Chapter 496: The Result of Death

As soon as Vakala agreed to it, the one who immediately moved forward was Ōkuni. He unsheathed his katana, which is so long that it looks like a pole to hang laundry, and he’s swinging. Well, it’s a reasonable order for him to come out first because he’s the last rank of the something-something Demon Generals.

「Still, why is he calling himself with the nickname given by Elderado…?」

「It may seem surprising, but nicknames are popular among the Sixty Six Demon Generals. One of the reasons for this is the rapid increase in the number of people who became called with nicknames, with Ōkuni as the first one since he frequently fights with that country. And then, the introduction of the ranking system, which had never existed in Carmine before, may have further stimulated the desire for new excitement among the members. Those who have no plans to fight against Elderado voluntarily create nicknames that match their own characteristics, and it’s already a great excitement for them.」


The white robe guy called Alhazard, who should have been next to Vakala until now, suddenly appeared right next to me and politely explained so to me. The physique that can be seen from the top of the robe looks like an old man with a bent back, but the words themselves are very fluent.

「I see, so it’s a big movement in the upper management of Carmine. Who are you, by the way?」

「Oh, I’m sorry for the late introduction. I am Alhazard, the first rank of the Sixty Six Demon Generals of the Corpse Country. I received the nickname 『Star Staff』 from Vakala-sama, and I’m doing my best to meet up his expectations. Pleased to make your acquaintance.」

「Yeah, nice to meet you.」

Hmm, I guess it’s about 50-50, huh? …… Yeah, he’s probably level 11. Gobu gobu.

「By the way, who will be Ōkuni’s opponent? He seems to be impatient for it, you know?」

「Who…! Will be…! My opponent…!」

Ōkuni was shouting with all his might. Ah, sorry, I completely forgot it. Haru and the others are also looking at me, wondering who should go.

「Chinatsu, can you take the first turn?」

「Eh, are you sure it’s okay with me? Haruna and Touko seem more willing to do it, though…」

「He’s also using a katana, so I think there’ll be a lot to learn if it’s Chinatsu.」

「I see. Well, everyone has to show their strength sooner or later. I understand.」

Seemingly convinced, Chinatsu walked towards the center of the hall just like Ōkuni.

「You are finally here…!」

Ōkuni seemed somewhat happy.

「Before I cut off your head, let’s hear your name…!」

「I’m Rokusai Chinatsu, the vice-leader of the Adelheit Magic Knight Order. Vakala-san, the one who cut off the opponent’s head first wins, is that rule okay? I don’t think undead will be purified by that.」

「Umu, this is an irregular battle between humans and undead. Since the time is limited, we can’t make it too long. In this swap battle, the one who inflicts serious wound first will win.」

「I understand. Thank you very much.」

「Okay, then, let’s begin.」

Chinatsu pulled out her favorite katana, Iwatōshi, and faced Ōkuni.

「You can attack first, weak swordsman girl…! Before I cut off your head, I will take your slash…!

「Are you sure? Then――」

The next moment, Chinatsu’s figure disappeared from the spot. Or at least that was how Ōkuni saw it.


「――It’s over.」

The black skull is dropped and rolls around. Chinatsu, who was moving behind Ōkuni, has already sheathed her katana. Then, Ōkuni finally understood that he was defeated.

「…… Fast.」


Vakala and the demon generals muttered so. It’s true that she’s fast, but Chinatsu also applied the magic of 『Frage』 to herself and her katana. It’s a magic that creates an optical camouflage to make the target invisible. Chinatsu adjusted it so that she could naturally blend into the surrounding scenery, and then she launched an ultrahigh speed attack. The fact that she fully utilized her martial arts and magic and did so without hesitation is impressive. Everything is neatly put together to a high standard. For Ōkuni, who’s lower than Chinatsu in terms of level, not only seeing it, but even sensing the attack is impossible.

「Yep, that’s the result of the special sparring!」

「I feel a little pity for her opponent….」

「This is just right. In terms of pure speed, Chinatsu is inferior to Haruna and Touko. Besides, you can’t feel relieved if she can’t disappear from the opponent’s fight with just moving, right? I mean, Chinatsu has low endurance.」

Nell is in a good mood. She seems satisfied with her beloved disciple’s result. Anyway, now Chinatsu is at the lowest ranks of the Sixty Six Demon Generals. Well, I’m sure there are still those who are dissatisfied.

「Ax expected of the disciple of Nell, the one who stands at the highest peak of mankind. It seems that Ōkuni was not even enough for a warm-up.」

「No, no, it’s enough warm-up! This person is probably around level 8, right? If so, we are not so different in terms of ability…!」

「Humility is great, but if you go too far with it, it’ll become sarcastic. Chinatsu, you should be more confident.」

「U-Um, yes…?」

「So, let’s raise the rank in one go!」


「Is Torse good enough? Alhazard, what is Torse’s ranking?」

「He’s currently in fifty first place.」

「Umu, he’s good enough to measure her ability. By the way, Torse, you’re also dissatisfied, right?」

「Yes, I’m dissatisfied….」

「Okay, then there’s no problem. You go next.」

Vakala, you just made him say it, didn’t you? Also, your Demon King’s mask is peeling off a little, and you’re starting to enjoy it, aren’t you?

「Chinatsu-chan, that’s unfair! I will go next!」

「Wait, Haruna. From what I’ve seen, that black armor is a melee type that uses fists. Then, just like Chinatsu, I should go next since I’m the same type! Also, our names are quite similar! So, I’ll go next!」


Saying so, Touko quickly went to receive the baton from Chinatsu. Haru, who was defeated in the argument, dropped her shoulders in dejection.

「I’m getting a late start….」

「Don’t be so disappointed. You will get a turn later. Besides, if you fight later, you might be able to fight against someone with a higher rank than Torse, you know?」

「I see, I feel better!」

She sure is quick to get back on her feet….

「Alright, I guess I’ll also end this quickly!」

「Touko, don’t let your guard down, okay?」

「Touko-chan, do your best~!」

「Kuh…! Just because you won against me, don’t get carried away…! Torse-dono is a former Great Eight Demons who has sworn eternal loyalty to Vakala-sama…! He’s not an opponent you can defeat easily…!」


The results after that were reasonable. Touko won against the 51st-ranked Tose, and in the next battle, Haru won against the 46th-ranked Kada. And Ōkuni’s pitch-black head, which was lying on the floor, was somewhat dyed red.

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