
Chapter 24 Advanced Class

Orion had been excited about attending Apex Academy, one of the most prestigious institutions for Beast Tamers in the world. He had heard stories of the academy's rigorous training and excellent facilities, and he had worked hard for it.

Orion had been accepted into the academy and was now preparing to attend his first class. However, he was a bit confused about where to go. He had been given a schedule, but the academy was massive, and he had no idea where his class was located.

Just as he was starting to feel a bit lost and overwhelmed, there was a knock on his door. Orion was surprised to see Ryland, one of his fellow students, standing there with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Orion! I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. I just wanted to see if you needed any help finding your first class," Ryland said.

Orion was grateful for the offer and gladly accepted. "Thanks, Ryland. I was actually a bit lost. I have no idea where I'm supposed to go."

Ryland chuckled. "Yeah, I remember feeling the same way during my first week here. Come on, I'll show you the way."

As they walked through the bustling halls of the academy, Ryland noticed something that surprised him. "Wait, hold on a second," Ryland said, looking a bit shocked. "You broke through to Advanced Beast Tamer in the past two months? And you're only 16?"

Orion nodded, a bit confused about Ryland's reaction. "Yes, that's right. Why is that surprising?"

Ryland shook his head, still looking a bit stunned. "It's just that it usually takes people a lot longer to reach that level. And at such a young age... you must be incredibly talented."

Orion blushed a bit at the compliment, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Oh, I don't know about that. I just work really hard."

"Well, regardless, that's really impressive," Ryland said with a smile. "I think you'll do great here at the academy."

As they walked, Ryland noticed something else. "It also seems that you need to change your class. You have broken through, so you needed to go to a higher class. Let's go to the office." Ryland said to Orion. Orion just nodded.

Ryland explained to Orion about the different levels of classes. "There's an Intermediate class for Intermediate Beast Tamers, an Advanced class for Advanced Beast Tamers, and a Master class for Master Beast Tamers. With your new rank, you'll be able to join the Advanced class."

Orion nodded in understanding, feeling a bit excited to see what the advanced class had in store for him.

Once they arrived at the office, they explained the situation to the receptionist. The receptionist was shocked to hear that Orion had become an Advanced Beast Tamer at such a young age and quickly updated his records to reflect the change in class.

"Congratulations, Orion!" the receptionist said with a smile. "You're now officially a part of the Advanced class."

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had worked hard for this, and it was nice to see it paying off.

"Thanks so much, Ryland," Orion said gratefully. "I don't think I could have done this without your help."

Ryland shook his head. "Don't mention it. You did all the hard work. I just helped guide you along the way." Ryland said before leaving Orion and told Orion the location of the advanced class building.

Orion was filled with anticipation and awe as he walked towards the advanced class building at Apex Academy. He had never been to a school like this before, and the fact that he had made it to the advanced class was both exciting and daunting. The grandeur of the Academy was evident, with each class having its own dedicated building, and the level of training provided was unmatched.

The advanced class building was a towering three-story structure made of gleaming glass and steel. The entrance was guarded by two towering stone gargoyles that looked like they had been lifted straight out of a medieval cathedral. As Orion walked through the doors, he felt a sense of awe and respect.

The lobby inside was spacious, with marble floors and towering columns. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting legendary beasts and their tamers. Orion felt a bit intimidated by the grandeur of it all but also a sense of pride that he was now part of it.

When he entered the classroom, he was surprised to find that there was only one class at the advanced level, with just thirty students, including him. This was a stark contrast to the intermediate level, where there were multiple classes with dozens of students each.

The class was led by a Grandmaster Beast Tamer named Professor Sorenson, who had trained many successful tamers over the years. Orion felt a sense of excitement and nervousness as he took his seat among his new classmates, all of whom were older and more experienced than him. He realized that he had much to learn, and he was eager to do so.

As Professor Sorenson walked into the classroom and started the class, Orion felt a wave of energy emanating from the professor. He realized that the man was not just any ordinary beast tamer but a Grandmaster Beast Tamer, and his aura was incredibly strong.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Professor Sorenson, and I'll be your instructor for this advanced beast taming class," he said. "And it seems we have a new addition to our class today."

He looked directly at Orion, and Orion could feel the professor's intense gaze. He introduced himself and explained that he had just transferred from the intermediate level.

"Ah, I see," Professor Sorenson said, still studying Orion closely. "You are still young. Usually, an Advanced Beast Tamer is 18 years old, and that is considered normal. The genius ones reached Advanced Beast Tamer at 17 years old, but if you could reach Advanced Beast Tamer at 16 years old, you are a super genius."

Orion was surprised to hear this, as he had never heard of anyone reaching such a high level at such a young age. Professor Sorenson continued, "Let me also tell you that in this academy, the age of an Intermediate Beast Tamer is 15 years old. That is the level of the students in the academy."

Orion was amazed by the level of talent and dedication required to attend Apex Academy. He realized that he had much to prove and was eager to show what he was capable of.

Professor Sorenson then took the students to the training area, where Orion would show his beasts and prove that he was worthy of being in the advanced class. The training area was a massive arena with all sorts of obstacles and terrain, including rocky terrain, dense forests, and even a small pond.

As Professor Sorenson watched Orion's Spirit Beasts, Stella and Nova, move, he was clearly impressed. He had seen many Spirit Beasts before, but these two were different. Their size alone was a rare sight to see, and their potential for growth was remarkable.

Orion stepped back from his Spirit Beasts and watched as Professor Sorenson approached the group with an expression of interest on his face. The professor had a reputation for being stern and uncompromising, and Orion had been worried about how he would fare in front of him.

But as the professor approached, his expression softened into a smile, and Orion felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Orion, I must say, I'm quite impressed," Professor Sorenson said, nodding approvingly. "Your control over these Spirit Beasts is remarkable, especially at your age."

Orion felt a warm flush spread across his cheeks at the professor's words. He had been training with Stella and Nova for months now, working tirelessly to hone his skills as a Beast Tamer. It was gratifying to know that his hard work had paid off.

"Thank you, Professor," Orion said, his voice slightly hoarse with emotion. "I've been working really hard to get to this point, and I'm glad that my efforts are paying off."

Professor Sorenson nodded again, his gaze flickering over the two Spirit Beasts standing patiently beside Orion. "I can see that you have put in a lot of hard work and dedication," he said. "You definitely have a bright future ahead of you, Orion."

Orion felt a surge of excitement at the professor's words. He had always dreamed of becoming a powerful Beast Tamer, someone who could command the respect of even the most formidable creatures in the land. And now, it seemed that he was on his way to achieving that goal.

"Thank you, Professor," he said again, his voice a little stronger this time. "I'm really excited to be here."

Professor Sorenson nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners with a hint of amusement. "I'm excited to have you here," he said. "You're going to be a great addition to our Advanced Beast Taming class."

Orion felt a thrill of pride at the professor's words. The Advanced Beast Taming class was known throughout the land as one of the most rigorous and demanding courses for aspiring Beast Tamers. The fact that he had been accepted into the program was a testament to his skills and dedication.

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