
Chapter Book 22 3: The Dragon Roams Everywhere

Xuan Yong whispered, “We did according to what Shao Shuai ordered: setting up sentries all around the camp. This man came sneaking in, and I captured him with my own hands. This kid’s martial art skill is quite solid, his technique is from Jiangnan school.”

“What did he say?” Kou Zhong asked.

Xuan Yong replied firmly, “Naturally he claimed that he was just passing by. Humph! This place is the wilderness of a desolate mountain, even if he went hunting, he should have a reason to come here. From his accent, he sounds like a Zhejiang native, how did he come here alone?”

Frowning, Xu Ziling said, “Even if he is a spy, he should have some accomplice; did you find any other men?”

Xuan Yong shook his head and said, “I already send my men to search everywhere in the mountain and forest nearby, yet we have not found anybody else.”

“Looks like we must resort to torture,” Kou Zhong said, “Are you an expert?”

“Leave it to me,” Xuan Yong replied.

He was about to step forward, Xu Ziling pulled him aside. He could not bear to torture the prisoner. “Before we ascertain his identity, using torture does not seem to be too good,” he said.

Stunned, Xuan Yong said, “Since he is unwilling to speak out, how could we ascertain his identity without torture?”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “The invisible pressure to the mind is the highest technique of torture. This is called ‘using torture to cut down a scheme’. Come!”

The three walked over to the young, robust man. Waving to the guard to dismiss him, Kou Zhong noticed that the man was closing his eyes. He laughed and said, “He is unwilling to open his eyes, naturally he is unwilling to answer questions; we have no choice but to use torture to force confession. Take your time in torturing him, let this hero have the opportunity to consider his own situation, and then choose to make a smart choice.”


The man flung open his eyes and spat out a thick saliva with traces of blood in it, shooting toward Kou Zhong.

Kou Zhong effortlessly turned his head sideways and thus the spittle hit an empty space.

The man revealed a surprised look; evidently he had never expected that Kou Zhong was capable of evading his attack. But then he quickly closed his eyes again.

Angered, Xuan Yong pulled his dagger and shouted, “Let me cut his flesh slice by slice.

Seeing the disdain look on the man’s face, Kou Zhong praised him inwardly; turning to Xuan Yong, he laughed and said, “How can a dagger be better than a pair of pliers? Guard! Get me a pair of pliers!”

Immediately someone acknowledging the order from a distance.

Xuan Yong and Xu Ziling looked at Kou Zhong in bewilderment.

But Kou Zhong walked around to the back of the tree, to look at the man’s tied hands. He laughed and said, “This Lao Ge’s fingers are long, delicate and smooth. Ha!” Walking to the front again, he called out, “Guard! Take off his boots.”

The man opened his eyes and spoke angrily, “You want to kill, you want to cut my flesh, go ahead and do it, why do you want to take off my boots?”

Kou Zhong raised his hand to stop his man who was about to take off his boots; he smiled and said, “Because I want to pull out your toe nails one by one, and I am going to do it slowly. People say that the pain on ten fingers goes through to the heart; I wonder where would the pain on the toes go to? I have no choice but to test it on Lao Xiong. Don’t underestimate toenails. Without those, it is tantamount to crippling your martial art skill, and don’t even think you can use your legs to report your findings here; we don’t even need to kill you.”

The man’s face changed several times; finally he spoke in distress, “I practically do not know who you guys are, I took a shortcut this way because I wanted to hurry on toward Hefei [capital of Anhui Province] to participate in professional societies general assembly called together by Rong Fengxiang.”

Hearing that, the three were emotionally moved.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged eye signals, they both recalled that since Zuo Youxian also showed up at Hefei, presumably those two were ranked among the Eight Major Martial Art Masters of the Demonic Sects, perhaps they even had a friendly relationship between them, and now it was quite possible that the professional societies general assembly was arranged by Zuo Youxian.

Kou Zhong chuckled and roared into a laughter, “Turns out it’s a misunderstanding,” he said, “Guards! Release this Renxiong. The rain is getting heavier! Let us take shelter in the tent and change into dry clothes, and drink his mother’s two cups of wine.”

This time Xuan Yong and that man looked at each other in confusion; they did not understand why with just one sentence the man was rewarded with being released on the spot.

While Xu Ziling was untying the rope, Xuan Yong whispered in Kou Zhong’s ear, “Shao Shuai has forgotten that you issued the strict order not to drink in this mission; we basically did not bring any wine.”

Kou Zhong cleared his throat and said, “Then we’ll drink a cup of water!”

The man shook his hands, which were numbed from being bound with ox-tendon rope. “You are really willing to let me go?” he asked in suspicion.

Kou Zhong shrugged his shoulders and said, “We are not utterly-vicious-extremely-evil people; since knowing that this is just a misunderstanding, other than offering an apology, what else can we do?”

The man’s spirit greatly aroused, he asked, “Friend’s honorable surname and great given name?”

Smiling, Kou Zhong pointed to Xuan Yong and said, “He is called Xuan Yong.”

Before he had any chance to introduce Xu Ziling, the man said in shock, “In that case you must be Shao Shuai Kou Zhong, and the other gentleman must be Xu Ziling!”

Xuan Yong nodded and said, “Your guess is spot on. What’s friend’s honorable name and surname?”

The man was a lot friendlier; he replied readily, “I am the son of Longyou Bang’s [lit. roaming dragon (the title of this chapter) gang] Bangzhu Ze Tianwen, Ze Yue.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong, three men looked at each other, simply because they had never heard the name Longyou Bang; they could not even utter conventional greeting such as ‘I’ve long looked forward to meeting you’ or something like that.

Trying to smooth things over, Kou Zhong said, “Let’s get out of this rain and talk further in the tent. Fortunately Ze Xiong only suffers minor injuries, otherwise we will feel even more guilty.”

Ze Yue laughed aloud and said, “Being able to make three Xiongtai’s acquaintance, a little bit of injury is not worth mentioning.”

Turned out the reason Longyou Bang was not known in Jianghu was simply because it was a business oriented organization, with Longyou County in Dongyang Region [in Zhejiang Province] as the center of professional society. The organization was quite tight, they had buying-low, selling-high operations in all parts of the country, therefore, they enjoyed the good reputation as ‘The Dragon Roams Everywhere’.

After introducing the Longyou Bang, Ze Yue cheerfully said, “The region bordering our hometown has more mountains but less farmlands. The flow of most needed commodity to sustain live for the mountain people is only by carrying it on shoulder pole. Sailing boats and driving carts, engaging in buying and selling have become a way to seek livelihood. My Die started his business by trading wood, and now, using our Gang’s good reputation, we have at least ten thousand people doing business for us in all parts of the country. But the number of men who are really under our Longyou Bang’s banner is only a few hundred. They are the real backbone of our Gang.”

And then he took out a bronze medal [i.e. bronze plaque bearing a business name or logo, etc.]. One side was cast in dragon pattern, the other side had four characters ‘Long You Bian Di’ [The Dragon Roams Everywhere].

Outside the rain was getting heavier, crisp and clear breeze was rolling in from the tent’s opening.

Greatly interested, Kou Zhong asked, “What is your main business?”

Ze Yue replied, “It is called ‘not familiar, not doing’. We mainly trade local specialty of the mountain area for local necessities. Bamboo, wood, paper, tea, bamboo shoot, oil, herbal medicine; the seven main industries. And we buy things that the mountain area is lacking; for instance, rice grain, cooking salt, silk cloth, cotton sloth, et cetera, forming a circulation network. All the professional societies in various regions, big and small, always give us a bit of face.”

And then he happily said, “To be able to know two gentlemen is indeed the blessing of three lifetimes. That day when you routed Li Mi, I was hurrying from Guanzhong toward Luoyang. Among a number of heroes today, who can surpass Shao Shuai and Xu Ye?”

A little bit embarrassed, Xu Ziling changed the subject, “Right now fire beacon is everywhere [i.e. alarm signal over long distance], does it have any adverse effect to your business?”

Ze Yue laughed and said, “Peacetime has peacetime way of doing things, wartime also has a set of ways of doing things. Like just now, I was treated as a spy, definitely it was not uncommon. But usually as long as I flash the Longyou Bang’s token of authority, everybody would give me a bit of face.”

Kou Zhong awkwardly said, “Ze Xiong is accustomed to do business, your eloquence is indeed outstanding. Oh, right! Didn’t you say that Rong Fengxiang is holding some his mother’s professional societies general assembly at Hefei? What exactly is that?”

Ze Yue’s countenance sank; he sighed and said, “That is actually a very troubling thing. Recently Rong Fengxiang ascended the Luoyang Bang’s Longtou [big boss] throne, it already has great impact. And now he also assumes the position of Elder of the most-powerful-in-the-north Bai Ye She [Hundred Professional Societies], he is like a tiger that has grown wings. This time he came to Hefei, his objective is precisely to call on the professional societies and trade organizations north of the River to join Bai Ye She. On the surface he is calling all business communities to unite, but in my opinion, he must have another ambition.”

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong asked, “What exactly is Bai Ye She?”

Ze Yue explained, “It is just an alliance of business and professional communities from various parts of the country north of the River. Elders have no governing authority over the professional societies under their jurisdiction, but they can represent each business community and trade power from various regions during the Hundred Industries General Assembly, to determine a variety of prices, and to mediate business disputes. Their influence could be big, could be small, depending on who the Elder is.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong exchanged glances; both felt that this could not be a good thing. Rong Fengxiang was the personification of the demonic sect’s martial art master Pi Chen; if he was to become the big boss, the chief of professional societies and trade organizations of the world, what good would that do?

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Xu Ziling tried to probe, “Why is Ze Xiong troubled?”

Smiling bitterly, Ze Yue said, “How could I not be troubled? In doing business, the most important thing is flexibility and freedom, that we do not have any constrain; but now Rong Fengxiang is putting on an air of the big taking an unfair advantage of the small, by using the power and influence of the northern Bai Ye She, he is coercing us to join his Bai Ye She …”

“If you don’t join the association,” Kou Zhong cut him off, “What will the consequence be?”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Ze Yue said, “For the time being, it is still unclear. It depends on how well he can control the professional societies in the north; but since we want to do business in the north, naturally it will have some impact.”

“Is your honorable gang ready to join, or already decided not to do so?” Xu Ziling asked.

Ze Yue replied, “The reason I wanted to go to Hefei a bit earlier this time is to consult with the experts from various regions to get a good understanding of what they are thinking. If everybody is eager to join, our situation will be very difficult, we might have to follow the crowd and give in.”

Surprised, Kou Zhong said, “How could Ze Xiong be that kind of person?”

Smiling wryly, Ze Yue replied, “When all is said and done, I am just a businessman; whether I stay or I move, I have to consider the pros and cons first. Oh! I have not yet consulted two gentlemen, you take the trouble to move the troops in such a military expedition, who are you dealing with?”

Kou Zhong replied, “Who else but Cao Yinglong and Zhu Can, those two big bastards?”

Feeling deep veneration, Ze Yue said, “Turns out those two who kill people like scything flax, the demons who don’t speak the rules of Jianghu. If there is anything that requires Ze Yue’s help, as long as it is within my power, I will certainly do it at all costs.”

Kou Zhong said, “You’d better keep your mind on your business first! But about Rong Fengxiang, we, two brothers, cannot ignore it, because he is another big bastard; he is even more terrifying than Cao Yinglong and Zhu Can. Therefore, we must take the time to go on a trip with Ze Xiong to Hefei; luckily it is on our way.”

“What?” Ze Yue cried out involuntarily.

Kou Zhong put on the mask he wore while battling Li Tianfan and Shen Luoyan at the Flying Horse Ranch, transforming him back into the middle-aged, wild man with eagle beak nose and a face full of beard. Naturally Xu Ziling did not dare to disguise himself as either Yue Shan or the Scarface Hero; hence he took out a mask that he had not worn yet. Changing shape in a single shake, he became a yellow-faced man with a rather tacky appearance, older than Kou Zhong’s disguise. The two boys ‘you look at me, I look at you’, both were amused.

Braving the rain, the three hastened on with their journey. In only two sichen traveling on foot, they arrived at Hefei in the afternoon. Sure enough, people of professional societies and trade organizations from all over came to attend the assembly. People and carriages came and went in an incessant stream.

As soon as the three entered the city, they were met by Longyou Bang’s people, who already arrived one step ahead. Obviously, Ze Yue, the son of the Gang Leader, had a very high position, although he did not introduce his two companions, his subordinates did not dare to ask.

In Hefei, Longyou Bang opened a teashop at the main street connecting the north and the south gates of the city. The three were going to stay at the rear courtyard of this shop. While Ze Yue was listening to his men’s report, since the two boys felt tired, after changing into dry clothes, they retired to their room to rest.

Kou Zhong kicked off his boots, and sprawled his limbs on the bed [orig. in 大 (big) character shape]. He spoke to Xu Ziling, who was slumping on the chair, staring out the window, watching the rain, “I really don’t understand Lu Miaozi, why is it that every mask he made does not look flattering? Couldn’t he make something a bit more attractive and pleasing to the eye?”

Xu Ziling muttered, “Tell me, what do you think of Mr. Lu’s appearance?”

Kou Zhong replied, “When he was young, he must be very handsome. Didn’t you see he was still a good-looking fellow when he was already old? But what does it have to do with the mask?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Ziling said, “I don’t know; there must be a little bit of relationship! When people are born, they are already destined to be handsome, ugly, horrid, or pretty. Under normal circumstances, this will not change, so we can only accept the reality. If I were Mr. Lu and I had the power to change the weather, naturally I would want to change into an entirely different face, to experience another, distinct identity, a different perception.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “If you put it that way, it does have a bit of truth in it. All right! Back to the topic: should we join hands to slaughter Rong Fengxiang?”

“The rain stops!” Xu Ziling said.

Kou Zhong sat up from the bed; looking out the window, he said, “This matter must be decided, we only have two days and one night to destroy Rong Fengxiang’s scheme. Ay! I really don’t understand why Wang Shichong did not deal with this demon. Yang Gongqing should have told him that Rong Fengxiang is Bi Chen, and Bi Chen is Pi Chen.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Too much self-confidence is not a good thing. Even if Pi Chen is stupid enough to accidentally be alone to give us the opportunity to make our move, we may not necessarily be able to kill him. Much less he has Zuo Youxian watching his back, plus this is Fu Gongyou’s territory; there is no place for us to show off.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “It’s not that I have too much self-confidence at all; it’s just that we don’t have much time.”

Xu Ziling laughed and said, “If we cannot overcome the enemy by force, we must outsmart them. Isn’t your belly full of crafty schemes? How about selecting one and telling me, so that I can increase my knowledge?”

Kou Zhong happily said, “Listening to the tone of your voice, it seems that you already have a card up your sleeve. Tell me quickly.”

Laughing involuntarily, Xu Ziling said, “We must first understand the situation! Tearing down a house is always easier than building a house.”

Emotionally moved, Kou Zhong said, “That makes sense. By randomly swinging our hand, we can smash the cup, but to manufacture a cup, we must go through multi-layered process, such as kneading the clay to form the cup, and then put it into the kiln to burn. It can be said that Rong Fengxiang could reach the top position in Bai Ye She as an Elder also falls under this category. First he had to become big businessman with the help of his money and power [orig. long sleeves help one dance beautifully], then became the president of a business society, but still, it was because he gained the advantage of becoming the big boss of the biggest gang in the north that he seized the position as the Elder of Bai Ye She. Now he even wants to expand his influence north of the River, later on his evil clutches will reach the south; the process is really not easy. But as long as we can expose his identity, we can shatter his beautiful dream just like casting a cup to the ground.”

Xu Ziling said, “Rong Fengxiang can take Shangguan Long’s place as the Luoyang Bang’s Laoda [number one, chief], it’s definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. I dare say that there must be remnants of Yin Gui Paipeople within the Gang who could speak up on his behalf, plus Rong Fengxiang himself is in collusion with Yin Gui Pai in the dark …”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “You are right. It is quite possible that in order to gain big advantage in their struggle to conquer the world, most of those his mother’s Demonic Sects’ Eight Big Martial Art Masters are willing to stand on the same front, to get hold of the wind, to get hold of the rain, all over the place to gain benefit at others’ expense. Without Zuo Youxian giving him a nod, how could he hold Bai Ye She general assembly in Hefei?”

And then he added, “You’d better disguise yourself as Yue Shan, call on your old friend Youxian Yaodao to fish for some information.”

Xu Ziling laughed and cursed, “I guarantee that before we finish drinking a cup of hot Xu Ziling tea, I would have revealed the cloven foot [idiom: to unmask one’s true nature]. You, this kid, clearly want to harm me.”

This moment Ze Yue entered the room with grave expression; he said, “I am going to see someone; if he is willing to support the refusal to join Bai Ye She, there will be a lot of people responding.”

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Kou Zhong asked, “Who is this person?”

Ze Yue walked over to the chair next to Xu Ziling to sit down, he said, “His name is An Long. This man is known as the ‘Sichuan Fat Merchant’, the biggest wine dealer in the southwest, but he also runs other businesses. He is the chief of multiple business associations.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “In this world, everybody drinks, and he is the biggest wine seller in the southwest, certainly he has a bit of influence. Does he know martial art?”

“His martial art skill is mediocre,” Ze Yue replied, “But his sworn brother is Sichuan’s powerful hegemon, the ‘Wulin Panguan’ [Wulin (Martial Art World) Magistrate], Xie Hui. Xie Hui’s son Xie Wenlong married Song Que’s daughter Song Yuhua. With such a strong backing, who’d dare to provoke him?”

Emotionally moved, Kou Zhong said, “I heard that Xie Hui’s dominance and his standing is the most prominent outside the Four Major Family Clans, and Xie Hui’s martial art is comparable to the ‘Heavenly Saber’ Song Que. Oh! I must see this man.”

“How’s the Bai Ye She’s the situation?” Xu Ziling asked.

Ze Yue replied, “Rong Fengxiang and his beautiful daughter have arrived in Hefei three days ago. They are now moving about all over the place, lobbying business leaders who are coming here from all over the place. Bai Ye She general assembly will be held in the Zongguan Mansion tomorrow morning. We don’t have much time.”

Kou Zhong sprang up and said, “There’s no time to lose. Let’s go see An Long first, and we’ll talk later.”

Steam was rising in the public bath.

In the VIP bathroom at the west hall, the two-zhang square bath was monopolized by An Long alone. More than a dozen bodyguards and personal attendants were spread out around the bath and all entrance and exits, each one had bulging taiyang acupoints [temples], evidently they were not ordinary martial art practitioners; it was a clear sign of An Long’s wealth and influence.

An Long was a big, fat man. It was unclear whether it was because he had too much excess fat that his hands, which appeared particularly short, seemed to grow directly from his big belly. His flat-top, melon-shaped head, seemed to be coming out straight from his fat shoulders; plus with his two thick fat lips, it was evident at a glance that he was a man who paid particular attention to eating, drinking and being merry. The water in the bath was overflowing to the rocky slabs of the edge of the pool, making people wondered whether the water level was like this because of him.

This moment he was perched in the corner of the pool, while a subordinate squatting by the pool was preparing some shredded tobacco in water pipes to produce the smoke. He held the pipe next to An Long’s lips, so that with ‘glug, glug’ noise he swallowed clouds and blew out fog, giving the impression comfort and decadent, twisted feeling.

When Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong and Ze Yue, three men arrived inside the bathroom, before they even had a chance to speak, An Long already laughed aloud and said, “Tianwen Xiong cannot come, virtuous nephew can; it’s the same. Come quickly, accompany me enjoying this pleasure.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong’s heart skipped a beat. If they revealed the age and skin behind the masks, their youthful bodies would come out, then they would reveal the cloven foot immediately.

Ze Yue, however, showed his talent in facing a stressful situation; he laughed and said, “How could little nephew dare to disobey An Laoban’s [boss] order?”

And then he quickly took off his clothes and shoved it into the two’s hands, and said, “You two wait for me outside the door.”

With only this kind of affectation and order, he established the two boys’ status as his attendants in front of An Long and his men, but of course they were still able to head the conversation inside the public bath from outside the door.

Outside was a small hall where the attendants of the VIP guests could take a rest. It only had two sets of table and chairs; An Long’s men occupied one of them. After exchanging propriety and greetings, the two sat on the other table and chairs, enjoying the fragrant tea and pastries that the bathhouse servants were serving.

This moment An Long was inquiring from Ze Yue the wellbeing of his father, the Gang Leader of Longyou Bang, so they had not talked about the main issue. Kou Zhong whispered in Xu Ziling’s ear, “What do you feel about this fatty?”

Xu Ziling responded softly, “He must be a hidden-deep martial art master; his outward appearance is just a scam.”

Kou Zhong’s expression turned grave; he nodded and said, “I also feel that deeply; as soon as I entered the bathroom, I sensed some kind of hard-to-describe demonic qi, my heart was trembling, just like when I confronted Wanwan.”

Shaken, Xu Ziling said, “That is really bad! This dead fatty is the sage presents as an ordinary person like this, he must be Rong Fengxiang’s caliber; even worse, he might be one of the Eight Major Martial Art Masters of the Demonic Way, so this time, no matter what Ze Yue say, he would only waste his lips and tongue.”

Kou Zhong’s expression was only very difficult to describe; he said, “Let’s hear what he has to say before making our judgment.”

Ze Yue’s voice came over, “This time I am going out, Die warned a thousand times, instructed ten thousand times, that in everything little nephew must consult An Shishu [noble uncle, younger than one’s father], so I won’t make any mistake.”

Outside, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cried, ‘It’s finished!’ inwardly. If Ze Yue really listened to An Long’s instruction, wouldn’t he immediately change his standing and join Bai Ye She?

An Long let out a burst of laughter, which sounded like a pig’s cry, and said, “Your Old Die think so highly of me, An Long; Ol’ An will immediately send him a jar of Hei Zhen Tian [lit. black treasure sweet] wine. It’s the best among the wines; the color is sparkling and translucent, clear and penetrating, shiny and dazzling, mellow and rich, sweet and beautiful, the taste is sweet and sour. After drinking it, the saliva and spirit will be in harmony, the stomach warm, the kidney restored, nourishing and strengthening the body. All those empty perspiration, night sweats, grieved spirit, shady exhaustion, and illness will disappear with the wine’s arrival. If I had not gotten a batch of black pearl rice from Tianzhu [modern day India], I would have not been able to brew this kind of wine, hence it can only be gifted, but not sold. And of course the recipient of the gift is limited to old friends with whom I have fate for friendship like Tianwen Xiong.”

Listening to this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were flabbergasted.

Merely speaking about eloquence, this man had definitely reached the pinnacle; his mouth like a torrent, nothing was difficult. Moreover, each word was powerful and resonating [orig. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound], there was a very high degree of persuasiveness. Upon self-inspection, after listening to him, the two really wished to find one such jar to have a taste, to see if he was exaggerating.

Letting out a hollow laugh, Ze Yue said, “My Die thanks An Shishu’s profound affection. Hey! This time Rong Laoban calls for our associates north of the River to join the Bai Ye Association, I wonder what Shishu’s view is.”

An Long pondered for a moment before responding in low voice, “This is really an important matter. Although we have always been doing things each in his own way, but we get along harmoniously, just like xiang xue [fragrant snow] wine mixed with jia fan [lit. added to food] wine; the existing strong fragrance of xiang xue and the sweetness of jia fan will display thick, pure aroma, which gives lingering aftertaste. Rong Fengxiang is coming north flaunting his power, clearly because he wanted to expand Bai Ye She’s influence. This matter must be carefully weighed.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling put down the load that has been weighing their heart for half a day, thinking that they have been overly suspicious, and have misjudged An Long, or perhaps even though An Long was of demonic sect, he was standing in opposition to Rong Fengxiang, hence he secretly pulled his hind legs.

Delighted, Ze Yue said, “In that case, Shishu is saying that we are to join together and refuse to join Bai Ye Association.”

Lowering his voice, An Long said, “If we do that, we are big idiots.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other; they were completely lost.

Inside the bathroom, evidently Ze Yue’s comprehension was not much better than theirs. He spoke haltingly, “Shishu’s meaning is …”


It was unclear whether An Long forcefully slapped Ze Yue, or he slapped his own fatty meat to liven things up, but all they heard was An Long laughing and saying, “Yue Shizhi [noble nephew] has always been a bit soft. If it were your Ol’ Die who came over, he and I would have the same way of thinking. Business is business; the most important thing is to make money. Joining Bai Ye She would only bring benefit to business, without any harm; what do you have against it?”

Ze Yue asked the question Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong most dying to ask, “But Shishu just said, hey! There is something wrong with Rong Fengxiang.”

An Long replied, “Whether there is something wrong with Rong Fengxiang is not important at all, the most important thing is that after we join Bai Ye She, we ought to decide who would become the Elders, who would have the right to speak.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong suddenly realized, they finally understood that they had not completely misjudged An Long; their only mistake was thinking that he was Rong Fengxiang’s ally.

Clearly he coveted the Bai Ye She Elder position, and wanted to snatch it away.

Ze Yue was too stunned to say anything.

An Long continued with assurance and composure, “Although Rong Fengxiang is the big boss of Luoyang Bang, I have the support of Sichuan’s dominant power and the Song Family of south of the five ranges. If your honorable Gang also issues a call for action, then he will be well taken-care of. When the general assembly starts tomorrow, we will simply coerce him to elect new Elder. Ha! I want him to steal the chicken but cannot nibble away at the rice.”

Listening to this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had a big headache; who would have thought that the situation was this complicated? Momentarily their mind was in chaos.

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