Chapter 492: Pulverizer

「Gan-san, this is….」

「Yeah, as you can see, this one was forged from the black magic stone. Just like Haruna-jouchan’s weapon, it’s very heavy and sturdy. An ordinary person will never be able to lift it, and no matter how confident they are with their strength, they will hurt their waist the moment they equip it. Although it became a pair of monstrous gauntlets, they should be exactly as Deris ordered. Maid-san, are you fine with it?」

「If that’s what Deris-danna ordered, I have no problem with it! Actually, I like how they look! Ah, can I try equipping them now?」

「…… I don’t mind, but you sure didn’t even hesitate even after hearing my explanation.」

「A woman shouldn’t hesitate to accept a gift from the man she loves. Let’s see, I should take this off first, and then do this―― alright! I’ve equipped them! Haruna, what do you think!?」

「You look very cool!」

「Right!? Danna sure has good sense~」

「No, I’m the one who designed it, though….」

「Look at this!」

「You look strong! So stylish! It’s worth defeating!」

「Good grief, she’s not listening. Well, I’m glad she likes it.」

Equipped with black gauntlets on her arms, Touko happily made various poses in front of Haruna.

「Come to think of it, Touko-chan, did you buy the gauntlets you used until now by yourself? I felt like you always changed them frequently.」

「Hmm? Yeah, I wanted to try their comfort level. The first ones were from old man Joseph, but I bought the new ones when they broke, and I bought the new ones again when the previous ones broke. And finally, I borrowed ones from Lily-shishō’s castle and used them. How should I put it, as expected of Lily-shishō’s collections, they were the first and the last that didn’t break when I used them. But these gauntlets are better than them. It’s amazing how they fit in my hands! I can feel it, no matter how I use them, they won’t break!」

Touko repeats a few fist thrusts to see how comfortable her new partner is. The speed of her fists gradually increased, and then her fists are completely invisible. Gan was impressed at how fast Touko was able to master the weapon that he called a monster.

(Hou…. Her fists are not just fast, but she adjusted them so that they don’t break the floor and wall with the weight and impact. Not only her physical strength, but the techniques of this maid are amazing. I’m not a martial arts expert, but I can feel it instinctively. Good grief, she’s too good for Deris. Despite her appearance and wording, she’s being considerate of this workshop. Anita could learn a thing or two from her.)


Anita’s loud sneeze was heard from the shop.

「Yeah…! It’s perfect! You’re not bad, old man dwarf!」

「I’m getting paid that much money, so it’s natural. Also, my name is Gan. I’ll forgive you for calling me an old man because you are handling them splendidly. So, what’s the name of those gauntlets?」

「Hm? Name?」

「That’s right. That Haruna-jouchan’s Doggan Staff――it was originally called Black Staff Lars, but since it was going to be her partner, it was decided for her to rename it. What about you?」

「Eeh, isn’t that a hassle?」

「Is that so? Deris named his staff by himself when he was young, though…. Then, let’s use the temporary name. The name is 『Black Arm Greed』. Well, I hope you take good care of――」

「――Wait! …… If Deris-danna decided to name it himself, then I’ll name them myself too. Besides, Haruna also named her staff by herself.」

「O-Oh, I see.」

「Touko-chan, have you decided on the name?」

「Err, wait a minute. I’ll think about it now. They are gifts from Deris-danna, so I have to find a suitable name. Hmm…. Hmmmm….」

While looking at her gauntlets, Touko tilts her head to the right and left. It seems that she needs a little more time to decide on the name.

「Jou-chan, do you want me to do some maintenance on your staff now?」



Putting aside the groaning Touko for a moment, the maintenance of the Doggan Staff begins in a corner of the forge. Haruna doesn’t miss the daily maintenance of her tools, but when it comes to a weapon as large as Doggan Staff, there’s always some part that she can’t do. In the end, one should go to specialists for the best results.

「Okay, I’ve decided!」

It was ten minutes later that Touko’s voice echoed through the room. Gan, who was sharpening the decorative blade of the Doggan Staff, and Haruna, who was observing the process, turned their gazes to Touko.

「I’m going to name them 『Pulverizer』! What do you think!?」

「Pulverizer, huh? No matter what the enemy is, you will defeat them thoroughly. Isn’t that a good name?」

「Hehe, I know right?」

Touko was very proud.

「Hmm, I thought 『Bogozuga Iron Fist』 would be good, but I think the name that Touko-chan came up with is just as good!」


Gan truly felt glad that the product he had forged this time was named by Touko.

「Touko-chan, how about testing them against my Doggan Staff?」

「Oh, that’s a good idea. Let’s do it right away at the mansion! I can’t wait to show them to Danna and Lily-shishō!」

「Wait a minute, the magic injection hasn’t finished yet.」

「Magic injection?」

「I think Haruna-jouchan knows this, but the black magic stone has the property of adapting to the first magic power it comes into contact with. After that, it will repel the other magic power. If you try to fight while they are in a brand new state, they might be dyed by Haruna-jouchan’s magic power, you know? That’s why, let them touch your magic power while you can now.」

「Ah, come to think of it, Haruna’s staff has that kind of power. But I don’t use magic, so I don’t really understand how to make them familiar with my magic power.」

「Ah, then, Touko-chan, why don’t you pour your ki into your Pulverizer? I feel like there’s magic power in Touko-chan’s ki, so I think it will succeed.」


After that, Touko succeeded in pouring her magic power into Pulverizer. Thus, Pulverizer became perfect, and Touko left Bristly Beard triumphantly.

「Ah, that’s right! I still have another errand to do! I’m sorry, Touko-chan. Can you go back to the mansion first?」

「I don’t mind. By the way, which store are you going to? If it looks interesting, I’ll go with you.」

「It’s Quitet Magic Item Store. I want a scroll to learn magic.」

「Ah, I’m not going then. That’s a high-class store, right? I will pass if it’s something formal. Besides, I don’t use magic. Then, I will go home first and finish cleaning the mansion. Well, let’s see… let’s meet at the underground training ground in an hour. How about it?」

「Okay! See you later!」

「Yeah, see you later.」

After parting with Touko at the Bristly Beard’s storefront, Haruna rushed off to her next destination.

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