
Chapter Book 12 12: Meeting an Old Friend on The Road

He really did not want to see Shan Wanjing.

This moment the City of Luoyang looked like it has just been awakened from sleep. Streams of carts and sedan chairs flowed without stopping. The city was bustling with noise and excitement. Among the pedestrians, many were wearing barbarian attires; obviously they were traveling merchants from the Western Regions.

Just by looking at the prosperity before their eyes, anybody could not imagine that there were endless wars outside the city, and that people were in a terrible situation.

Even more difficult to imagine was that Luoyang was caught in the midst of internal and external problems; that it was in the center of conflict among major powers.

Leaving the Heavenly Street bubbling up with a tide of people, he walked to the west along the Luo River. On a more than ten zhang wide waterfront, a huge ship standing right by the dock, with smaller boats moored on the aft of ship. The size of the iron chain itself was a marvel.

Looking back at the Tianjin Bridge, Ba Fenghan had already disappeared.

The four multistory building opposite each other on the north and south of the Tianjin Bridge added to the grandeur of the bridge itself; it was such a magnificent sight.

Leaving the shopping area south of the Bridge, he noticed that the pedestrians were a lot more sparse. Xu Zling strolled along the Luo dike. The dike was lined with miscellaneous plants, Chinese scholar trees and willows. The green trees provided shade. It was a charming scenery.

Collecting his thoughts, Xu Ziling could not help thinking about the relationship between Ba Fenghan and Shan Wanjing.

That day Ba Fenghan and Shan Wanjing agreed to meet at Jiujiang. Perhaps it was not such a simple matter of man-woman relationship.

It should be noted that Shan Wanjing was the new generation leader of Dongming Pai. Internally, that Shang Ming fellow has been chosen to be her future husband. Therefore, although she fell in love with Li Shimin, they were not fated to be together.

Judging from Shan Wanjing’s strong character and the way she conducted herself, since she was able to restrain her feeling for Li Shimin that nothing went wrong, according to reason, she also should be able to refrain from making a tryst with Ba Fenghan.

Therefore, between she and Ba Fenghan, there must be some cooperation of mutual benefit.

Xu Ziling originally did not consider this aspect of the matter, but because Ba Fenghan had intimate knowledge that Shan Wanjing was in Luoyang, and he knew where she was staying, this was definitely not a simple matter at all.

If between the two people there was only a simple matter between a man and a woman, with Ba Fenghan’s attitude in which he did not attach most importance to family love, and the fact that Shan Wanjing did not have the heart to kill Xu Ziling the other day, it was enough for Ba Fenghan to never turn his back against Shan Wanjing.

Xu Ziling shook his head with rueful smile.

Could a wind blowing a ripple on a spring [season] pond interfere with the matters between a man and a woman?

Right this moment, someone was hurrying over. Xu Ziling looked up to see, and instantly he was dumbstruck, and nearly could not believe his own eyes.

※ ※ ※

Leaning on the window, Kou Zhong looked out, wile myriads of thoughts flashed through his mind.

The road to hegemony over the world was definitely not a broad and open road. Not only it was unpredictable and hard to fathom, it was rugged and hard to pass, with the risk of having his body torn and his bones crushed lurking at every turn. The one brought him the most headaches was that there were so many forks on the road. One slip and he would lose the opportunity to reach his goal.

And opportunity was of a really crucial importance.

Li Shimin was a person who understood how to grasp opportunity the most. He watched for opportunity, pushed his old man to rebel, and raised an army at Taiyuan, taking advantage while Guanzhong’s elite troops were pressing west to deal with Li Mi, he crossed the river to enter the pass, and seized the Western Capital Chang’An, a staunch and solid point, all along only had to face danger from Xue Ju, father and son, on the west side, and was able to take control of Guanzhong, in the midst of great heroes pursuing the deer in the Central Plains [fig. many vie for supremacy], and seized the advantage of ‘sandpiper and clam war together, and the fisherman catches both’ without even lifting a finger.

And right now he had just started.

Admittedly, while toppling Li Mi would break the Song Clan and Wagang Army alliance like killing a fetus inside the belly, the one reaping the most benefit would be Li Shimin, and not him, Kou Zhong.

Therefore, now it was not the time to kill Li Mi. Even though Li Mi was craning his neck waiting to be chopped, he could not kill Li Mi.

Ay! I wish Xiao Ling were here! Then at least I’ll have someone to unload my mind.

If Xu Ziling was killed, he would recklessly abandon everything to avenge him. All those aspiration to obtain the world or what have you, would have to be set aside.

‘Knock! Knock!’

Kou Zhong was stunned. “Come in!” he said.

A young maid pushed the door and bowed respectfully while saying, “Miss is inviting Kou Gongzi to her cabin for a meeting.”

※ ※ ※

Xu Ziling hesitated for a moment, before running to block the person who had just brushed past, and called in heavy voice, “Li Dage!”

Unexpectedly it was Li Jing, whom he had not seen in a very long time.

The reason of his hesitation was because all along he could not accept what happened to Susu. If Li Jing was not a fickle man, Susu would not receive disgrace from Wang Bodang, and furthermore, she would not have married Xiang Yushan.

Li Jing was dressed in everyday clothes, but he still looked heroic and frank; his eyes had become even sharper, evidently in these past few years his martial art skill had progressed tremendously.

Stunned, he halted his step. With confused expression he knitted his brows and asked, “Could this Xiongtai be mistaken?”

It was only then did Xu Ziling realize that presently he was the ‘Scarface Hero’. Thereupon, lowering his voice he said, “It’s me, Xu Ziling. I am wearing a mask.”

First, Li Jing’s tiger body shook, and then, showing a pleasantly surprised expression, he pulled Xu Ziling over the row of locust trees by the pathway and toward the edge of the sloping dike. “I also heard the rumor that you guys are heading to Luoyang,” he said in great delight, “But I would never have expected that we would come across each other by chance like this. Where’s Xiao Zhong?”

Xu Ziling pulled his mask off and stuffed it into his bosom.

Li Jing sighed and said, “You are taller than me now. Time flies really fast, unexpectedly it has been many years. Those two urchins of the old days have become world-shaking figures. Nowadays, at the mention of your name, people are either gnashing their teeth in anger, or praising you to high heaven!”

And then he quickly added, “Xiao Zhong is all right, isn’t he?”

Listening to his sincere concern, while also recalling Susu, Xu Ziling was so torn that he hated himself for it. He said, “Xiao Zhong is all right, we are just temporarily splitting up, each one handling different matter; that’s all!”

Li Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Come! Let’s find a place to sit down and talk!”

※ ※ ※

Kou Zhong was led by the young maid to the inner cabin.

Dong Shuni had changed into fancy dress, and had put on meticulous makeups. Sitting nicely in a chair, her beauty was even more dazzling. Her smoky eyes also increased her charm and grace, and made her look a bit more mature.

Kou Zhong was sat on a chair on her left. The young maid retreated, and even closed the door behind her.

Kou Zhong looked unsure, “Aren’t you afraid your Da Jiujiu might blame you?” he asked.

Imitating Wang Shichong’s tone, she spoke in an old, gruff voice, “Now is now, then is then. How can they be the same?” But then she could not refrain from laughing tenderly, like a sprig of flower trembling uncontrollably, unleashing her seductive appearance at its full power that she looked extremely captivating.

Kou Zhong suddenly understood: Dong Shuni was Wang Shichong’s secret weapon. By exploiting her beauty, he coaxed and took advantage of talents, and perhaps to gather intelligence as well. Otherwise, perhaps even to his death Wang Shichong was not aware that he had fallen within Li Mi’s range of bows and arrows.

In order to subdue Kou Zhong, right now Wang Shichong was playing this Dong Shuni trump card.

Smiling sweetly, Dong Shuni said, “You are indeed a very capable person; I have never seen Da Jiujiu has such a high regard of anybody. But right now I don’t like you!”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out.

Chapter 12 - Part 2

The buildings along the Luo River banks stretched out to the left and right. Not too far ahead there was a tall campanile, magnificently towering high over the Luo River dividing the city into two sections.

Li Jing sighed and said, “I had never thought that when we parted that day, it’s only now that we can meet again. Su Mei is really something; were it not for her, I, Li Jing, could forget about sitting here with you, reminiscing over the old times. Therefore, when I heard Li Mi rose up in rebellion, I knew something bad was about to happen, I rushed to Xingyang immediately, and found out that you guys have rescued her out.”

Xu Ziling felt a lump in his throat; he nearly burst into tears. Struggling hard to control himself, he said in heavy voice, “Why did Li Dage let her return to Xingyang that day? Didn’t you know that Xingyang’s Longtou Mansion was a very dangerous place to be?”

Li Jing smiled wryly and said, “Su Mei’s kindness to me was as heavy as the mountain, how could I, Li Jing, be that kind of ungrateful [email protected]? It’s a pity that she had had her mind made up. Knowing that I would stop her, unexpectedly she left a letter and quietly left me. At that time my internal injury had not been healed, if I ran after her, we would come across more wind and rain. Upon recovering from my heavy injury, I went to Xingyang to look for her, but Su Mei refused to see me. I had no choice but to go to Luoyang first, and then continuing into Guanzhong. And now I am working for the King of Qin.”

Listening to this, Xu Ziling was dumbstruck.

Turned out that was what happened!

※ ※ ※

Dong Shuni’s countenance turned cold, “Anybody that Da Jiujiu like, I don’t!” she spoke indifferently.

Seeing Kou Zhong was staring at her with his big eyes, she stomped her feet and snarled, “What’s so strange about that? Can’t I pick someone I like? Da Jiujiu has never liked my Die, but Niang was happier than any woman out there. Niang used to say previously they were free to select any partner from among the wildfire.”

Kou Zhong breathed a sigh of relief instead. Smiling, he asked, “In that case, can I get lost now?”

This time it was Dong Shuni who stared at him with her big eyes. “Did you hear what I said?” she said, “I said I don’t like you anymore; don’t you feel sad and broken hearted?”

Kou Zhong stood up, stretched his limbs, and started to walk toward the cabin door. Without stopping, he said, “Of course I am deeply grieved. I just want to go back to my room and cry my eyes out. Ha …”

Kou Zhong turned around to catch the precious porcelain vase Dong Shuni was throwing at his back. Giggling, he said, “I have a really bad habit: I don’t like to be manipulated by others. I prefer to eat soft food, but refuse to have hard food [i.e. amenable to coaxing but not coercion]. Ha!” With a wave of his hand, he whisked the porcelain vase back toward Dong Shuni.

While Dong Shuni was frantically catching the vase, he pushed the door and swaggered out.


The vase was thrown once again; it crashed against the door and disintegrated into pieces.

※ ※ ※

“How’s Su Mei doing?” Li Jing asked in concern.

Xu Ziling heard his own voice responding, “She is in Baling, and she is married now.”

Li Jing sounded cheerful, “I am really happy for her. Which family is so lucky to have her?”

Xu Ziling was visibly shaken; he looked at Li Jing in disbelief.

Li Jing was puzzled, “Why did your, Xiao Ling’s countenance, look so strange? Is there something wrong with Su Mei’s husband?”

Xu Ziling asked in surprise, “Su Jie married another man, Li Dage did not feel disappointed?”

Frowning, Li Jing said, “If Su Mei has a place to call home, I can’t be more happy than that. Is there any problem with this man?”

After staring at Li Jing for half a day, Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “I do not dare to be positive about it.”

Li Jing laughed and said, “You nearly scared me to death. Who is this man anyway? Isn’t Baling Xiao Xian’s territory?”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “This man is precisely Xiao Xian’s man, his name is Xiang Yushan.”

Li Jing’s countenance changed, “What?” he blurted out.

Xu Ziling was shocked, “Is there really a problem with him?”

Li Jing showed a pained expression. It was quite a while before he sighed and said, “Whether in himself this man has a problem, I am not sure at all; but I do know … ay! Xiao Ling, please forgive me for having a hidden trouble too hard to mention, hence I cannot fluently tell you all I wanted. Heavens! How could there be such a coincidence?”

Xu Ziling’s brain traveled at the speed of light; he spoke heavily, “Just now Li Dage said that you are working under the King of Qin. Isn’t the King of Qin Li Yuan’s second son, Li Shimin?”

Li Jing nodded, “That’s him all right,” he replied, “He also has high regards toward you. Aren’t you looking to make a breakthrough in doing great undertaking? He is going to be a good emperor.”

Xu Ziling laughed coldly and said, “Can he ascend to the throne? He is merely the King of Qin, but the heir apparent is actually Li Jiancheng. Just by listening to Li Dage, I know the rift between the two brothers. Li Clan is facing a disaster, big chaos will arise. Li Dage still want to mingle in this muddy water?”

Li Jing solemnly said, “Xiao Ling, you have grown up, your knowledge and experience are greatly different from the past, but I, Li Jing, am not the kind of person who sees trouble and shrink back.”

After a pause, his eyes glittered like frost and snow as he gazed on the Luo River below, which water flowed in perpetuity, and then he said slowly, “The trials and tribulations of a nation today are the same as in time past, unless it obtained enlightened sage as its lord, it cannot be governed peacefully. And the problem facing the nation is not for the squeamish. Nowadays, who did not know that the Li Clan’s territory was won over by the King of Qin? Also, only he has the talent and morality and conduct, which will benefit thousands of people. Xiao Ling, do you understand what I am saying?”

Xu Ziling’s heart was vexed, as if there was a heavy stone weighing the pit of his stomach; after taking a long, slow breathe, he felt slightly comfortable. He said, “Li Dage is not in Guanzhong, but came to such a dangerous place like this, what is this all about?”

Lowering his voice, Li Jing replied, “I came to Luoyang this time is indeed for a very important matter, but right now I cannot tell you yet.”

And then he pulled Xu Ziling up and said, “Come with me, your Sister-in-law must be worried sick waiting for us!”

“Sister-in-law?” Xu Ziling blurted.

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