
Chapter Book 10 9: Enemies On A Narrow Road

Since Yang Guang was assassinated by Yuwen Huaji’s uprising, sharp changes have been happening in all parts of the country. The original hegemons proclaimed themselves king or emperor, taking advantage of the situation to expand their territory. Those who were former Sui officials adopted a wait-and-see attitude or unmasked their poles to rise up, becoming local power, safeguarding their own towns and villages, their homeland.

Xiangyang’s Qian Duguan was a classic example.

‘Double Sabers’ Qian Duguan was the big boss of Hanshui Pai [River Han Sect], his character was in between orthodox and heretical, he had quite a ‘face’ both in front of the local black and white circles. His main business was silk, and his family owned ample properties.

When the news of Emperor Yang’s death arrived, Qian Duguan arose with the people’s support. He was elected leader by local wealthy families and members of the gentry, as well as by the local gangs and societies. Driving out the Xiangyang’s district magistrate, he formed large militia and seized the power.

Although Qian Duguan himself knew he did not have enough power to contend for hegemony of the world, yet in this time of ‘rising wind and rolling clouds’, the world was in chaos, he was able to maintain Xiangyang’s autonomy without any need to look up to anybody else’s face. During the time where Li Mi, Du Fuwei, Li Zitong, and the other major powers were standing in opposition to each other, he was still able to strike water right and left, so much so that his business was flourishing, his trading brisk, majestic as if he was the local king.

By dusk, Shang Xiuxun and her party rushed into Xiangyang just before the city gate was shut; after paying glistening-yellow gold entry duty at the gate, they entered the city.

Xiangyang’s city wall was tall and thick. The wall was equipped with arrow-platforms and watchtowers, as well as bell towers and drum towers opposite to each other, giving up an air of grandeur, so that before even entering the city, they already had deep impression.

Upon stepping into the city, everybody entered the main street connecting the north and south city gates. Since it was already early evening, the lanterns were lit. Over the street were layer upon layer of towering arches and sky bridges connecting the unending row of store buildings from one side of the street to the other. The long street was simple and unadorned, with row upon row of residence buildings. Pedestrians and carriages traveled back and forth on the street, a picture of lively city in time of peace and security, making people forgot the fire beacon and dangerous situation on the outside.

From time to time, a group of three to five armed men in blue warrior outfit passed by, with overbearing attitude, hence it was clear that they were Qin Duguan’s men. They almost did not see any young women on the street; occasionally they saw a few out-of-towners, but they were all scurrying along with heads hung low.

Xu Yang, Luo Fang, and the others have been waiting for them in the city for quite a long time. Luo Fang has even prepared some rooms at a rather upscale hotel. After settling down, Kou and Xu, two boys remained in their room, waiting for Shang Xiuxun’s further instruction.

Kou Zhong laughed quietly and said, “Luckily just now we were sitting down, plus we are wearing stable hands’ attire. Otherwise, with our builds, we might be recognized by Ling Feng and Jin Bo, those two muddled-eggs.” [I know the official translation is ‘scoundrel/[email protected]’, but I think ‘muddled-egg’ is funnier.]

Xu Ziling crossly said, “Are you a narcissistic freak? One day without praising yourself makes you feel uncomfortable?”

Kou Zhong giggled and said, “Everything’s good! I was just lightening up the atmosphere. Ay! This time we are going to Jingling, just thinking about Wanwan made my heart as heavy as lead; I feel so upset that I wanted to cry. Not to mention there is also the Ol’ Die to be dealt with!”

Xu Ziling sat on the bed with blank expression on his face. It was quite a while later that he said, “So finally you decide to stand head-to-head with the Ol’ Die? How do you feel?”

Kou Zhong dejectedly sat down on a chair by the door; the corner of his mouth revealed a hint of bitter smile as he said, “I only know that this time he will be unwilling to let me off. But if I have a chance, I still want to let him off one more time, to make it even, nobody owes the other anything.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Now that’s a good man; outstanding!”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “But this time don’t expect any chance to do a good man’s deed. Whether it will be a one-on-one fight or we meet in the battlefield; we are still a notch below him. Jianghuai Army is a matchless powerful army; it can’t be compared to the Four Big Bandits’ mob army.”

Xu Ziling muttered hesitantly, “Beautiful Shifu is sending Liu Zongdao back to the Ranch; what exactly is her plan?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Once Xu yaodao [demon Taoist] pinches his fingers to calculate, won’t he know everything?”

Smiling, Xu Ziling said, “Just go to your granny; as soon as you have a chance you framed me.”

While Kou Zhong was roaring in laughter, Luo Fang knocked on their door and entered, “We have a reservation at Jia Xiang Lou [House of Fragrance] the biggest restaurant around here for two banquet tables on the second floor. Come with me!”

The two boys were greatly astonished; they did not expect that under the circumstances, Shang Xiuxun still did not forget to show of extravagance.

※ ※ ※

The House of Fragrance had three floors, bottom, middle and top. The third floor was exclusively for distinguished guests. Unless frequent visitors and local celebrities, practically nobody else would be able to make any reservation.

Flying Horse Ranch were outsiders, so they could only reserve tables on the first and second floor, plus Xu Yang still had to bribe the proprietor that he gained a ‘face’ and thus was able to make this arrangement.

Not only Shang Xiuxun was wearing men’s clothing, she also darkened her face a little, and stuck two pieces of slanted moustache, giving the impression of a Confucian scholar. Although her overall appearance was rather comical, it was better than showing off her beauty, which was capable of causing the downfall of a city.

Looking at her outlandish look, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling nearly split their sides laughing, but struggled really hard not to.

The crazy thing was: Shang Xiuxun did not consider them being disobedient; she simply smiled slightly, and proceeded to take the lead together with Liang Zhi.

Once the group was assembled, they walked down the street.

Shang Peng, Shang He, two old men, were tasked with guarding the rear.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling understood that more and more people recognized them; without much choice they pulled their servant’s hat low, covering their foreheads down to their eyebrows. They also deliberately hunched their backs that walking has become quite an ordeal.

Luo Fang, who was walking beside them, asked in bewilderment, “How come you become so sneaky all of a sudden?”

Avoiding a group of people walking straight toward them, Kou Zhong put on a fierce-looking Jianghu thugs and replied in a low, serious tone, “Even Changzhu has to put on an act; we as subordinates also have to conceal our true identity, right?”

Suddenly there was a commotion to their left; pedestrians scattered everywhere. To their surprise, there were two gangs of more than a dozen men each were involved in street brawl; they chased each other along the street, sabers and swords flew everywhere.

Luo Fang’s mind was divided; he quickly pulled the two boys aside.

With her hands behind her back, Shang Xiuxun stood boldly, as if she was interested in watching the fierce battle where flesh and blood splashing everywhere.

Puzzled, Kou Zhong turned to Luo Fang and Xu Ziling and said, “Did you see that? Aren’t those Qian Duguan’s subordinates, the Xiang Han Pai disciples? Why are they watching with folded arms and not try to interfere?”

Xu Ziling turned around and sure enough, he saw a group of seven, eight men wearing blue warrior outfits, mingled among the crowd watching the bustling scene. Not only they acted as spectators, they even continuously gesticulated excitedly that their spittle splattered flew around.

Luo Fang was not surprised; he said, “This is Qian Duguan’s rule; as long as it does not harm his interest, he adopts neutral position to all fights and vendettas among the Jianghu people. Besides, even if he wanted to interfere, there is really not much that he could do.”

Kou Zhong was speechless. “Is there still law and order?” he asked.

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling replied, “Law and order have long gone.”

Kou Zhong’s eyes flashed sharply, but he no longer spoke.

Meanwhile, victory and defeat would be decided soon. The beaten group left behind several dead bodies as they ran toward a side alley.

The Xiang Han Pai warriors in blue outfits swarmed around to drag the dead bodies away. In the blink of an eye the street returned to its former lively condition, so that it was hard for others to believe that something has just happened here.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were aghast, but Luo Fang remained calm, as if nothing had happened.

After crossing an intersection, they could see the House of Fragrance’ big signboard in the distance, while from across the street they heard the sound of bamboo flute and string ensemble, mixed with the sound of finger-guessing game, gambling and drinking.

Turning his head around, Kou Zhong saw a pleasure house. The entrance was packed with people; it was unusually busy.

Four or five rough-looking bodyguards were stopping the guests coming into the brothel; perhaps they wanted to check whether the guests had enough money in their purse.

Kou Zhong could not help stopping to watch. While he was thinking about his and Xu Ziling’s own adventure, that each time they visited a brothel, the result has always been a disaster, he could not help laughing inwardly, three people bumped into him.

He did not dare to reveal his martial art skill, hence using ordinary people’s step he simply moved aside. Right this moment, one of them reached out to grope his pocket.

Inwardly Kou Zhong was delighted, thinking that you dare to fully use your magic hand to me, an expert in stealing away other people’s silver pouch, it was just like brandishing a large hatchet in front of Lu Ban [legendary master craftsman, called the father of Chinese carpentry]. Thereupon he unleashed his Severing-arteries Skill he learned from Tu Shufang, the chief manager of Zhai Rang’s household. In one grab he already caught the opponent’s wrist.

The man was about to struggle, Kou Zhong sent a stream of true qi into his wrist; immediately his entire body went numb.

When the other two men saw what happened, they scurried away in panic.

“You are hurting me!”

Kou Zhong looked closer; turned out the perpetrator was a sixteen, seventeen years old boy with rather delicate features; he did not look like a bandit at all.

Chapter 9 - Part 2

Remembering his own life back in Yangzhou, Kou Zhong’s heart softened. His left hand took out a piece of gold, he stuffed it into the boy’s hand and said in low voice, “Your pickpocket skill is so sub-standard; you shouldn’t continue doing this!”

Dumb as a wooden chicken, the boy looked at him, and then he looked at the gold in his hand; his eyes revealed a grateful look.

From ahead, Luo Fang turned around and called, “Xiao Ning, come on!”

Patting the boy’s shoulder, Kou Zhong hurriedly caught up with Luo Fang and Xu Ziling.

※ ※ ※

By the time the three of them climbed the stairs onto the second floor, Shang Xiuxun and the others had already been seated around two of the five tables by the windows facing the street.

The entire second floor was clamorous and crowded with all kinds of people. But one of the tables next to the window was occupied by only one person.

This person’s body type was majestic. Just looking at his back, others would feel that he exuded some kind of terrifying aura.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s countenance changed; they groaned inwardly, because even if this person had turned into ashes, they would still be able to recognize that this back belonged to Ba Fenghan.

The waiters and other guests appeared to be accustomed to this young martial art master who occupied an entire table all by himself; nobody even showed unusual look toward him.

While the two boys were contemplating whether they should turn around and slip away to avoid being recognized by him and thus unmasked their identity, Ba Fenghan already turned his head around to look. He flashed a meaningful smile toward the two boys. And then his gaze turned toward Shang Xiuxun, and his face immediately revealed an astounded look.

Lou Fang has also noticed Ba Fenghan; immediately he pulled the two boys along and hissed, “Don’t just stand here and block the path unless you want to create trouble. Come on!”

Helplessly the two boys followed him to sit on the table adjacent to Ba Fenghan’s table. Copying him, they also sat with their backs facing the head of the flight of stairs. Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan were only separated by a distance of half a zhang or so, while at the same time he blocked Ba Fenghan’s line of sight toward Shang Xiuxun, who was sitting on the seat closest to the corner.

Ba Fenghan’s table had a pot of wine and several dishes of appetizers. But looking at those dishes, it was obvious that he had not touched the food at all; he was simply pouring his own drink in a leisurely manner of a martial art master.

His sword was laid down on the table, but they did not see his saber.

Shang Xiuxun leaned forward slightly and looked back toward Ba Fenghan; her pretty eyes showed that she was emotionally moved. Obviously she was shaken by Ba Fenghan’s perfect wild, leisurely, and extremely masculine countenance and build.

Swept by Ba Fenghan’s penetrating gaze, the other people sitting in Shang Xiuxun’s table: Liang Zhi, Xu Yang, Wu Yan, Shang He and Shang Peng, all felt a chill in their hearts. ‘How formidable!’ they cried out inwardly; nobody has ever expected they would encounter this kind of rarely seen martial art master who was still this young. But nobody knew who he was.

Suddenly someone on the street shouted loudly, “Ba Fenghan, come down to receive your death!”

Immediately the entire restaurant gradually quieted down. But there were still comments like ‘Here we go again!’, ‘Let’s watch some excitement’, and the like, rising and falling in succession, until finally it grew so quiet that even the sound of a falling pin would be heard clearly.

Astounded, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked down and saw standing on the street were four men, tall and short, but each man’s eyes revealed ominous glint. With weapons in their hands, they issued challenge to Ba Fenghan, who was sitting upstairs.

Shang Xiuxun and the others were all emotionally moved.

Ba Fenghan was a martial art expert from the Western Regions. These past couple of years he unceasingly challenge martial art masters from famous houses and schools, as well as local heroes and evil tyrants, in all parts of the country, yet suffered not even one defeat. So much so that the families seeking revenge assembled and besieged him, yet he was still able to escape easily. His reputation has spread in Jianghu for a long time. Together with Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Hou Xibai and Yang Xuyan, they were known as most outstanding martial art masters of the present days’ young generation, obtaining the highest accolades.

In the eyes of the Wulin people, it was only after they succeeded in assassinating Ren Shaoming that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s prestige barely caught on with the other three, and they were considered as one entity, unlike the other three, who were considered able to assume personal responsibility.

The four challengers on the street were wearing black warrior outfits of the same style. Their ages ranged from around thirty to around forty. The tallest guy was wielding a pair of hooks, while the other three used sabers. Their appearance looked fierce and tough, making others feel that they were not of the benevolent type.

Luo Fang said in a low voice, “Did you see the plum blossom insignia embroidered on the lapel of their robes? These four are the leaders of the Plum Blossom School. Together with their Laoda [oldest/big boss] Gu Yue, they are known as the Five Vicious Plum Blossoms. Their subordinates numbers more than a hundred young men, specialist in breaking into a house for robbery, and they won’t shrink from any crime. I wonder if their Laoda was killed that they came here to seek revenge.”

This moment, the tall guy thundered, “Little Thief Ba, get out here! Dage’s [big brother] debt of blood must be repaid by your blood.”

Kou Zhong raised his thumb toward Luo Fang, praising him for hitting the target at the first guess, so that Luo Fang was feeling very proud of himself.

Calm and composed, Ba Fenghan poured the wine from the pot into his cup; without even looking at the four remainders of the Five Vicious Plum Blossoms, he smiled and said, “What qualifications do you have that you ask me to get out for you? I can take care of your Laoda in less than three moves. If you can take one move, I will be very surprised.”

As if he knew that Shang Xiuxun was watching him with rapt attention, he turned his head around and raised his cup to toast her with a smile. Rather unnaturally Shang Xiuxin averted her gaze to avoid his.

With a sudden shout, as if the earth was struck by scorching thunder, one of the Vicious leaped up at an angle with the intention of charging onto the second floor.

Ba Fenghan let out a cold snort, his eyes were still fixed on the side view of Shang Xiuxun’s face. Fast beyond human’s understanding the cup in his left hand moved. The wine inside the cup turned into droplets of arrows shooting at lightning-fast speed toward the enemy who was leaping upstairs.

The man’s feet have just left the ground, his roar had not yet stopped, the arrows of droplets accurately pierced his mouth. The man’s entire body shook severely; his eyes, ears, mouth and nose spurted blood, his head was thrown backward, he fell flat on his back and died a violent death on the spot.

The entire second floor stood up with a thunder-like roar.

It was the first time that these people personally witnessed someone killing the enemy using droplets of wine as arrows, and the victim was an evil bully who ran amuck the region.

Flying Horse Ranch people were all shaken as well.

Only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, two boys, continued drinking their tea calmly as if nothing has happened.

The other three Vicious turned pale with fright; their aggressive arrogance disappeared without a trace. Lifting up their dead comrade’s body, they immediately covered their head and sneaked away like a rat, provoking the hooting and booing of the people watching down the street from the second floor windows.

Ba Fenghan acted as if what he just did was a trivial matter; he resumed his leisure drinking. Soon afterwards the restaurant was also back to its former condition, just like the street after the two gangs’ brawl earlier, as if nothing had ever happened.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling heard someone on the table behind them speaking in low voice, “This was the seventh idiot who did not like to have a long life. They could be considered lucky; prior to this, those who came were more powerful than they, but half of them could not leave alive.”

The food and wine arrived.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling no longer had any interest in Ba Fenghan; plus they saw that he did not come to provoke them, hence feeling relieved, they chewed vigorously. On the contrary, Shang Xiuxun, who was usually addicted to food, perhaps because of Ba Fenghan’s influence, she appeared to be heavy-hearted. Only after eating two pieces of yellow-croaker fish, she put down her chopsticks.

Shang Peng and Shang He, two old men, still from time to time looked at Ba Fenghan, sizing him up.

Suddenly a voice was coming from the top of the stairs, “I want those two tables!”

The waiter’s stunned voice was heard, “But the guests have not left!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling stared at each other in horror, knowing something was wrong, simply because they recognized this repulsive voice belonged to Qu Ao’s first disciple Changshu Mou. They were sure this time he came to confront Shang Xiuxun and her men.

Evidently the Flying Horse Ranch people also knew who Changshu Mou was. Other than Shang Xiuxun and Peng, and He, the two old guys, they all looked keyed up and alert.

Naturally the two boys did not dare to look back; thinking that the opponent has come prepared, they would be lucky if after an all-out battle the entire team could retreat safely.

Ba Fenghan seemed to be entranced; he did not pay any attention to what was going on behind him at all.

More than a dozen footsteps appeared behind Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, a woman’s voice shouted, “We want to use these two tables; go!”

It was the voice of the Tiele beauty, Hua Lingzi, who once exchanged blows with Xu Ziling.

Because Kou and Xu were sitting with their backs facing them, they were not yet aware about these two big adversaries’ presence.

It was as if Ba Fenghan had just woken up from his stupor; he laughed aloud and said, “The disciples that Qu Ao is sending out are all so overbearing like this?”

When the guests at the two tables behind the two boys learned that the people who wanted to use their tables were Qu Ao’s disciples, they immediately became as tame as sheep and ran away in panic.

Changshu Mou came to the table behind Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and deliberately sat down with his back toward the windows. His back was less than half a zhang away from Kou and Xu, two boys. To his left was Ba Fenghan, to his right was Shang Xiuxun. The distance between them was less than a zhang; the situation was indeed very strange.

Chapter 9 - Part 3

One after another the other martial art masters on Changshu Mou’s side sat down; their number happened to be twenty even, Genggehu’er and Hua Lingzi separately sat down on Changshu Mou’s left and right.

Seeing the waiter was still standing with trembling hands and feet and did not immediately clear up the leftovers on the table from the previous guests, Changshu Mou calmly said, “When I, Changshu Mou, was still in my humble country, I have already heard Ba Xiong’s illustrious name, and was already filled with admiration, wishing earnestly that I can have an opportunity to ask for your brilliant guidance. I wonder if in these couple of days Ba Xiong has spare time, can we agree on a time and a place where we can talk intimately?”

Ba Fenghan drank the wine in his cup in one gulp, and casually threw the cup to the floor between he and Changshu Mou.


The china cup shattered into pieces and scattered all over the floor.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged glances; inwardly they were greatly surprised. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, this Ba kid unexpectedly was helping them!

Calm and composed, Ba Fenghan said, “Selecting an auspicious date is not as good as a chance encounter. I will leave town tomorrow, just let me, Ba Fenghan, see how much of Qu Ao’s skill has Changshu Xiong mastered.”

Everybody halted their chopsticks; several hundreds eyes were all on Changshu Mou, wanting to know how he would react.

Genggehu’er and Hua Lingzi’s countenance changed suddenly. While they were about to rise, Changshu Mou waved his hand to stop them, and then he let out a long laughter that shook the roof tiles.

Those in the restaurant who knew what’s what were emotionally moved; they heard the sound of his laughter was high-pitched but not overbearing, yet it was able to pierce their eardrums. Obviously in terms of both inner and outer skills, Changshu Mou has reached transformation stage.

The laughter suddenly stopped.

Although there was no wind, Changshu Mou’s white clothes suddenly fluttered; immediately a burst of cold and sharp murderous aura arose. A gentle and soft smile appeared on his handsome face, as he shook his head and said with a sigh, “What a delight. Too bad right now I have an important thing to do. I wonder if Ba Xiong could stay a bit longer?”

And then he turned toward the waiter, who was standing on the side without knowing what to do, and barked his order, “Give me two more orders of the same food that the friends from Flying Horse Ranch behind me ordered. Go!”

The waiter hurried away.

Shang Xiuxun knew the enemy would make their move anytime; she signaled her men to instruct them who should fight and who should leave.

This is called ‘he who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no one well meaning will come’ [i.e. be careful not to trust strangers].

Changshu Mou’s party seemed to have very high confidence, they must have something to rely on; perhaps they still have hidden troops downstairs or outside the building. However, merely Changshu Mou, three martial brothers and sister, already had formidable power.

The other seventeen Tiele warriors had understated expression; each one was as calm as ordinary people. Those with discerning eyes would be able to tell that these men were not to be trifled with.

In the restaurant, crow and peacock made no sound [i.e. absolute silence]; nobody was willing to leave and miss watching the excitement. Everybody was waiting quietly for Ba Fenghan’s response.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked down to the street, and found out that the street, which was originally bustling with people coming and going, has suddenly turned as quiet as a ghost domain; the stores and shops have closed their doors, and not a single human being was to be found. Immediately they realized that Changshu Mou’s operation to deal with the Flying Horse Ranch has received Qian Duguan’s tacit approval; they could not help shivering in fear.

Ba Fenghan’s voice rang out, “This is indeed a coincidence. I was going to deal with two friends from the Flying Horse Ranch for some personal gratitude and grudges; would Changshu Xiong also wait a little bit?”

Both Shang Xiuxun and Changshu Mou’s men were surprised.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling knew it was time for the ugly woman to meet the father-in-law. While they were looking at each other with wry smile on their faces, Ba Fenghan suddenly muttered as if he was talking to himself, “Why is Junyu late?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were gob smacked; they both thought that it would be worse if they came across Fu Junyu.

Shang Xiuxun’s gaze fell on them, her eyes gleamed with cold flashes.

Kou Zhong finally spoke up; he sighed and said, “Since Changshu Xiong lost your golden shields, I wonder if you are now using iron shields, copper shields, wooden shields, leather shields, or perhaps rotten shields?”

This remark was like a sharp tip suddenly appeared out of nowhere. First, Changshu Mou was greatly shaken; next, he turned around and seeing Kou Zhong, he stared in disbelief at the two boys.

Luo Fang was even more shocked; along with everybody else’s golden eyes and fiery gaze, he stared fiercely at the two boys.

Kou Zhong turned around and flashed Changshu Mou one of his splendid smiles. He even raised his hand to greet him and said, “Hello! You have fallen into a trap! Wanwan is secretly conspiring with us; otherwise, how could you idiots drop by here to receive a beating today? Ha! Really funny!”

And then, pointing at the two new shields hanging on Changshu Mou’s back, he roared in laughter and said, “Turns out it’s iron. Ha! Suddenly you became poor!”

Next, he turned toward Shang Xiuxun, who was glowering at him, winked and said, “Changzhu Daren, please be magnanimous; we, two brothers, will atone for our crimes by meritorious acts!”

Other than those in the know, everybody listening was baffled; they were unclear on who exactly Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were? However, just by the fact that Changshu Mou’s side did not recklessly make their move, they knew that these two boys must have unusual background.

With a tender laugh Hua Lingzi said, “We should be the one who said ‘interesting’; let this Miss see how you, these two kids, are going to render meritorious acts?”

Finished speaking, two short blades immediately moved from her sleeves into her hands.

“Hold on!” Ba Fenghan suddenly shouted.

Just like that, the ‘swords drawn and bows bent’ atmosphere was temporarily suppressed.

Genggehu’er had found early on that Ba Fenghan was unpleasant to the eye; he laughed coldly and said, “Isn’t Ba Xiong meddling on other people’s business too much?”

Ba Fenghan sneered and said, “Whether I am meddling or not, it depends on my mood. But if even a little bit of face you are not willing to grant me, don’t blame Zaixia for putting my foot down.”

Even with Changshu Mou’s arrogant and conceited character, he was unwilling to deal with the Flying Horse Ranch’s martial art masters and Kou and Xu, two boys at the same time; not to mention with the addition of Ba Fenghan, a formidable opponent. Thereupon he put down his ambitious and ruthless character. With his back against Kou Zhong, he sat comfortably in his chair and slapped the table and shouted, “Why haven’t the food and wine being served yet?”

Shang Xiuxun’s silver-bell-like laughter rang out, attracting the entire restaurant’s attention. She then said calmly, “I have long heard Ba Xiong’s saber and sword’s mutual splendor; is it possible for you to let Xiuxun broaden her horizon?”

Everybody, including Ba Fenghan himself, was stunned; nobody understood why ‘grew new branch out of a knot’ by suddenly issuing challenge to Ba Fenghan.

Except Xu Ziling. He understood a little bit her frame of mind. First of all, she was annoyed that the two boys deceived her, and then she was mad at Ba Fenghan sticking his nose right this moment by wanting to settle scores with the two boys, which would give Changshu Mou an unfair advantage.

This moment Xu Ziling turned his head to look at Ba Fenghan. Ba Fenghan also happened to look at him. As the two men’s eyes met, it was as if four streaks of lightning struck against each other in the air.

Xu Ziling straightened up his back and shoulders, his imposing manner rose up steeply, revealing a terrifying graceful bearing that no one, Kou Zhong included, has ever seen before. Calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos, he cast a sidelong glance toward Ba Fenghan and said with a smile, “Has Ba Xiong’s saber been broken?”

Ba Fenghan was astonished, “Xu Xiong has indeed guessed correctly. Ten days ago Zaixia met a martial art master that I have never met before, which resulted in my saber broken. How did Xu Xiong guess?”

As soon as the two words ‘Xu Xiong’ came out of his mouth, the room was abuzz with people expressing their opinions. By this time everybody guessed that these two ‘brothers’ must be Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, who dealt with Ren Shaoming.

Shang Xiuxun revealed an extremely angry expression. She stomped her feet under the table to vent out her anger, yet in her fragrant heart she was secretly pleasantly surprised; it was indeed an extreme contradiction.

Liang Zhi, Luo Fang and the others were dumbstruck; in their hearts, there was an equal amount of disbelief and delight.

When Ba Fenghan mentioned that he encountered a strong opponent that he had never met before, his eyes revealed an extremely complex expression, as if it was a very memorable encounter. Noticing that, Kou Zhong’s heart was moved; he said, “What’s so difficult to guess? We also know that the opponent Ba Xiong encountered was a woman as beautiful as an immortal from the Heaven; her fragrant name is Wanwan. Ha! Isn’t that right?”

Ba Fenghan burst out laughing. He said, “Right! Ha! But Kou Xiong is only half right. She did look amazingly beautiful, but she was not Wanwan at all; rather, the most outstanding female martial art master since the beginning of Dugu Clan’s history.”

“Dugu Feng?” Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling blurted out together.

This time Ba Fenghan was stunned. “Have you fought with her too?” he asked in astonishment.

Changshu Mou joined in; he asked in amazement, “Does that mean Ba Xiong was losing a battle? How come I have never heard about this woman?”

Kou Zhong sneered and said, “What’s so strange about you never heard about it? Isn’t Ba Xiong also unclear about this female demon Wanwan?”

Changshu Mou was displeased, “I was talking to Ba Xiong, you interrupted me,” he said.

Kou Zhong was about to retort, Shang Xiuxun’s tender voice snapped, “Why so much bullsh1t? Just shut up! Ba Fenghan, let me see if your sword is stronger than your saber.

The room grew quiet again.

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