
Chapter Book 48 3: One Heavenly Mysterious Power

Slipping across houses and leaping over the buildings he rushed toward the Passionate Nest. Unexpectedly he found that he was not alone. From time to time, there were Jianghu characters wearing nightwalker outfit flitting across the roof, or were crouching in the dark, forcing him to put on his mask to avoid accidentally coming across someone who recognized him as the Shaoshuai Kou Zhong, whose name shook the world; if that happened, he would suffer injustice for nothing.

Several times some nightwalkers wanted to stop him, Kou Zhong also nearly wanted to stop to ask what was going on, but in the end he was afraid of a new branch grew out of a knot, he broke away from the other side and went to the Passionate Nest.

This small nest of Hou Xibai’s, the people were gone, the house was empty. These past several days Kou Zhong had been tossed from side to side by rushing about, working hard, and repeated bloody battles, he was already weary and could not arouse his spirit; furthermore, he was uncomfortable from being many days without taking a bath. Remembering this, he roused himself to get the bath barrel from the bathroom and moved it to the rear atrium. Drawing water from the well, he filled the barrel to the brim. And then, setting the Moon in the Well by the barrel, he stripped naked and immersed himself into the barrel to enjoy the unlimited delight of the cold-water bath.

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai, those two kids, where the hell did they go? He really wanted to see their expression when they came back and saw him sleeping soundly on the bed. Thinking to this point, Kou Zhong felt very pleased with himself. Momentarily forgetting the frustration of the battlefield, he softly hummed a folksong from Yangzhou.

“With that tune, Shaoshuai is not afraid of boredom?”

Kou Zhong shivered inwardly. Xu Ziling was right, Wanwan was indeed a lot formidable than before. Unexpectedly her fragrant-self honoring him with her presence, yet he did not generate any reaction at all. Smiling wryly, he said, “Wan Dajie seems to be particularly interested in me taking a bath, you clearly picked this time to come.”

Like a specter, Wanwan floated out of the middle section and came over to the barrel. Smiling sweetly, she said, “I have never concealed my admiration toward Shaoshuai’s physique. However, this time it really just happened to coincide with the occasion [idiom]. Didn’t Shaoshuai want to have a decisive battle against Li Shimin over Luoyang? How come you unexpectedly have the leisure to visit Chang’an to take a bath?”

Resting his elbows on the rim of the barrel, Kou Zhong scrutinized Wanwan’s elegant jade countenance. He spoke in astonishment, “Wan Dajie is even more beautiful than before, I wonder if it is due to the Tian Mo Da Fa’s efficacy? I seem to remember that we have never been able to beat you. This time, how are you going to harm us?”

Wanwan leaned over, she lightly kissed his cheek, as light as the dragonfly touches the water, her fragrant, soft red lips melt Kou Zhong’s soul, and only then did she moved away a little. With their faces only a few cun apart, her breath smelled like orchid, she spoke softly, “How can I bear to harm you guys? Before, it was a case of master’s order difficult to disobey, but now I do not have any misgivings. Tonight I actually wanted to see Ziling; coming across you was even more unexpected nice surprise.”

Kou Zhong was still thinking about the touching feeling of her fragrant lips kissing his cheek. The contradiction was that he knew she had honeyed words but with a sword in the belly [idiom: hypocritical and murderous], yet he was clearly unable to generate any feeling of disgust toward her, so much so that he was unwilling to recall her previous evil conduct. Sighing, he said, “Ay! You cannot bear to harm us? Fancy that you can speak up such a lie! You just want to use us to deal with Shi Zhixuan, so that you can sit on Yin Gui Pai’s Paizhu position, and accomplish your master’s dream of unifying the demonic way, or even unifying the world! Did I say it wrong? Wan Dajie, please bestow your advice.”

Wanwan slightly hung her head down and spoke softly, “Would you like to hear the truth?”

Kou Zhong’s heart softened, he spoke dejectedly, “I am listening.”

Wanwan’s deep, unfathomable gaze was fixed on him, she recovered her usual serious, still, cold and detached manner, the tone of her voice was tranquil like still water without any ripple, she said, “Whether it’s Shi Zhixuan, or anybody from our holy school, even Xieli or Li Yuan and the like, everybody is waiting for the day you and Xu Ziling part ways and scatter the goods you are escorting, because the fact has confirmed that when the two of you are joining hands and working together, no one in the world has the ability to kill you. It does not matter whether you are dealing with many men, a great force; when you can’t handle it, you simply flee in defeat. But this time you, Shaoshuai, came to Chang’an, there is a very high probability that this will be the last time the two of you are together. Afterwards, you will be scattered to the east and to the west, because you, Kou Shaoshuai cannot ignore Luoyang and your Shao Shuai Army. Therefore, if we want to kill Shi Zhixuan, to break his Bu Si Yin Fa, this is perhaps the last chance. Shaoshuai is a smart man, I am sure you know Shi Zhixuan’s threat against you. He will definitely not let you and Xu Ziling alive in the world at the same time.”

Smiling ruefully, Kou Zhong said, “Your words are not without reason. However, killing Shi Zhixuan is easier said than done. The Four Great Holy Monks can’t do it, what makes you think we can?”

Wanwan said, “There is no such thing in this world as absolutely certain [orig. ten grabs ten steady (or firm)]. If we have fifty-percent chance of success, or even half a thread hope, we cannot but to try it. I am mastering the Tian Mo Da Fa, Shi Zhixuan is still not aware; we might be able to give him a nice surprise.”

Suspicious, Kou Zhong said, “You are not repeating an old trick, are you? Copying your esteemed master carrying out some burning both jade and common stone to have us accompanying Shi Zhixuan on his journey? You, Dajie are reaping the most benefit, while Ziling and I become the idiots to be buried with the dead.”

Wanwan asked in heavy voice, “What did actually happen then? How did Shi Zhixuan withstand Zhu Shi’s burning both jade and common stone move?”

Kou Zhong was unwilling to answer; he did not want to answer her even more. Offering excuses, he said, “In this matter, your sweetheart knows better than I do, because he was one of the persons involved, while I was busy slaughtering Shen Mohuan.”

Sighing faintly, Wanwan said, “I will try to talk to Shi Zhixuan. Are you coming or not?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “We only have one chance to kill Shi Zhixuan, if we waste it on you, won’t that be a pity?”

Wanwan’s pair of pretty eyes lit up; fixing her gaze on him, she spoke softly, “It seems to me you already have the overall plan mapped out; will you let me participate? Trust me, all right? I really will not harm you, otherwise, let five thunders strike me on the top of my head and kill me.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “I am afraid it’s very rare that Laotianye would use this kind of five thunders striking on the top of the head as a punishment for people who don’t keep their promise. Wan’er, you really know the trick to swear an oath. It’s too early to talk about the overall plan, I only have a little bit of the first draft. However, I want to discuss it with Ziling first before I can give you an answer. How about tomorrow night we all eat some home-cooked meal in here? Compared to Xiaodi’s Eight Methods of the Well, my culinary skill is not too far behind. Hey! I am right in the middle of taking a bath!”

Wanwan cast her gaze toward the water inside the barrel, wrinkling her charming tiny nose, she smiled and said, “Dirty and smelly! I am going inside to sleep. After you wash yourself clean, you may come to get intimate with me!”

Ignoring Kou Zhong’s protest, she went to the bedroom.

※ ※ ※

Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai returned before daybreak, spiritless and beaten. Seeing Kou Zhong moved all Hou Xibai’s ‘collection’ of rations, cakes, fine wine, and the like, to the large round table in the middle of the hall, with a wine cup in his left hand and a piece of pastry in his right, eating to his heart’s delight, they were both pleasantly surprised, momentarily they could not speak.

Kou Zhong noticed that when Xu Ziling suddenly saw that he was still alive, he revealed a joyous expression that came from his innermost being; his heart was touched. He put a finger on his lips first to indicate that they should remain quiet, and then using his thumb he pointed toward the inner section and said, “Hou Gongzi’s bed has a sleeping beauty waiting for him, we need to speak carefully. Ha! Hou Gongzi’s luck with women surely reaches the heaven.”

Stunned, Hou Xibai said, “Unexpectedly there is such thing?”

Xu Ziling realized what happened, he spoke in low voice to remind him, “Don’t listen to his crazy nonsense, it’s Wanwan!”

Hou Xibai took out the Fan of Beauty, unfolded it, and lightly waved it twice, and then he calmly said, “You two brothers should speak in private first. Luck with women flying in, it would be impolite to refuse, Xiaodi is going to bed.” Finished speaking, he shook his head and swayed his noggin as he strode toward the inner section.

Xu Ziling sat down happily across the table from Kou Zhong. Kou Zhong pulled back his eyes from following Hou Xibai’s back, he laughed and said, “This kid is getting more and more interesting. Over the years, although we made enemies everywhere, but we also made a group of brothers and friends who treat each other with absolute sincerity.”

Xu Ziling could not help asking, “How can you be here?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “Luoyang is done for! Li kid is really formidable, without using any battle, he could bend people and soldiers. He only invited me to drink a round of wine, and already he scared Wang Shichong that he pissed in his pants in terror and blurted out that they should withdraw back to Luoyang. His Niang’s! This kind of person, facing him a moment longer means receiving a moment more hardship. Therefore, I might as well come to Chang’an to drink with you, and slaughter Old Shi along the way.”

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling said, “Losing Luoyang is akin to losing Bashu, also akin to losing the betrothal gift for Song Yuzhi. What are you going to do?”

Smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “You should know that I am an idiot who will not admit defeat even to the death. If the horse dies, I will dismount and walk [idiom: losing one’s advantages and is forced to get through an adverse situation with difficulty (Courtesy of Akolaw)]. After getting rid of Shi Zhixuan, I will immediately rush back to Pengliang to see if there is a way to drive Li Zitong away from your hometown, Yangzhou. Even if we fight until the last soldier, the last pawn, I, Kou Zhong, definitely will not bend my head to admit defeat.”

Xu Ziling was silent for half a day, suddenly he spoke the earth-shattering words, “Let me help you capturing Yangzhou!”

Kou Zhong was severely shaken. His pair of eyes shot a disbelief expression, he was so touched that his eyes turned very red. It was quite a while later before he firmly shook his head and said, “With Ling Shao’s promise, even if I lose the war and die, I will go down to the nine springs with a smile on my face. But I definitely cannot accept your kindness. Ay! Frankly speaking, for a long time now, my heart is a little uncomfortable, thinking that you treated Shi Xianzi better than you treated me. But now I know that I was very wrong. Precisely because we are brothers, how could I let you fall into injustice, to let you mingled in this deep pool of muddy water? Ha! How could I, Kou Zhong, be easy to eat? Ling Shao, you go pass your whistling-proudly-over-the-mountains-and-forest days in peace!”

Xu Ziling heaved a deep sigh; he wanted to speak, but there was nothing to say.

Changing the subject, Kou Zhong asked, “Where did you and Hou kid muddled around all night long just now?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling replied, “We indeed muddled around, moreover, we were busy all night long for nothing. We searched everywhere in the Yin Mansion and still could not find the thing that Xiao Hou wanted.” Thereupon he told Kou Zhong the whole story about the ‘Han Ling Qing Yuan Tu’.

Kou Zhong remained puzzled after pondering over it a hundred times; racking his brain, he said, “Yin Zuwen unexpectedly stole Chi Shengchun’s thing. This does not make any sense. Ha! No wonder there are nightwalkers all over the city, turns out it was for ten thousand taels of gold reward money that they are looking for Cao San everywhere. The joke is killing me! Unexpectedly there are so many idiots in the world.”

And then he shouted toward the inner section, “Hou Gongzi, are you done?”

Blurted out laughing, Xu Ziling said, “It seems like losing Luoyang has nothing to do with you.”

Kou Zhong downed another cup; shaking his head, he spoke dejectedly, “This is called finding joy in sorrows. Li Shimin’s most remarkable aspect is precisely ‘Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy’s plans’. Even if you are fully aware how he is going to fight this battle, you can only watch helplessly as he is beating you, completely without any way to deal with him.”

This moment Hou Xibai returned to the hall, sitting on the table, he said with a wry smile, “Meiren’er wants to freshen up and change clothes. She even brought a change of clothes! She seems to be ready spend the night and stay with us; I wonder if two gentlemen have any opinion?”

Kou Zhong leaned forward and spoke in low voice, “Before she went to bed, I wonder if she washed her pair of little feet clean?”

Smiling, Hou Xibai replied, “Very soon you will know very clearly.”

Kou Zhong looked at Xu Ziling, who had his pair of eyebrows deeply knitted; he spoke in astonishment, “This is supposed to be a joke, why is Ziling so stingy with a smile?”

Xu Ziling replied, “Because I know something that you don’t know. This moment Shang Changzhu is in Chang’an; if when she comes here they meet each other, what do you say the outcome will be?”

His countenance changed, Hou Xibai said, “Last night, when I secretly informed her that Ziling is at my house, she said she would come to see us this morning.”

Aghast, Kou Zhong said, “It’s certainly a big problem, we are unexpectedly live together with her mortal enemy; if she knew, it would be strange indeed if she still pay attention to us.”

Standing up abruptly, he spoke resolutely, “I am going to drive her away.”

“How could she be that easy to deal with?” Xu Ziling said, “Don’t cause trouble, let me talk with her.”

Kou Zhong sat down dejectedly; with pained expression on his face, he said, “Actually, we have no excuse either, so we have no way of answering Changzhu Meiren. Just let Ziling persuade her then, in order to deal with Shi … hey! She ought to agree to anything, right?”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “Don’t hum and haw. Xiaodi understands what you are talking about.”

Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes emitted sharp expression, he said, “When I was rushing from Cijian to Chang’an, along the way I was intercepted by Yang Xuyan. This kid’s Shadow Sword Technique has indeed made exceptional progress. He took advantage of me when my strength was weary due to prolonged battle. Fortunately, I saw thru that he still cherished his emperor’s life, so each move of mine was a mutual destruction; I managed to force him to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat. But it is also possible that he was deliberately letting me to come to Chang’an to deal with your esteemed master, which is also his revered master. More likely he wanted your esteemed master to personally kill me. But no matter which possibility, your Shi Shi no longer regards you as his disciple. What is Xibai going to do?”

At a loss, Hou Xibai replied, “What can I do?”

Xu Ziling said, “If Yang Xuyan kill you in a decisive battle, consequently Shi Zhixuan will pass on the Bu Si Yin Fa to Yang Xuyan. Will it be considered against your honorable Sect’s rules?”

Shaking his head, Hou Xibai replied, “Naturally it cannot be considered violating the founder’s rule and law.”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “I understand! The other night Yang Xuyan said that he had an important matter to attend to, I thought he was just making an excuse to step down the stage, turns out it is true. If he is injured, in the short term, it will be difficult for him to strive against you, Xiao Hou.”

Scratching his head, Hou Xibai said, “Now I’m so confused! Will Shi Shi personally deal with me, who is still unclear whether I am a renegade disciple or not, or will he let me and Yang Xuyan decide on victory or defeat?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “This is a confusing account that even your Shi Shi is unclear about. It has its origins in his split personality, plus because of the contradiction in his character, he is incapable of solving it himself, hence the reason he wrote the Bu Si Yin Fa, hoping that the two of you would bring it to a conclusion. But now that his personality has returned to become one, in all things he is considering the fact of the present situation, naturally he gave you up and chose Yang Xuyan instead.”

Letting out a cold snort, Kou Zhong said, “Xiao Hou, you have to thoroughly make up your mind, whether you will sit and wait for death, or fight hard to save your life?”

Hou Xibai spoke resolutely, “If it is only to deal with Yang Xuyan, then it’s easy. But if Shi Shi personally make his move, Xiaodi … ay! Xiaodi …”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Just hand Old Shi over to me and Xiao Ling to be dealt with, but Yang Xuyan is yours, LaoGe’s; that should do it!”

“You also have nujia!”

The three men greatly shivered inwardly; they looked toward the inner section. The beautiful like an immortal descending to the world, bizarre like a specter – Wanwan, barefooted and wearing white clothes, was standing at the door, the strange light in her pretty eyes was rippling.

It was only when she started speaking that the three men were aware that her fragrant self has honored them with her presence.

Drawing out a mouthful of cold air, Kou Zhong said, “Wan Dajie is getting more and more formidable.”

Wanwan laughed indifferently; like a specter, her feet did not touch the ground, she floated over, calmly sat down, and said, “If I join hands with Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling yet are still unable to put Shi Zhixuan in order, there won’t be anybody else in the world that can do it.”

Hou Xibai spoke with a wry smile, “He is, after all, my Shifu

, can’t you not speak that forthrightly?”

Casting her gaze toward him, Wanwan spoke slyly, “Hou Gongzi must face this cruel reality. You are one mistake of Shi Zhixuan’s, and now it’s the time for him to correct that mistake. Bu Tian Pai’s way of training its successor has always been discarding the weak and retaining the strong. Nowadays Shi Zhixuan is showing clearly that he wants to cultivate Yang Xuyan with all his strength; if you are still fainthearted, still have your mouth exclusively filled with some master and disciple’s affection, you might as well kill yourself and be done with it. You will both avoid making an exhibition of yourself, and you won’t implicate your friends.”

Xu Ziling spoke in displeasure, “How can you say such thing?”

Wanwan coldly said, “This is not only the internal struggle within our holy school, but it also relates to the future fate of the world, just like the battle for hegemony that is taking place in Luoyang right now. On the road to become the master of the world, father might kill his son, a son might kill his father; friends could have a fall out, brothers could destroy each other. I am just speaking the truth, Hou Gongzi must wake up from your dream. One possibility is to go far away from him, to hide forever; the other is to fight bravely to the end. The third option is to become the pig and sheep in the slaughterhouse, waiting for your fate of being slaughtered.”

Hou Xibai’s breathing became ragged, it was quite half a day later that he spoke dejectedly, “Even if I know it is so, but to deal with Shi Shi for real, it is still difficult for me to make up my mind. How’s this: Yang Xuyan, leave him for me to deal with, as for Shi Shi, ay! If I don’t hear it, I won’t question it! Xiaodi’s natural disposition is like this, there’s nothing I can do.”

Wanwan spoke indifferently, “You are practically not Yang Xuyan’s opponent.”

Hou Xibai appeared to be unconvinced, but he did not refute her.

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong asked, “How could you make such judgment?”

Wanwan slowly said, “Shi Zhixuan’s two major skills are the Huan Mo Shenfa and Bu Si Yin Fa that he created himself. And these two types of ultimate skills are dependent upon the ‘Tian Yi Xinfa’ [lit. one of heavens’ heart method], in which Shi Zhixuan fused the Hua Jian and Bu Tian, two ways, in order to reach the extreme realm of the peak. Yang Xuyan has mastered the Huan Mo Shenfa, it’s only natural that he also received the handed-down teachings of ‘Tian Yi Xinfa’, which is the combination of Bu Tian and Hua Jian, two ways’ wonderful skill, while Hou Gongzi only obtained Hua Jian, one Sect’s skill. Relative superiority can be immediately determined, therefore, my analysis is not frightening words to scare people at all, but it is based on fact.”

After a short pause, she went on, “Hou Gongzi and Yang Xuyan each got half of the Image Scroll, but because Yang Xuyan already mastered Tian Yi Jue Xue [ultimate skill], training Bu Si Yin will be where water flows, a canal is formed, while for Hou Gongzi, it will be scratching the outside of the boot [idiom: ineffectual]. Even if Hou Gongzi could obtain the full volume, in training the key point, you could easily suffer fire deviation, it will only be harmful without any benefit.”

Hearing that, the three men’s countenance changed at the same time.

Wanwan’s tender body shook, she said, “Could it be that you guys have taken possession of Yang Xuyan’s half of the Image Scroll as well?”

Pointing to his head, Hou Xibai spoke with a wry smile, “It’s all in here!”

The strange light in Wanwan’s beautiful eyes was flashing. Without she needed to tell them, they knew that she had the thought to obtain the Bu Si Yin scroll.

Smiling bitterly, Hou Xibai said, “Left is not right, right is not right either. Where should Zaixia place myself?”

Xu Ziling said, “Heaven never bars one’s way [idiom: never give up hope], as long as Xibai Xiong is determined to fight to the end, there will always be a way to resolve this matter.”

Laughing coldly, Kou Zhong said, “I already saw that Yang kid is not pleasing to the eye, just leave him to me, I’ll get rid of him.”

Wanwan said with a sigh, “Based on Shaoshuai’s Eight Methods of the Well, you could perhaps defeat Yang Xuyan; but if you want to kill him, even if he did not have Li Yuan or Shi Zhixuan’s support behind his back, I am afraid it is not going to be easy at all.”

Kou Zhong was about to retort, they heard knocking on the door.

The three men’s countenance changed again, they cried ‘Not good!’ inwardly.

If Shang Xiuxun was coming, wouldn’t it be terrible through and through?

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