Chapter 118: Labyris Orca

「When you look at it like this, it feels like fifty meters is quite far away.」

「Yes, and the target is smaller and harder to hit than for the beginner and intermediate levels. Even in our academy, only a handful of people are able to aim at the target in this advanced course.」

「It’s difficult after all. Haruna, do you feel you can do it?」


Chinatsu called out to Haruna, but she keeps watching Weeler silently without taking her eyes off. Her concentration is so amazing that she seems to be completely deaf to the voices around her.

「Ah, it’s useless. She’s completely in her world… She probably will stay like this until Wee shots her magic.」

「This concentration is really amazing desuwa. It’s as if she’s going to shoot Wee to death desuwa! 」

「Uh… It’s making me hard to do it…」

Weerel raised her staff and began chanting while feeling the countless needle-like gaze from her behind.

(Oh, beautiful …)

Weerel’s beautiful singing as she closed her eyes fascinates the listener. However, such a pleasant singing voice is a song for battle, spun as preparation for unleashing an attack. Once the chanting is over, the next thing to be unleashed is ferocious magic aimed at the target.

Labyris Orca


After finishing the chanting, water overflows around Weerel and they form something.

「Water dolphin…?」

「Hmm, it’s more like an orca if I had to say desuwa. It looks cute, but it’s dangerous.」

Five water orcas formed in the air. They are swimming through the air in all directions as if they are swimming in water. Although the orcas themselves are originally made of water, their shapes are very close to the real thing. The fact that Weerel was able to recreate the figure down to the smallest detail shows the high level of her manipulation of magic power.


She said the magic word clearly when she was chanting, but her voice when shouting the command is so small that it looks unreliable. However, the orcas don’t seem to care about that and faithfully obey the master’s command. Each of them started swimming toward the target.

「So fast!」

The orcas, which length is about 5-6 meters, are approaching the target at an amazing speed. The speed is faster than Chinatsu’s Glitter Lance and the trajectory is difficult to read because they are moving randomly rather than going straight. As soon as the orcas were right in front of the target, they opened their large mouths and tried to swallow the prey.


The mass of water jumped into the target with ferocious momentum. The orcas hit the target with precision, becoming a giant tsunami and mowing down the five targets. Even after the targets are completely destroyed, the tsunami’s strength shows no sign of weakening. It hits the wall at the back of the training grounds, shaking the massive barrier that probably had been placed on the wall, and filling the closed room with water. The place where Haruna and the others are observing is no exception, the tsunami comes rushing back to them.

「H-Hey, isn’t that dangerous…?」

「That’s very dangerous desuwa. The large wave that rushed back will attack everyone except the user!」

「Therese-san, when did you set up your shield!?」

When Chinatsu looked back, Therese was already in a defensive position. She deployed the Staff Fortress Coalesce as a shield and the stake for fixing is stuck in the ground. She was fully prepared.

「By the way, to prevent damage to the outside of the facility, the entrances and exits are sealed when the barrier is activated! You’ll have to endure this on your own!」

「Please tell me that sooner! Ahh, jeez, I haven’t got accustomed to using Radiant Magic yet…! Haruna, I’m going to build a barrier, so get behind me――」

Chinatsu tried to call out, but Haruna quietly shook her head while facing the approaching tsunami.

「Chinatsu-chan, you can just put up a barrier as it is. I’ll try to endure it on my own.」

Without changing the color of her eyes, Haruna steps in front of Chinatsu and Therese. She is not wearing her pouch with a storage function right now, so she can’t get her throwing tools or black staff from it. The only things she can use are her body and dark magic.

(This is when Haruna is stubborn and won’t listen to me no matter what…! Why now of all times…!)

Chinatsu hesitated whether to force Haruna into her barrier, but she decided to respect Haruna’s will. Haruna was inflexible at times like this, but at the same time, she has accomplished many things when she was like this. Believing Haruna as her best friend, Chinatsu begins to chant her barrier to protect herself.

Hard Reflect!」

A wall of light appears as a barrier in front of Chinatsu. Hard Reflect, which you can learn at level 30 of Radiant Magic, is a magic that’s stronger and wider than normal Reflect. The wall stretched out horizontally and became a huge wall that completely covered Therese, who is lined up next to her.

「Oh my! Thank you for your consideration desuwa!」

「No, this barrier is not absolute! Please keep the defense as it is! I will also go behind Therese-san!」

「Sure, desuwa!」

Hiding behind Therese who’s holding her shield, Chinatsu watches over Haruna from the shelter.

「Um, Haruna-san, it’s better for you to go to the other side of the barrier… This magic is semi-automatic homing magic…」

「It’s okay! I’ll swim in case of emergency! Wee-chan, bring it on!」

「Eh, ah, yes…?」

It seems that Weerel is more bewildered than Chinatsu… Of course, Haruna is not a hopeless swimmer. She is amphibious, so good at swimming that she holds her record.

「Um… then, please do your best…」


With Weerel’s consent? Haruna looks in front of her again. If you look closely at the approaching tsunami, you can see five of her dorsal fins inside. Those are the large orcas that Weerel shown when she activated her magic. It seems that even after colliding with a target, they will reshape the animal appearance if a new prey is discovered. As the distance between the tsunami and Haruna shortened, they rose from the water.

Haruna didn’t bring anything out, she just kept her stance and stayed unmoving. She, for sure, is not thinking something like, ‘this is my first time hunting an orca, huh’. ……Maybe.


When Haruna shouted so, the tsunami completely became orcas and they jumped out into the air.



「Hm? Someone is fighting nearby, huh. Isn’t this school a bit dangerous?」

This place is the reception room of the principal’s office. Deris and Nell were guided here by a secretary-like woman and now are waiting for the principal while immersing themselves in a high-class sofa.

「That’s just playing, right? Recently, there are many students with only good grades, so I’d like them to have the guts to blow up at least a building.」

「I’m sure the country doesn’t want to have any more bombs…」

Ara, did you say something?」

「No, not at all.」

「Hmm… Oh, by the way, we haven’t finished talking about the matter with Chinatsu. Let’s settle your sins while we are waiting.」

「Hey, idiot, that’s a terrible misunderstanding!」

A few seconds before the principal’s office turned into charcoal, someone’s footsteps were heard from outside the room. Deris clenched his fist as if saying it was nice timing, and Nell frankly clicked her tongue and then reluctantly sat back on the sofa.

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