
Chapter 28 - 27: Learning To Throw A Kick

"You really don't remember, Becky?" Amelia asked with an amused look on her face.

"What kind of idiotic question is that, if I don't even recognize you guys how in hell am I going to recognize someone else. Not to mention, I don't think I will ever consider myself as Aiden even if I know it in my mind," Leo shook his head, this denial would be an every day job for him now.

Aaron and Viona looked at the two whispering and their faces turned strange. Aiden was a hardworking and disciplined kid but Amelia was the exact opposite of him and two were always at each other's throat trying to force their ideals upon each other.

There wasn't a day when the two didn't argue and fought. But now looking at the two quietly sitting and chatting like a normal siblings really made them feel weird.

"So, have you just forgotten us or have you also forgotten your dumb ways of life as well?" She asked looking at Leo in curiosity.

"Forgotten," Leo replied casually, he didn't have anything to do with Aiden.

He didn't know why but he felt that little sister of his would be the easiest one to talk with as the rest were just trying to be extra considerate and make him remember things which he actually had never experienced.

"Really? You aren't going to train the whole day now?" She asked with a smile. It seems she was the only one enjoying this situation.

Leo shook his head again, he didn't have any aim of those types. He just wanted to be a Mech Designer and not a Mech pilot. "Do I look like a Barbarian to you? I have no interest in violence."



When she heard those words she choked on her food. She felt as if lightning had struck her. No it was even worse than that. The probably of getting struck by lighting was still a thousand times higher than that of Aiden saying those words.

"Here," Leo passed his glass of water to her.

"Thanks," Amelia gulped it down and spoke after finally calming down.

As Leo was about to turn towards the food again, he saw Viona and Aaron staring at them as if they had seen a ghost.

"Mom, did I hear Amelia say thanks to Aiden?" Aaron asked as he pinched himself. This was really unbelievable for him.

"Yeah, they seem more like a family then they did before," Viona nodded not knowing whether she should be happy about it or not.

Leo ignored the two and ate his lunch before going back to his room.


Later that night..

Leo searched his room to see if he could find anything related to Aiden which could probably help him in knowing anything about him. Like a diary or something, but it didn't seem that Aiden kept one. He indeed found a few photo albums and documents though which gave him a bit of information about the guy. But not much though.

He then tried to look at Leo's smart link account but he didn't have any idea about the User ID and password. In the end, he sent an E-mail to their manufactures to get him his account with all the data intact. The reply soon came and it seemed that they would get back to him after confirming his identity as the owner of the Account.

'What do you think I should do Arthur? The body's family seems so sad and kept looking at me with those expectant eyes. But I don't wanna give them any false hope,' Leo muttered inwardly as he had nobody else to talk to.

[Well, that's a tough situation. But the best alternative for you is to unlock your memories and find out the truth first. Only then can you make the right choice.]

He knew it too. It seemed this was the only way.

Leo took in a deep breath and got up from the bed while looking at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. He had refrained himself doing any training because his body had still been hurting a lot but now he could give it a try not to mention the Niverian Kicking Arts that he studied only had kicks luckily or else with his missing hand, he would really be at a loss of what to do.

In the end, he approached the punching bag and once again turned the pages of the Inheritance book in his mind after opening it.

He carefully looked at the postures, the energy flow around the leg and step by step learned the process of the one of the kicks. He had actually seen one of this in the older form of Martial Arts called Taekwondo before. This form of martial arts was still being practiced by a few people these days. But most people had eventually shifted to Military Style of Mixed Martial Art as the Schools taught basics of this style to the kids as a part of physical education. These Mixed Martial Arts were designed to fit the fighting styles of Mech Pilots actually.

This rule was implemented 200 years ago when the war was at the peak.

One can understand that it was just a method of training the future awakener who had the potential to become Mech Pilot and it could save a lot of time for them in becoming proficient in the fighting style of a Mecha.

It was obviously a great strategy during that time.

But even when the war was over, the policy didn't changed. Later, this affected other fighting sports a bit as parent's probably wouldn't send their child to learn another fighting style when they were already being taught. There were exceptions though, if the kid himself came out with the request then parents would probably give in. That was the reason that the fighting style was alive till today as it was being passed down by different people.

'OK, let's do it..' Leo muttered inwardly

He place a pressure down on his left foot and his yellow arora energy suddenly began to coil around it. The next second, he did a light frontal spin bringing in his right foot foot horizontally against the punching bag.


Leo suddenly felt the world around him move as his left foot slipped due to his exaggerated movement and the next instant, he crashed into the floor with a thud while his right foot landed on the punching bag lightly sending it moving back and forth like a pendulum.


Leo laid down on the ground looking at the punching bag dancing over his face

'Well, that didn't went as planned..'

[You are swinging your body too hard and forcing all your arora energy at once. Calm down a bit and try it with lesser force in the initial stage and refrain from using arora energy right now.]

Arthur's voice rang in his head and Leo once again got up and this time heeding his suggestion, he brought down the spinning force and didn't use any energy.


This time, his kick landed on the punching bag producing a light thud.

'Great! It worked!' Leo cheered himself up.

But his coach Arthur, soon dumped down a cold bucket of water on his head.

[If we take the Average height of people of your Race, the kick would have landed on the waist. While the kick you are performing should either be aimed at the side of the calf, thighs or the face.]

[Your accuracy sucks..]

"This is my first time doing it seriously. I even slacked during my P.E. classes in school through out the whole session.." Leo couldn't help but sigh. His body was faster and stronger and he even had a nice control over it. But he never remember learning any kind of fighting style.

[In that case start from the very basic and not with actual kicks]

With that Arthur flipped a page or two back from the Inheritance book and showed Leo the very basics of training.

[Niverian Kicking Arts]

[Ch: 1 - How to maintain your balance?]

It said balance was the most important thing in Kicking, if you can't even maintain your balance on a single feet then forget about it. This is not meant for you..

There was even a quote, another belief for the practitioner which really made Leo speechless, 'A Kicker can lose his balls but not his balance.'

What the hell was wrong with the author of the book here?

Anyway, there were four to five activities which were listed that could help one improve their balance.

The first two were something Leo had seen before.

The first one was called the Horse stance and the other one was called the Tree Stance.


What in hell were the other three?

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