
Chapter 31.4

Engraved on the gravestone is the name Sunny Fram.

I kneel down and put my hands together in prayer. Marie kneels beside me too and clasps her hands in front of her chest. The kids approach Marie and me and sit on the ground. They take a peek at us before mimicking our actions. Some of them put their hands together in front of their faces, while others clasp their hands in front of their chests.

Ah, oops. I made a mistake. Out of habit in my original world, I subconsciously put my hands together. This feels a bit like a fusion between Japanese and Arcadian culture… Well, the intention behind our actions is the same, so please forgive me for today.

Please rest in peace. I pray that one day, when you are reborn in this world again, you will experience a good life and a good ending…

Then all of a sudden, the kids begin hopping around me and Marie.

“Look, Lian-sama! There are lots of flowers!”



“You’re right.”

The kids offer another batch of flowers, placing it in front of the grave. The flowers scatter all over the ground.

To be honest… I could have given him a proper burial like this much sooner since I’ve long known where he is. And yet…

“Sunny-san, I’m sorry…”

I’ve left you in the forest for such a long, long time with no one to accompany you. I was the only one who knew where you were, but I continued to keep your whereabouts a secret.

I was scared that if I were to tell Alfred or anyone about this… it would cause unexpected changes to the original plot. My heart’s too cowardly to take the risk.

“I’m sorry. Actually, I could have found you sooner, but… I was so timid that you ended up sleeping inside the forest for such a long time… I’m sorry…”


I let out a laugh out of self-mockery. “ I know that it’s too late to repent for it now… so I don’t have the right to do that anymore.”

After all, it’s been five years. No, not just five years. He passed away before I ever came to this village, so… he has been alone underneath that tree for more than five years.

Only I knew, but I continued to pretend as if I didn’t. Until now, that is. Even if I try to make excuses, that doesn’t make it any less wrong.

“Lian-sama…” Marie stands up, grows closer to my side, then kneels down again. She reaches out to pat my back in a slow and gentle manner.

I wish she isn’t so gentle to someone like me.


Out of nowhere, a strong wind blows toward us. Out of reflex, I close my eyes.

When I reopen them, countless small bits of orange flying with the wind current, seeming to be raining down on us.

“Oh my. How beautiful…” says Marie in a loud voice, joy written on her face.

I follow Marie and look up too. Then, I see innumerable small orange petals dancing in the air around us. It’s like it’s snowing flowers. Fluffy-looking and fluttering flowers.

Afterward, a soft fragrance fills my nostrils.

“Maybe it’s from the early blooming.” A brief sigh leaves Marie’s lips. “It sure smells nice…”

“Early blooming?”

“Yes. That’s the name of the flower that blooms on fragrant olive trees. Do you remember the trees on the hill behind the orphanage? The ones that turn into a beautiful orange color in the autumn?”


I’ve sometimes smelled a nice fragrance in the air whenever the wind blows past me during autumn. So that comes from flowers, huh?

“And the flowers drift into the air because of the wind, huh…”

Marie and I look up at the mountains. Just like Marie said, I can see thick trees with orange leaves on the mountain’s surface. Did the flowers drift from there to here?

As I gaze at the mountain for longer, Marie breaks into laughter.

I turn to Marie. “What is it?”

“You’re covered in flowers, Lian-sama.” Marie stretches her hand out with a chuckle, gently picking the small flowers off my arm. Then her hand raises to my shoulders, then to my back. After that, she raises her hand even higher to the top of my head. Looks like the flowers have even stuck to my hair.

“You should dry these flowers and turn them into potpourri. You’ll be able to sleep well if you put them on your bedside.”


“Yes. Its gentle fragrance is warming and relieving. You’ve noticed, right? I’ll bring them back and make a potpourri bag for you,” says Marie as she collects the bright orange petals on her palms carefully.

Around the white grave, small orange flowers can be seen drifting about, eventually falling and making a pile on the ground.

“I wonder if Sunny-san will be able to sleep well from the flowers too.”

“Yes, of course. I’m sure that he’s in a peaceful sleep.”

Then for some reason, Marie gently presses her cuff to my eyes, slight worry in her gaze. Shocked, I rub my eyes with my own sleeve then look at the area that I used to wipe my eyes.

…My sleeve has some wet stains.

“This… uh… it’s nothing. Really. So please don’t worry. It’s just that… my tear ducts these days have been a bit weak, and…”


I look away, only turning back to Marie after I manage to somehow force my usual smile on my face. “Haha… This can’t do. How shameful… I have to get a hold of myself…”

Read this at perpetualdaydreams.com

But Marie shakes her head. “No, Lian-sama. It’s fine. You can cry whenever you want to cry. If you don’t, the sadness in your heart will build up. Once it’s full, you won’t be able to put anything else there. Also—” Marie looks up at me and offers me a soft smile. “The fact that you’re able to cry in front of us proves that you trust us. I’m happy to know that.”

“W-what are y-you talking about… Marie-sama…” I say, unable to stop my voice from quavering.

I’ve been defeated.

I really wish she wasn’t so gentle toward me. Both in her words and gestures. I’m weak to that, and I end up immediately giving in to her comfort.

Then another gentle wind blows down from the back of the mountain. The orange petals drifting with the wind dances and flutters in the air before softly falling onto us.

The kids begin jumping around with their hands extended outward, trying to catch some of the raining flowers, squealing and laughing in excitement.

“Marie-sama! Lian-sama! Flowers!”

“Lots of flowers are flying!”



“Yup, there sure are lots of beautiful flowers.”


I rub my eyes once again, take a breath, and shift my gaze to the grave.

By this point, the grave is surrounded by so many flowers. The autumn wildflowers we offered and the orange petals that flew here have heavily covered the area around the grave. I can’t even see the ground anymore.

The occasional breezes sweeping past us afterward feel slightly warm and gentle, as though stroking my cheeks and hair. The white gravestone also shines with a glitter when exposed to the soft sunlight shining through the clouds.

I may just be thinking this for my own sake, but I feel like I can see Sunny-san asleep with a peaceful smile on his face. This brings a little comfort into my heart.

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