent years in the plains didn't mean she was weak. She would show just how good of a teacher Zirani was, and this daughter of shadows was to be feared.

'She's probably hoping I'm not used to fighting someone like her since I've spent a lot of time in the plains.'

"Arcansits, are you ready?'

Zirani glanced at each who both nodded in turn.

"Then on the count of three."

Sandra readied her aether as she met Lucy's hate-filled gaze with one full of calm steel.

Zirani's right hand rose into the air. "Three, two, one!"

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