
Chapter 244 - A Relationship Where There Is Friendship

Did a girl catch your eye, but you don\'t know how to woo her? While every girl is different, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. Read this wikiHow for some advice.

Zhong Li couldn\'t believe that he is actually searching for articles on how to woo a girl while thinking of Shu Xian. He also couldn\'t believe that he proceeded to read it after telling himself that this sounded and seemed absurd!

Part 1: Make an impression

1. Break the ice. This can seem scary to do, but once you have done this, holding a conversation and laughing will be easy, and you will be able to build a friendship. 

There are lots of different ways that you can break the ice, but just remember to make a good first impression. You don\'t want her to remember you for being a jerk or making a really offensive joke! 

A good laugh is always a smart way to break the ice. For example, you would show this webpage to her, and have a laugh over what is written and the whole idea of having such a page as well.

Learn to be spontaneous. Taking an improv acting class can help with ideas for breaking the ice, and can help you be confident with talking to new people. Ideas flow, and it becomes easier to enter into and disengage from conversation, and can help you be more comfortable with any situation.

Zhong Li was reading an article from How to Woo a Girl (with Pictures) - wikiHow by Imad Jbara. With him looking at the pointers found in the article, he found himself furrowing his brows, wondering if these reminders actually work. 

2. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a great sense of humor. Don\'t be offensive or mean with your humor, because you\'ll make her worry that you also say bad things about her when she\'s not around. Instead, be smart with your humor. 

Look at comedians like Louis CK and Aziz Ansari for some examples.

This doesn\'t mean you should never take anything seriously though, or else you\'ll come off as a clown.

Try to know her a little bit more before you attempt to be jocular (certain jokes for you might not be funny to her). Knowing her culture, her background, and most importantly things she likes will also be helpful.

Zhong Li found himself sighing as he realized that pointers number one and two are actually difficult for him to do. With him a serious guy, how can he even make Shu Xian laugh? He\'s socially awkward and can be straightforward all the time. 

Heck, he can\'t even crack a joke—let alone, smile all the time!

3. Dress like you mean business. Fashion isn\'t just for girls... it\'s for guys to be recognized by girls too. Get a good pair of shoes. A pair of nice jeans will also look cool...just make sure they fit and look nice on your body! Same goes for shirts. 

Don\'t just buy one outfit. Clothes should never be worn more than twice a week.

Zhong Li rolled his eyes. Why is it so difficult to get one\'s attention? Does a person really need to make an effort into what he or she wears? He often wore simple clothes… so why does he need to dress up more than his comfort?

Is that really necessary?

4. Keep yourself smelling fresh. Smell is incredibly important in attracting people. While smelling amazing may not be a deal breaker, being stinky is! You\'ll want to take some basic steps to fight all of the normal body odors that come along with being human! 

Shower often, and not just with water. Actually use soap & give yourself a good scrub to help keep your skin healthy. If you\'re all sweaty, this step is going to be extra important. 

Some women are attracted to the smell of fresh sweat, but anything more than a couple hours old will scare them away!

Get a basic clean-smelling or citrusy cologne or body spray. Use it only lightly. It should be a hint of smell, not a cloud. If you use just a hint, she\'ll want to lean in to smell you more...a cloud will keep her 5 feet (1.5 m) away!

"Hmm… perfume… maybe this is not bad," Zhong Li spoke to himself, nodding in approval. "Sandalwood smells good."

With him finding himself agreeing to what he\'s read so far, he continued, thinking if the others are acceptable in his standards. 

5. Don\'t be threatening. You have to remember that girls and women are often subject to violence and are often cautious around guys for this reason. You have to make them feel comfortable if you want them to get the chance to know you. 

One common mistake is to be a little too much on the stalker side: being too familiar with the girl and too clingy. You have to give girls space. If you stalk them and cling too much, they\'ll feel harassed and they will start to avoid you. 

Be close, keeping in touch every once in a while, but remember she has friends and doesn\'t (or shouldn\'t) want to hang out with just you. Dropping cute text messages once a week or so is okay, though.

Compliment her in a non-stalker way too. If she\'s wearing an interesting necklace, say "That\'s an interesting necklace" or "That\'s a cool necklace" NOT "I always like your necklaces".

"This is easy to do," he commented, further scrolling down. "I think I\'m not the obsessive or possessive type, anyway. She can do anything that she wants as long as she\'s not doing something out of the ordinary."

6. Master a talent. Everyone has a talent. Develop yours or learn a new one, because talents are super sexy! You\'ll be sure to get her attention with your skill. Just be sure that it\'s something you can be passionate about. 

The passion is the real key, because it makes girls hope that you\'ll care about them as much as you care about your craft. 

Think about learning to play an instrument. Girls love guys who can serenade them by playing music.

\'Talent?\' Zhong Li thought, cocking his head to the side. \'The only talent I have are numbers. What other talents could I possibly have that could amaze her?\'

7. Boost your confidence. Nothing is sexier than confidence. However, nothing is as unattractive as arrogance or more annoying than a needy lack of self-esteem. 

This is why it\'s important to know what real confidence looks like. Confidence is being willing to be weak or wrong but press forward anyway because you know you can get through it and be a better person in the end. 

When a man is really confident, he doesn\'t put himself down. He speaks up and gives and defends his opinion. He makes friends and is willing to talk to people he doesn\'t know.

A confident man is NOT one that constantly refocuses a conversation on himself or puts others down to build himself up. A confident man is NOT one who thinks he can do no wrong.


Zhong Li thought for a while, further furrowing his brows as he started assessing himself. 

\'I don\'t know if I should consider myself confident with how quiet I am. Maybe I may be confident… but what kind of confident when I\'m this quiet?\'

With him already shaking himself out of his thoughts as he started questioning himself, he read the other ways found in the article.

Part 2: Talking with Her

1. Always look into her eyes when speaking with her. Looking into her eyes helps tell her that you\'re paying attention to what she\'s saying, and she\'ll appreciate having someone that really listens to her. This also will subtly will make her see that you are really taking an interest.

Just be careful not to get lost in her eyes when she\'s talking, otherwise the only thing you\'ll have to respond with is "Wow, you\'ve got pretty eyes."

Zhong Li started to blush when he read this part of the article. With him remembering how indeed beautiful Shu Xian\'s eyes are, he started imagining her and when he\'d see her next. 

With more methods shown in the article such as how to make romance and suggesting different ways on how to make romance, he started blushing non-stop, Zhong Li already exiting the article as he immediately clicked the "x" button. 

As he let out a sigh, he shook his head as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, noticing that it was almost dinner time and he had not prepared anything for him to eat. 

He didn\'t know that being attracted to someone can distract him to this point. With him already standing up as he looked outside the window, his lips turned into a tight line as he thought of Shu Xian, his heart slightly racing in his chest. 

\'I think I should take things slow,\' he thought, a small smile appearing on his face. \'I\'ll get to know her more and a relationship where there is friendship is I think… something better than being involved immediately in one.\'

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