
Chapter 49 49 – Undercurrent Danger

Somewhere in Antwerp:

"Give me your report."

Tara Clarence commanded the man bowing in front of her.

"Yes, Lady Tara. The assassination attempt on Lord Lionel has failed."

"Why aren't the mages who were given the task here to report?"

"That brings me to the next part of the report. Four of them haven't returned and it's safe to assume they are dead."

"And the fifth?"

"It's Miss Sol, however, she joined Lionel's convoy with another mage who protected him, and now she sleeps in the same mansion as that mage."

"Are you saying she betrayed us?"

"I suspect it's worse, she might have… played us right from the beginning. The mansion they're staying at belongs to Lord Lionel as well."

Although he said 'us', Tara was irritated to no end by the way he implied she was led by the nose into a trap, making her lose a mage subordinate. It might also cost her the support of Jack's father, a local viscount.

"Who is the male mage?"

"He is unknown. From questioning members from their convoy, we only know his name is Gale and that he is an earth mage with fire as his sub-element."

"Do we know from what family he is? We need to make sure whether we can kill him or not."

She wouldn't lay back and take the loss, she wanted to take revenge for her subordinates. However, she was careful; she wouldn't start a war with someone she shouldn't over one mage.

"He doesn't seem to have a last name, he is probably just a commoner Lord Lionel picked up during his travel with the promise of benefits and resources."

"Thank you, you may leave."

The man bowed again and left the room.

"Richmond, check whether the report is true."

"Yes, Lady Tara."

A voice was heard from the shadows and a man's figure was revealed. He was a mage with a rare darkness affinity. He bowed and left the room to complete his task.

A few hours later, Richmond returned to report to his lady.

"Lady Tara, according to my investigation the report seems true. Miss Sol lives with a mage called Gale. I only found out he came from the earldom of Stormborn inside our territory, but he never showed any sign he was a noble except for his manners."

"He shouldn't be a son of a duke or marquee. That earldom is east from here and there are no dukedoms in that direction. As for marquees in that direction, I know their sons, and none of them is called Gale."

"I confirmed this with our data on the nobles inside our Dukedom. Apparently, the earl himself just died and his title passed to his wife since his heir is still too weak."

He didn't have time to make a deep research, but it seemed enough information for acting. The worst case was if he was from the family of an earl, and it wasn't that high. Besides, they could handle the

"Then killing him shouldn't pose any risk, you know what to do."

"Yes, Lady Tara."

Richmond bowed and left the room.


Gale's POV:

The next day Gale woke up with Sol by his side, still naked and in dire need of a bath after last night's affair. Moira, to her dismay, was sent away after her show with Sol. Gale planned to finish plundering Sol's magic before departing to the capital and didn't have time to play with a plus one.

He wouldn't kill her or leave her behind after she sacrificed herself, although unknowingly and under his charm, so he planned to keep her as a maid.

He gave three of the money cards he plundered to Nina to buy their necessities and whatever she liked, and kept for himself only the richest card, the one that belonged to Jack, the True Mage.

He spent the next week relaxing and having sex with Sol most of the time, charming her to the point she was so obsessed with him that she didn't bother with magic and check her connection to mana.

However, it was time for Gale's test of whether a long process of charm would be effective.

"Sol, my dear. I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, my love."

Sol and Gale were cuddling in bed after a long session, prepared to fall asleep.

"Having sex with me is dangerous. Anyone who has sex with me loses their magic slowly until they lose it completely. Your magic was already damaged to the point you'd need a few years to completely recover, and if we keep doing it you will reach the point of no return."

"What? Why? What happened to my magic?"

Sol panicked and started sensing the mana around her. She found out it was broken, it felt as if the connection was jammed and full of white noise.

"I absorb my partners' magic; it means that if you keep sleeping with me I will get all your affinity and magic. It will benefit me a lot but be detrimental to you."

Sol hesitated for a moment, she didn't know what to say. She didn't want to lose her magic, but the more she thought about it the more she was certain she couldn't live without Gale.

"Will you abandon me when I lose my magic completely and be of no use to you anymore?"

She asked with uncertainty. She was trying to convince herself Gale isn't that type of person.

So that's the charm's limit, Gale thought to himself. She wouldn't just sacrifice her magic even if he said he tossed her aside.

"I wouldn't abandon someone who made a sacrifice for me. If you choose to continue, I will always take care of you and keep you by my side."

It wasn't a lie, but it was a distortion of the truth. He wouldn't keep her as his love interest, just as a maid.

Sol took a deep breath and made her decision.

"Then I agree. I don't need my magic if it allows me to be by your side."

She decided to put her trust in Gale, unaware she was affected by his charm for a long time.

Gale was satisfied with the result; it meant he could brainwash anyone if he needed. It just requires patience and attention.

Other than his time with Sol, Leo also came to visit every other day and took him out to famous restaurants in Antwerp. He also introduced him to their culture like popular plays and attractions.

Nina reported to him that Leo's order of assassination was successful, and now there were only three contenders for the duke title. He felt a sting in his heart, he didn't feel comfortable hanging out with someone who committed fratricide.

He convinced himself he will be leaving Antwerp in a week and probably never meet with Leo in informal settings again. He had no reason to reject Leo's goodwill.

On the tenth day of his stay in Antwerp he decided to go outside for a trip; Leo recommended he visits a famous spot just outside the city. Moira accompanied him on his trip, excited to find a chance to be alone with her new idol.

"I wonder why Lady Sol didn't want to come, but not that I complain."

Moira said her thoughts out loud. Sol lost her magic completely 2 days ago and was feeling unwell as result. She wouldn't go out for a few days until she gets used to her new condition.

"She just needs some time alone. Don't think about it too much."

Gale quickly found an excuse and was about to change the subject when-


Gale covered himself in an earth shield just in time to protect himself from the orb of fire that exploded against him.

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