
Chapter 21 An Invitation From Famous Academy

The representatives from different academies were shocked to see the man that infiltrated their conversation. They knew who the man was. This man was very famous because he had reached the Master Beast Tamer Realm only at 20 years old.

Ryland Blackthorn looked at the representatives from the different academies and smiled. "I'm just here to offer Orion some advice," he said. "He's a talented young man, and I believe he has a lot of potential. I want to help him reach his goals."

The representatives from the different academies looked at each other, unsure of what to make of this. They had heard of Ryland's reputation, and they knew that he was not one to offer help lightly. But at the same time, they knew that Orion was a special case. He had won the tournament, and he had done it with beasts that were not commonly seen in battle. They were curious to see what Ryland had to say.

"Well, we don't want to stand in the way of anyone who wants to help Orion," said the representative from the Slade Academy. "But what kind of advice do you have to offer him?"

Ryland smiled again. "I think Orion has a lot of potential as a beast tamer, but I think he needs to focus on a few key areas," he said. "First, he needs to work on his bond with his beasts. He has a natural talent for communicating with them, but he needs to learn how to read their emotions better. Second, he needs to learn how to develop strategies that take advantage of his beasts' strengths. And finally, he needs to learn how to adapt to different battle scenarios."

The representatives from the different academies nodded their heads, impressed by Ryland's insights. They knew that he was one of the best and youngest beast tamers in the world, and they were starting to see why he had come to offer his help.

"But why offer your help to Orion?" asked the representative from the Crystal Academy. "Why not work with one of our own students?"

Ryland chuckled. "Because Orion is special," he said. "He has a unique talent for taming beasts, and I believe that he has the potential to be one of the best in the world. I want to help him reach that potential."

The representatives from the different academies looked at each other, unsure of what to make of Ryland's words. They knew that he was not one to offer help lightly, and they were starting to realize that Orion might be even more special than they had originally thought.

Ryland Blackthorn, sensing the hesitation and confusion of the representatives, spoke up again. "Gentlemen, I understand your concerns, but let me assure you that I have no ulterior motives. I am simply here to offer my assistance and guidance to young Orion."

The representatives exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of the situation. Ryland's reputation as a Master Beast Tamer preceded him, and they knew that he was one of the most powerful and respected young individuals in the world of beast taming. However, they also knew that the Apex Academy, which he represented, was a fiercely competitive and exclusive institution.

One of the representatives, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, stepped forward and addressed Ryland directly. "Mr. Blackthorn, we appreciate your offer, but we cannot simply hand over one of our most promising students to a rival academy without due consideration."

Ryland nodded understandingly. "I completely understand your concerns, and but Orion is too unique in my eyes. I can't help but to also offer him a chance. I do believe that he has the potential to become one of the greatest beast tamers of our time, and I would like to offer him the opportunity to train and study at the Apex Academy."

The representatives looked at each other, unsure of what to say. On the one hand, they were reluctant to let go of Orion, who had much potential. On the other hand, they knew that Ryland Blackthorn's offer was too good to refuse. Apex Academy was one of the fiercest academies that only trained only the best.

Orion, who had been standing nearby, watched the exchange with a mixture of awe and confusion. He had heard of Ryland Blackthorn before, but he never thought that he would meet him in person. As Ryland walked past him, Orion could feel his powerful aura and could sense the depth of his experience and knowledge.

"Orion," Ryland said, turning back to him. "I hope you will consider my offer. The Apex Academy is a place where you can truly reach your potential and become the best beast tamer you can be."

Ryland Blackthorn was very persuasive, and he knew how to appeal to Orion's ambition. "Orion, you have proven yourself as a formidable beast tamer," he said. "But do you want to be just another champion? Or do you want to be the best?"

Orion looked at him with interest. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"The Apex Academy is where the most talented and ambitious beast tamers go to train," Ryland explained. "We have the resources, the facilities, and the expertise to take your skills to the next level. And with your talent and drive, you could become one of the best beast tamers in the world."

Orion was intrigued. He had heard of the Apex Academy before, and he knew it was prestigious. But he also knew that joining it would mean leaving behind everything he had. Orion had told Mrs Claire that he would join one of the academies, so he had said goodbye to Mrs Claire before the tournament.

"I understand your hesitation, Orion," Ryland said. "But think about what you could achieve at the Apex Academy. You would have access to the most advanced training methods and techniques, and you would be mentored by some of the greatest beast tamers in the world."

Orion thought about it. He had always been ambitious, and he had always wanted to be the best. But he also still hesitated about it. "I don't know, Ryland," he said. "I appreciate the offer, but I need to think about it."

"I understand," Ryland said. "But before you make a decision, I want you to meet the chancellor of the Apex Academy. He's been following your progress after i sent your information to him, and he's very interested in meeting you."

Orion was surprised. "Really? The chancellor wants to meet me?"

"Yes, he does," Ryland said. "He believes you have the potential to become one of the greatest beast tamers of our time. And if you join the Apex Academy, he's willing to offer you a full scholarship."

Orion's eyes widened in surprise. A full scholarship to the Apex Academy was a huge offer. He knew that the academy was expensive and only the wealthiest families could afford to send their children there. "A full scholarship?" he repeated. "That's very generous."

"It's not just because of your talent, Orion," Ryland said. "The chancellor also admires your integrity and your dedication to your beasts. He believes you have the qualities of a true beast tamer, not just a champion."

Orion felt a surge of pride. He had always believed that the bond between a beast tamer and their beasts was important, and he was glad that the chancellor of the Apex Academy shared that view. "I would like to meet him," he said.

Ryland nodded and gestured towards the entrance of the arena. "Then let's go. The chancellor is waiting for us."

As they walked towards the entrance, Orion couldn't help but overhear the representatives from the other five academies talking amongst themselves. "It's a shame we couldn't recruit him," one of them said. "He would have been a valuable addition to our academy."

"Yeah, but we can't compete with the Apex Academy," another one replied. "Their resources and reputation are simply too great."

Orion felt a pang of guilt. He didn't want to disappoint these representatives, but he also couldn't deny the allure of the Apex Academy. As they reached the entrance, Ryland turned to Orion and said, "Don't worry about them, Orion. You have to do what's best for you and your beasts. That's what being a true beast tamer is all about."

Orion nodded in agreement, grateful for Ryland's words of wisdom. They made their way to a hotel in the town, where the chancellor of the Apex Academy was waiting for them.

The chancellor was a tall, imposing man with a sharp, intelligent gaze. He greeted Orion warmly and congratulated him on his performance in the tournament. "I've been following your progress, Orion," he said. "And I have to say, I'm impressed. You have a natural talent for beast taming that is rare to find."

Orion felt a surge of pride at the chancellor's words. He had always believed in his own abilities, but it was validating to hear it from someone as esteemed as the chancellor.

"I would like to offer you a place at the Apex Academy," the chancellor said. "As well as a full scholarship to cover your tuition and expenses."

Orion was taken aback. He had never dreamed that he would be offered such an opportunity. "Thank you, sir," he said, struggling to keep his voice steady. "I'm honored."

The chancellor smiled. "I believe you have the potential to become one of the greatest beast tamers of our time, Orion. And I want to help you realize that potential."

Orion felt a surge of excitement. He had always dreamed of being the best, and now he had the opportunity to make that dream a reality. "I accept, sir," he said. "I would be honored to join the Apex Academy."

The chancellor nodded, pleased. "Excellent. You won't regret it, Orion. We have the best facilities, the best trainers, and the best beasts in the world. And with your talent and drive, I have no doubt that you will thrive here."

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