
Chapter 29 - The Professor

Alex arrived in Boston Logan International Airport, Massachusetts, United States.

The United States of America, its the world third largest country with the third largest population. it should be considered the world top country. If there is a global threat against humanity, it wouldn't be weird to find the United States as the leader of the world,

Or maybe just because of the Hollywood effects.



The fact is, The united states have the resources and power to create change. In Alex previous life, not many countries survive the first year, as the government lose the power to create security, hence the country lose its existence. The survivors depend on their life into the nearest Doomsday pillars for their safe haven and security. After a while, many survival shelters joined the surviving government and created their alliance geographically..

The United States and Canada as the North American Alliance, the South American, the European, African, Middle Eastern, China, Japan and Korea, South East Asian Alliance, Russia and Australia.

It will be ideal if Alex can influence all of this top country, but with his time strain, he had to be more creative. Today he came to the United States to meet one particular person.

In the city of Boston, there is a world famous university, Harvard University. In a small office inside the Department of History faculty, there is currently 2 person arguing.

"Professors the book that you publish last month will ruin the reputation of the university, I strongly suggest you make a statement that it is just a personal theory and change the genre into science fiction."

"I can't do that, all I write in there were all gathered from my research and findings from 6 different sites all around the world. I assure you that my theory of doomsday is accurate"

Professor John is the head of history departments, researcher and founder of the science of the human civilisation foundation. A study that focuses on the origins of humanity. His theory revolves on the period of the middle palaeolithic era from 70.000-80.000 years ago. He believes there was such a huge disaster during that time that actually almost wipe of the human race. The scientist and scholars believe this catastrophic disaster is the result of natural phenomenon, the most popular theory is the supereruptions from volcanoes that create 1000 years of volcanic winter.

The professor then continued his research for the last 20 years in findings relics and sites that backdated to that particular period and study their gravings. The discovery was shocking, from the 6 relic site around the world.. he found similarity in their writings. He wonders how the people around that time period could travel between continent.

Last few years he found enough sampling to understand the markings and found out about the theory of existence from out of this world that will come in 80.000 years. which the professor believe will come soon. It will be in his lifetime or the next. Therefore he created the book.

Alex knows the existence of the book from his previous life. Years after the doomsday, when the survivor has start gathered. humanity have pulled out all their resources and knowledge to understand the existence of the doomsday pillar. Professor John theory is the closest. At that time the professor already died so nobody can actually understand his research.

Within the university, the men have left, and the professor left with many burdens in his mind...

A knock on the door and a beautiful woman with short blonde hair and glasses walked in. it's his assistant, Cindy. she told him that a man and a woman come to visit and ask about the book he wrote.

"Probably another of those Annoying sci-fi novelist, they like to quote me for their bullshxxxx fantasy novel"

"told them to leave I don't feel really well"

Cindy reply "Professor, you probably want to speak to this man, he handed me this photo"

The professor took the picture and was startled. its a picture of the same graving that he studied, but this is not from any of the sites he found...

"They still outside?? let them in"

"How about your health Professor?" Cindy chuckled

"Damn about my health!! let them in"

The professor spends almost 40 years of his life following this theory. The last 20 years he only manages to find 6 sites.. every new finding would mean a lot to his research. The photo Alex showed came from the relic site graving in Bali where he took pictures with his phone.

"Hello Professor John, my name is Alex"

Aria next to him glance at Alex...

"Oh yes this is my associates Aria"

The professor replied "is this photo real? where did you get this photo, Mr Alex?"

"I assure you the photo is real, I found it from the relic under a temple in Bali, I will give you all the information and even show you the place if you have the time. but actually, I came here to speak about your book"

The professor thought this guy probably one of his devoted fans. who also searching for an answer like him.. "he probably wants my autograph" the professor thought in his mind.

"I believe in the coming doomsday are real, but you're off with the timing professor. the doomsday will come sooner than you think. it will come in 2 weeks, at the end of the year"

The professor stunned...



"This guy really is my devoted fan. No, he probably categorised as my crazy fan.. he is crazier than me"

Cindy his assistant was listening, also this is the first time Aria heard it...

"What sort of mission am I getting into.." Aria thought...



Cindy laughed...

"You are a funny man, Mr Alex if it's true, probably I really should start to pack up and prepare"

Alex answered "Yes you should"

The professor thought for a while then said

"You must understand I have been studying this for 40 years, there is no one more expert about this than me"

Alex answered " I believe you didn't succeed in entering the secret chamber from the 6 relics site that you find, I did find it in mine, as a proof, I will show you what I found"

Alex raises his finger and shows them a ring.. when the professor sees it properly, there really is some graving similar to his study.

"Don't be alarmed, I'll show you the function of this ring"

Alex touch the ring and suddenly there is a small lightning spark and the chair in front of Alex is gone... Alex then reappears the chair again.

Everyone in the room was shocked...

"This is called the storage ring it can store item into a dimensional space"

The professor is speechless...

Alex continues, "if you still can't believe me let me show you more convincing proof, give me access to one of the sites that your foundation manage, I particularly interested with the one near the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico."

"The ruins of Teopanzolco?" the professor shocked.

Alex replied, "I will open the secret chamber for you and show you the secret of the Aztec ruins."




"Cindy prepare the earliest ticket, we are going now"

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