
Chapter Book 40 6: On the Bank of Songhua River

Knitting his brows, Ba Fenghan said, “Don’t use one bamboo punting hole to tear down a boatful of people. There are a lot of peace-loving peoples on the prairie, standing aloof from worldly affairs.”

Kou Zhong spoke seriously, “This is not malicious criticism. LaoGe, please tell me, those who are not striving for the world, nicely grazing their livestock, are they comparatively smaller and weaker grassland tribes?”

Ba Fenghan was left speechless. Smiling bitterly, he replied, “Probably so.”

“Shaoshuai, what exactly it is that you understand?” Xu Ziling asked.

Kou Zhong replied, “Upon first arrival at the prairie, everybody would be shocked by the magnificent scenery of the prairie, but after getting used to it, one might feel it is a bit monotonous, and there’s some kind of wanting to urge the horse in wild gallop, to go to the end of the heaven and earth, to see if there is something different there – feeling. Like right now we have come to the mountain area on the northeast, the feeling is very fresh, while also stirring up the desire to continue to pursue. What I called invasive character grows from this kind of tendency. Especially for someone like Xieli, who have over a hundred thousand strong contingents in his hands; naturally he might desire the delighted experience of seeing his army sweeping away the world like a tidal wave. Therefore, since ancient times, the hegemons of the prairie all wanted to expand to the outside world outside the grassland. To the south it is our Central Earth, to the west it is the Persia, Tocharian, Arabian Empire, and so on. Tianzhu [Indian subcontinent], because there is an obstruction in the form of high mountain that the horses cannot pass – is protected and remains safe and sound. To the north is the frozen-over-all-year-long barren land, not suitable for troop movements.”

“Your analysis is quite thorough,” Ba Fenghan commented, “I want to add a little: since ancient times the nomadic peoples have acquired the characteristic of residing along the water and the grass; all their life they are in search of fertile land that will make their lives even more abundant. Perhaps because of this kind of characteristic that they are constantly invading other tribes’ territory. We are adept in attacking, you are experts in defending; that’s how the Great Wall came to be.”

The mountain topography changed; after passing through a deep valley between two mountain peaks, a wide panorama opened up before their eyes, the path tapered into a long, gentle slope into the boundless meadow below. Among the sea of luxuriant forest, among the waves of the grass, they faintly saw tents and clay houses, and both green trees and spring wheat and flax field, but also a large herd of grazing cows, displaying another kind of half-farming, half-ranching type of livelihood scenery outside the prairie. The clay houses were like earthen tents.

A wonderful feeling of returning to the human world grew in their hearts.

“Which direction is Hualin?” Xu Ziling cheerfully asked.

Reining his horse to a stop, Ba Fenghan looked at the distance from his high vantage point, and pointed to the distant north, where a large lake was lying leisurely among the mountains and the forests. He said, “That is Songhua Lake. After the lake, another more-than-ten-li travel, is Songhua River. It is said that the water flows steadily from Changbai Mountain to here, and then after converging with Nenjiang [river Nen] it becomes the Songhua River.”

The two boys used enough power in their eyes to look. Along the Songhua Lake, the mountain was stretching, twisting and turning, fishing eagles were busy circling above it, the abundant bluish waves reflecting more than a dozen multi-colored tents. The scenery was charming and gentle, looking at it made the people’s heart relaxed, their spirit felt right.

Although it was already the end of the spring, the crisp and clear weather was still assaulting people. This area had a wide variety of trees; camphor pine, red pine, larch and elm, et cetera, were competing against each other to show off their brilliance. There were all kinds of color, glittering magnificently; some people might suspect that this was a fairyland among the world of the living.

Looking at all these, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were gasping in amazement.

Ba Fenghan continued, “After traveling four, five li along the Songhua River, we will reach Hualin. On every area with convenient transportation and especially rich, there will be a center of distribution for people and goods; everything is handled according to the prairie rules.”

“And what are the prairie rules?” Kou Zhong asked.

Ba Fenghan chuckled and said, “Prairie rules are each army has its method; whether it’s reindeer, fierce tiger, bison, or hungry wolf, each one has a set of survival method. In the end, the strong will become king, those who can’t compete have to learn to run faster, or perhaps like the wolves, they unite into a pack to resist external enemies. Shaoshuai, do you understand?”

Kou Zhong roared in laughter, “Totally!” he answered.

Taking the lead, Ba Fenghan urged his horse to gallop down the hill.

Hualin Market was located on the southern bank of Songhua River. The river was wide, the water tranquil; the market area was hilly. Just like Tong Wan, the clay houses were scattered across an area several dozen li wide. Tents could be seen everywhere. Most of the greyish-yellow clay structures were concentrated near the river, forming the only street in Hualin.

More than a dozen log rafts were afloat on the river, the fishermen were throwing their net to catch fish. On the shore, men and horses went back and forth. It was bustling with noise and excitement, not inferior to Yan Yuan Ji in any respect.

The three entered the perimeter of the market. Because they were driving more than forty saddled warhorses, they attracted every tribe’s attention so that the people were buzzing; not to mention Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were wearing rarely seen Han attire.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Indeed each place has its unique scenery. Where will we find a place to eat delicious fish later?”

Ba Fenghan cheerfully said, “Dragonfly, sand perch, carp, green-scales, and others, my lord can take your pick, Xiaodi is only addicted to green-scales. The quality of meat is extremely delicious, hence I already decided to revive old dreams.”

Xu Ziling has always been casual about food and drink, his concern was on other things; he asked, “We are bringing so many horses, it’s difficult to move around; I wonder if we could sell them immediately?”

Ahead, a large flock of cattle and sheep, driven by more than a dozen herdsmen, were heading toward an empty lot at the east side of the market, blocking the way, forcing them to proceed slowly behind them.

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “Truth be told, Xiaodi has never done this kind of business. I just take it for granted in a country fair like this, it would be easy to sell anything at a bargain price.”

Kou Zhong said in high spirits, “The reason we are doing this business is to broadcast our presence; we might as well sell a horse for one qian, a fragment of a gold; I guarantee it will immediately cause a sensation across the entire Hualin market.”

And then he asked, “Where’s the place people making clothes?”

Ba Fenghan replied, “After the main street, if you want ironware, there will be iron shops, you want clothes, there are clothes shop. Only there’s no place to stay. People who come here all have their own tents.”

Patting the head of his horse, he steered it away from the herd of cattle and entered the main street.

On the left and right, both sides of the street, there were several rows of irregular-shaped buildings. As expected, there are all kinds of shops; it was very lively. It seemed like anybody who was willing to open the door, business would come crowding the door.

The main street was spacious and open. Under the trampling of the horses and the wheels of the carts, the originally tender green meadow has been destroyed and was turned into yellow dirt. The dust under the horses’ hoofs was rising, so that the entire street was covered in yellow fog.

This barely-counted as the main street, which could accommodate thirty horses walking side-by-side, was lined with elm trees, which provided shade from the sun like an umbrella. All clay shops had a wooden shed outside, which was equipped with table and chairs, so that weary travelers could sit inside and have a rest. The horses were tied to the hitching post outside the shed.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were greatly invigorated, they looked around as if their eyes could not take it all in. Suddenly from a shed nearby rushed out more than a dozen long-haired-draped-across-their-shoulders armed Shiwei men, blocking their way with ill expression on their faces.

The three were stunned; could it be that the enemy was so well informed that they knew they had to be here and thus were waiting for them?

One of the men pointed his fingers like a halberd and shouted in Tujue language, “Where do you think you, these two horse thieves – are going?”

More than a dozen men immediately pulled their cavalry sabers; their movement was neat and uniform, they were absolutely not a mob.

Obviously the passersby on the street already regarded this kind of fight as a common occurrence; they simply got away a little, only to congregate in the distance, pointing and gesticulating, while watching the excitement.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling felt that the talker, the Shiwei man looked very familiar, but momentarily they could not remember where they saw him; they had a faint feeling that this bunch of men blocking their way was for another matter.

Ba Fenghan still thought that the opposite side was acting on behalf of the Qidan people; feeling strange inwardly, he let out a clear laughter and said, “This batch of horses were Huyan Jin’s; since when did it become your, Shiwei people’s turn to act on his behalf? If you don’t get lost, don’t blame my, Ba Fenghan’s sword for showing no mercy.”

Kou Zhong suddenly remembered the Shiwei man who was talking; it was the one chopping him before they encountered Xieli. At that time both sides were talking in different languages and did not understand each other, even until now he still did not know what the matter was. Only because he did not take it to heart that he nearly forgot.

A burst of tender laughter came from the shed on the left, followed by a voice speaking in Tujue language, “Ba Fenghan, whose name shook the prairie, unexpectedly mingles together with two horse-stealing Han dogs; aren’t you ashamed?”

Stunned, the three looked at the shed, and saw another group of men sitting around the table deep inside the shed; five men and one woman, all were Shiwei people. This moment all of them left their seats, stood up, and walked over toward them.

This pretty woman looked to be seventeen, eighteen years old, her beautiful hair was draped over her shoulders, the sky-blue warrior outfit she was wearing was fitted very well on her tender body. She also wore sleeveless jacket on the outside, and a cavalry saber hanging on her waist. Her pair of long legs was encased in leather pants and tall riding boots, which matched very well with her tight-fitting, full-bodied and well-proportioned attire. She was natural and lively, her entire being exuded some kind of healthy elegance, yet also tender, as if she was boneless – touching beauty, just like a clump of clouds floating down from the sky. Her left arm was adorned with multi-colored metal bracelets, two long drop earrings were hanging from her earlobes, her pretty neck was wrapped in bright-colored beads strung together into a necklace, hanging down to her well developed breasts.

Her egg-shaped face was roundish. Hidden behind her jet-black, bright and clean beautiful hair, her icy flesh and jade bones appeared more prominent. Her lively, lucid and elegant, spring-water-like pure and clean big eyes were graceful like limpid autumn waters. Yet this moment, hidden beneath the eyes, which ought to be the hope and expectation of the gentlemen wanting to marry her, was a strong murderous intent. Her good-looking face was frosty.

The three had never expected there would be such a fair-skinned, outstandingly beautiful woman within the Shiwei people; momentarily they could only stare blankly at her.

Apparently the five men who followed her into the street could only follow her blindly; they followed her closely, on her left and right, into the street.

Coming back to his senses, Ba Fenghan spoke in astonishment, “Guniang, what do you mean by that?”

The Shiwei beauty did not give Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling even half a glance; her gaze was fixed on Ba Fenghan, she said, “What do I mean? Two little Han dogs stole my horses; they are horse thieves whom everybody despises. Ba Fenghan, are you going to protect them?”

Listening to this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at each other with blank expression on their face.

Ba Fenghan leaped off his horse. Immediately the crowd of Shiwei men showed wary look; they did not dare to underestimate him.

Obviously the Shiwei beauty was awed by Ba Fenghan’s ample brilliance; her eyes showed an appreciative expression, but it was quickly replaced by a baleful look. Pointing at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling striding across the Thousand-Li Dream and Ten-thousand-Li Spots, she said, “Those two are our horses; are you going to quibble about it?”

The three were even more stunned.

Frowning, Ba Fenghan said, “My two Han brothers have been riding these horses from Shanhai Pass to this place; are you sure Guniang is not mistaken?”

Greatly displeased, the Shiwei beauty said, “I, Shili, have never lied. If you don’t believe me, just look at the side of their inner thigh, see if there is our Great Shiwei branding on it. That is impossible to remove.”

Crying inwardly, ‘Not good!’ Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling leaped down their horses, and looked at their horses’ legs to check.

Sure enough, Xu Ziling found the branding at the side of the Ten-thousand-Li Spots’s right hind leg; he groaned inwardly.

Kou Zhong stuck his head and said, “This time it is really bad. Turns out Da Xiaojie has bought stolen goods.”

Heaving a deep sigh, Xu Ziling straightened up his tiger-body. He shrugged his shoulders toward Ba Fenghan and nodded helplessly. Smiling bitterly, he said, “Unexpectedly our horses are stolen goods!”

Ba Fenghan felt big headache. Clearing his throat, he spoke to Shili, “Hey, this must be a misunderstanding. My two brothers are not horse thieves; they just bought stolen goods by mistake. Guniang can look up my, Ba Fenghan’s face and transfer ownership of the horses to them, Guniang may set the price.”

Evidently Shili’s prejudice against Han people had run deep; her pretty face revealed an only-ghost-believes-them expression, without looking at Kou and Xu, two boys at all, she let a cold humph and said, “Our Great Shiwei horses are not for sale to Han dogs. Looking up your, Ba Fenghan’s face, they must immediately return the horses, and I can promise not to pursue this matter. Otherwise, they will bear responsibility of all consequences.”

The crowd on the street jeered; some even cheered and clapped, showing their resentment and hatred toward Han people.

The remark was resolute and decisive [orig. chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)]; there was no room for negotiation.

Seeing how speaking to the left she mentioned Han dogs, speaking to the right she called Han dogs, inwardly Kou Zhong was furious. “Guniang can make Zaixia bear what consequence?” he spoke heavily, “Please underline your words.”

He was speaking in fluent Tujue language, which was currently the most commonly spoken language in the prairie, so most people understood him. But even if they did not, they could always ask those who understood. Very quickly the clamorous main street quieted down; everybody wanted to see how the Great Shiwei’s Shili would deal with the two Han men. Although the crowd did not know which hallowed figures Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were, but since they had the qualifications to be Ba Fenghan’s companions, plus they had the imposing and impressive appearance, the air of a sect’s martial art master, naturally they could not be ordinary people.

Xu Ziling busily pulled Kou Zhong’s sleeve and rebuked him in low voice, “Although the fault is not on us, but in the end we are in the wrong.”

Kou Zhong’s anger had not diminished, he said, “But she shouldn’t curse Han dog, Han dog, vertically and horizontally. Was Laozi born just to be cursed by her?”

Shili did not understand Han language; she crossed her hands, so that against her skin, the colorful bracelets covering her arm made her look even more tender than a flower. A cold smile hanging at the corner of her mouth, she said, “My future husband Bielegunatai will be here tonight; if you are a man, don’t leave.”

The crowd was thrown into uproar; around the Songhua river basin, the Mengwu Shiwei’s Bielegunatai and Bugunatai’s fame for fighting prowess was more resounding than Ba Fenghan; no wonder Shili did not even consider Ba Fenghan to be worthy in her eyes.

Finished speaking, Shili turned around and led her tribesmen away.

Xu Ziling called in clear voice, “Guniang, please wait.”

Shili halted her steps, yet she did not turn around. Feigning anger coquettishly, she said, “Spit it out. This Guniang has no time to talk nonsense with people who dislike having a long life.”

Xu Ziling was not angry at her insult of not showing her face; smiling, he spoke to her flaky back, “This horse belongs to Guniang, let me return it to its rightful owner then.”

The crowd on the street exploded into a burst of jeering, full of mockery and despise toward Xu Ziling. They mistakenly thought that hearing Bielegunatai brothers’ name, he was scared out of his wits and thus immediately gave in. Even their opinion toward Ba Fenghan took a big hit.

Ba Fenghan simply watched with folded arms in a relaxed manner; he was not moved by the crowd filling the street’s rowdy jeering.

Kou Zhong whispered in Xu Ziling’s ear, “This crafty and unruly girl reminds me of Dong Shuni. She is beautiful all right, but certainly impervious to reason. Just save your tongue a little bit!”

Shili still did not turn around; laughing coldly, she said, “A horse that Han dog already sat on, I don’t want to touch. Just leave them with you to accompany your burial. Let’s go!”

“Shili Gongzhu [princess], hold on!”

Shili’s tender body shook slightly, she slowly turned around to look at the direction where the voice was coming from. As a matter of fact, by this time, everybody’s eyes were on the speaker. The person was standing up from the other side of inside the shed; a hint of profound-mystery smile was hanging on the corner of his mouth.

This person was only around twenty years old, but the expression showing in his eyes was like he had been through the hardships of life, and that he could see beyond the façade of the ways of the world. This kind of contradiction made him exuding some kind of demonic, strange flavor.

His face was long and narrow, his skin fair, like a woman’s. Whether he was handsome or not, it was not worth mentioning, but overall, he made people feel that he possessed some unusual charm. Even with Ba Fenghan, three men’s experience and knowledge, it was still the first time that they encountered such a character. In just one glance, they knew that this man’s martial art skill was definitely not inferior to theirs.

Startled, Shili said, “It’s you again!”

The man smiled and saluted, saying, “It’s me, Liexia. But Gongzhu must not misunderstand! It’s not that you happen to come across me in here; rather, I, Liexia am following Gongzhu here.”

At a loss against him, Shili angrily said, “Who wants you to follow me!”

The crowd was unable to figure out the relationship between the two.

Shrugging his shoulders, Liexia smiled wryly, his manner confident and at ease, distinguished and accomplished, he turned and walked over toward Ba Fenghan, three men. Saluting, he said, “I, Liexia, dare to guarantee against anything that these few Han friends are definitely not horse thieves. Gongzhu’s information network is too ineffective! Unexpectedly you don’t know that Shaoshuai Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, whose names in the Central Earth are like the sun in the middle of the sky – have come in person to the prairie. At the Helian Fort south of Tong Wan City they were joined by Ba Xiong, Pusa, and seventy warriors, forcefully resisted Xieli and his Golden Wolf Army’s violent attack until daybreak. After that, with Tuli, they rendered big blow on Xieli at the Rushing Wolf Plains on the banks of Qielulian River. Such figures, how could they be horse thieves?”

The street suddenly grew so quiet that a needle dropped would have been heard; it could clearly be seen how shocking his speech was. The fact was that the news about Xieli’s troops’ defeat has been spreading rapidly like a plague to all nooks and crannies of the prairie, it’s just that nobody knew the details as thorough as Liexia.

Shili’s eyes emitted hard-to-accept-and-be-convinced expression, for the first time she sized the two boys up with full attention.

More and more Ba Fenghan and the others felt that this person’s depth was hard to fathom; they were unable to ascertain his foundation.

With his hands behind his back, Liexia exited the shed and came to the middle between the two sides on the street. He spoke gently toward Shili, “Were it not for them, Xieli’s army might have had their horses drink the water of Songhua River.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Lie Xiong praises us too much. We are just lucky not to die!”

Feigning anger coquettishly, Shili said, “Who wants you, Liexia to meddle in my business? If you annoy me again, I am going to have someone break your dog leg tonight.”

Laughing heartily, Liexia said, “Didn’t you try to break my dog leg many times already? So why is tonight different? Ah! I know! Tonight, your sweetheart is coming!”

With such remark, nobody did not know that Shili’s side had fought many times with Liexia, only they were helpless to do anything toward him.

The Shiwei warriors shouted at the same time and drew their cavalry sabers, but no one dared to attack first, which affirmed the crowd’s opinion one step further.

Furious, Shili’s beautiful face turned deathly pale; stomping her feet, she angrily said, “Let’s go!”

Without casting half a glance toward Ba Fenghan and the others, she angrily led her men away.

Liexia shook his head and sighed bitterly. But then a smile appeared on his face, as he spoke to the three, “The fish here is very famous; how about allowing Xiaodi to be the little host to wash the three gentlemen’s dust away?”

Unexpectedly he was speaking in Han language with very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing.

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