Chapter 330: Intruders

「Uhh, I’m so tired…」

Haru on my back murmured so feebly. It’s refreshing to see a weak Haru.

「It’s natural since you used Death Scythe many times. A true magician should manage their remaining magic power properly, you know?」

「After checking the remaining amount, I used it up and defeated it!」

「I took care of the cleanup and everything afterward, though.」

「About that, I’m sorry!」

「Aren’t you feeling better already?」

Right after the battle with Zex Body, I had to clean the rest instead of Haru who couldn’t move. As a result, it became a good training ground for me to concentrate on my magic. It was exhausting, but now I’m not rusty anymore―― as if! If you can regain your intuition that easily, no one will have a hard time! …… Should I have a spar with either Nell or Alezel later?

「But if I do that, my life will be in danger.」

「What’s wrong?」

「No, just talking to myself. Well, we finally arrived at the exit.」

「Ah, yes. Thank you very much.」

I carried her on my back all the way here, but I’ll have her climb up the ladder by herself. We used it when we went down to the basement, but this ladder is so long that it’s exhausting. I wonder why they don’t have an elevator here? Ah, is it because Zex will use that dropping place when coming down here?

「It’s easier than climbing Zex Body, but can you climb it yourself?」

「I’m fully charged, so I think I can! Also, I somehow feel that my body is lighter than before the fight!」

Haru kicked the ground and jumped many times. Well, that’s probably because her Skill level went up again in that battle.

「Come to think of it, we haven’t finished the review of the magic you’ve acquired, right? Let’s chant all the Darkness Magic level 80, 90, and 100 together while climbing the ladder. You’re fine now, right?」

「…… Shishō, words can lead to disaster!」

Then, we went up the ladder while consuming our stamina and magic power again.


Deris and Haruna returned to the above ground and decided to take a break to heal their fatigue. It seems that Chinatsu and Touko have just finished their training, and they joined together on the way. The masters, Nell and Lilyvia, were also there, and they said that they were going to talk to Zex while having a threatening attitude. Judging that it will be dangerous to stay with them, Chinatsu suggested to Deris to divide the room into the master group + the Great Eight Demons and the disciple group + Zeta. Understanding her feelings, Deris accepted it and now only four girls are gathering in the room.

「――There was something like that~. Zex-san’s robot was strong~」


In response to Haruna’s story, Chinatsu and Touko showed a suspicious look. As for Zeta, she’s proud of it.

「…… Touko, don’t tell me, you too?」

「Chinatsu, you too?」

「Hm? You two, what’s wrong?」

The two sighed, and at the same time, Haruna tilted her head that she didn’t really understand. Zeta also tilted her head.

「Haruna, you see, when you were going to the underground scrap yard, were doing something like training with our masters.」

「Nell-san and Lily-senpai?」

「As I said before, I was going to test my katana with Nell-shishō against the target prepared by Zex-san. As for Touko, err….」


Chinatsu looks at Touko to confirm if it is okay to say it.

「If you’re hesitating to say it, it’s rather making me embarrassed. I was doing maid training to become Lily-shishō’s substitute so that she could spend a comfortable life.」

「Touko-chan, are you aiming to become Shishō’s maid?」

「T-This and that is a different matter! It was to raise the Skill level! Maybe!」

「Ahaha, even you are not sure, huh.」

「Touko-san is a maiden in love, huh.」

Touko’s face became bright red. In fact, neither opinion is wrong, and Touko can’t deny it. She can only panic while her face turns red.

「You’re getting off track, you know?」

「Ah, t-that’s right! You’re getting off track, you know!?」

「Touko, you need to calm down…. So, getting back to the topic, it also appeared at our place.」


「Zex-san’s body.」

Clatter!, Zeta stood up with excitement. Chinatsu already expected that, and she waited until Zeta calmed down. It was a brilliant performance.

「Chinatsu-chan, your ability to handle problems is getting better every day!」

「Eh, what are you talking about?」

And she’s unaware of it.

「Just like the scorpion-type of Zex-san appeared when Haruna was cleaning, a bird-type of Zex-san intruded at our place while I was training. Then, Nell-shishō got angry and it was terrible.」

「The one that appeared at our place was a bull-type, I think? That machine appeared while rushing at me like an idiot. The sound of running footsteps was so noisy that it disturbed Lily-shishō’s nap, so she was in a very bad mood too!」

「Y-You have it hard, huh….」

The Massacre Princess was disturbed when she was training her disciple, and the Degenerate Demon was disturbed when she was having a pleasant sleep, and then the two joined together in anger. You can easily imagine the terrifying picture.

「So, that means you two were able to defeat Zex-san’s robot?」

「Well, somehow. I’m glad that Iwatōshi was there. If I were to lose there, Shishō would have been in a much worse mood.」

「I also managed somehow even though my stomach was hurt. I really didn’t want to stay in that space filled with irritation!」

「Fufu. It seems that Touko understood my feeling a little.」

「W-Why do you look happy, Chinatsu? You’re scaring me….」

While struggling with the surrounding environment, both of them won against the robot sent by Zex. It’s an undeniable fact, and it’s the proof of their strengths. Haruna and the others don’t know about it yet, but they have cleared the precondition for the right to challenge the Great Eight Demons. Haruna somehow felt excited without knowing why, Chinatsu felt really worried when her Skill gave her a bad premonition, and Touko hid the maid spirit that sprouted slightly in her heart.

「A-Amazing! There are three single-numbered bodies of Zex-sama…! I will treasure these images!」

As for Zeta, she couldn’t suppress her excitement. Nevertheless, those bodies had been destroyed.

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