
Chapter 246 - Won't Go Down

4. Be a gentleman about kissing. When you are ready for the first kiss and the mood is right, lean towards her slowly, but don't shove your face into hers.

If she doesn't back away, gently lean the rest of the way in for the kiss. Some tips say go halfway there, or 80 or 90 percent.

Go with what feels natural for the moment. Going all the way can work, but it depends on the girl. Bottom line: lead the kiss, but let her come to you.

This will let her be able to make the choice about whether or not she wants to kiss you. This shows her that you respect her and value her feelings, making you both more likely to enjoy the kiss!

Impress her and show her you're a real gentleman. Don't ever kiss on the first date unless she is ready to.

Zhong Li's eyebrow twitched, his cheeks stained with red heat as he closed his eyes, wanting to shake himself from his absurd thoughts.

He imagined himself and Shu Xian kissing. His heart actually raced in excitement with the thought.

However, he thought that this might be impossible since he is really nowhere near this affectionate relationship for them to even look at each other directly in the eyes with no problems at all.

Kissing will be the last thing that he should think of. What's important now is how he is going to get closer with her.

5. Be original. For example, for Valentine's Day (if you celebrate it) be sweet or thoughtful instead of showy and cliched.

A dozen red roses may be the traditional romantic gift, but most girls will be happier with a few of their favorite flowers tied with a red, pink, or white ribbon.

Actually remembering a girl's favorites will endear you to her more than any elaborate scheme.

If it's early in the relationship, though, and you don't know her favorites yet, get her a gift that symbolizes your feelings or reminds you of something that you've done or will do together.

For example, give her peach-scented perfume and tell her that the smell reminds you of how each one of her smiles is like a perfect summer day.

"For me, it's in the little things," Zhong Li mumbled to himself, blankly staring at his screen. "If you remember even the smallest detail that your woman had told you, then it would make her day. Furthermore… if you do something about it."

With that in thought, he remembered him reading Shu Xian's preferred genre of story. With a small smile appearing on his face, he decided that for them to get closer, he would have to continue reading what she likes just so he could have more topics to talk about with her.

6. Learn a poem. You can send a real romantic message by memorizing a poem and writing it to her in a letter or reciting it when the two of you are alone or in a romantic situation.

You can also use quotes about love. Not only is this just the right kind of cheesy, but it shows her that you're willing to branch outside of your normal comfort zone in order to make her happy.

"I think I'll try learning a poem," he talked to himself, cocking his head to the side as he remembered Shu Xian's major. "She is indeed an English major and if I know more about what she's studying about and what she's interested in, it might heighten my chances with her."

With his smile turning into a grin as he liked his plans, he then scrolled down, reading the other parts of the article.

7. Know when to make your move. Or, rather, it's important to know that you might never have a clear sign or perfect opportunity.

This isn't a teen movie: it's real life. Girls will react in different ways, show their affection or lack of it in different ways... some might say nothing at all!

All you can do is let a girl know how you feel as soon as you're really sure. You don't want someone else to come in and sweep her off her feet, so take a chance on love!

"Easier said than done," Zhong Li commented, letting out a scoff at the same time. "How will you know when and where to make your move? Things can happen unexpectedly before you guys would even know it."

And with that, he was about to come to a close when he saw a bullet of tips provided in the article that he thought he might read so he could see if it will help him in his future courting endeavors with Shu Xian.


1. Girls can get snappy, or moody, don't take it personally, just give her time to cool down, but don't ignore her!

Reading this first tip made Zhong Li nod. He remembered this from his workmate Yan Yan. One second she is happy, one second she is annoyed, one second she is sad, then back to happy again.

Women… they really are emotional other than being fickle minded.

2. Keep it cool, because even if a girl doesn't like you now, chances are that if you play your cards right you'll eventually spark an interest.

3. Don't just act natural - be natural. If your girl has a brain, she'll be able to detect that you're trying too hard, or striving to be something you're not.

Zhong Li agreed with the third. He knew for a fact that Shu Xian is smart, so he would have to be careful about his intentions so he won't offend her.

It's something that he would never want.

4. Remember, girls don't all act one way. Some will be sure to act like they DON'T like you at first, because they're afraid of giving you that idea and in turn giving you a big ego and/or making things awkward between you two.

She will ONLY respond with genuine interest when she is sure you have an interest in her.

Zhong Li nodded. With this item stated, he wondered how Shu Xian would react once she gets clues of him liking her.

5. Get close with the girl's family. Knowing that she has her family's approval makes her more comfortable.

"Family, huh…" Zhong Li cocked his head to the side. "I think it's too early for the family part."

6. Don't confuse her and send mixed signals. For example, one day you're teasing her, the next you're admiring her… she will get confused and flustered and may give up on you.

"Common sense," Zhong Li commented, rolling his eyes at the same time. "Consistency is the key here."

7. Play a sports team, and be friends with a lot of people. She won't feel so intimidated if she knows you're tight with other girls also. Unless she's insecure about herself or your relationship, then be very clear that those are girlfriends and she's your girlfriend.

"This is not necessary. I won't be friends with a lot of people and I will not make her feel uncomfortable about herself. That's for sure."

With him thinking about Shu Xian every now and then, it made him feel more confident of himself. However, even though this is the case now, he hoped that he won't have cold feet once he is facing her.

8. Girls don't like nasty breath. Eat mints regularly and brush teeth often.

Zhong Li couldn't help but laugh out loud at this item. Of course, one should be neat in general—not only when it comes to oral hygiene!

With him further reading the other items, he sighed, wondering if there should be more to learn.

9. If there is a love triangle between you and your friend, don't be the alpha male. Girls like the natural type of boys not the showy, clichéd, and very stylistic.

"Love triangle?"

Zhong Li then thought, furrowing his brows as this thought had not come to mind.

However, with the professor now playing into thought, his lips turned into a tight line, hoping that there is no secret meaning behind his words and actions that he said and displayed days ago when they were in the library.

"It's impossible, right?" Zhong Li asked himself, reflecting aloud. "He is a professor. He won't have this kind of relationship with a student of his."

With him pushing his worries aside, he then read the last item of the article, officially ending his reading session.

10. If a girl tells you that she's not interested in you, then odds are, she isn't. You need to respect that, even though it might make you feel sad. Do not continue pursuing her. That will just seem creepy, or worse, that you are stalking her.

He didn't want to say something about the last item that he read because the thought actually hurt him. However, with it being the fact that he had to accept the decisions and final deliberation of the girl's feelings, he'd have to understand her even though it hurts him.

Although this is just the beginning, Zhong Li thought that he will do his best and if ever there will be rivals, he won't go down without a fight.

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