
Chapter 47 - Last Preperations

Alex spent the next three days driving around meeting with local authorities, various organizations and public communities. He also tried to contact the names in the list of the known survivors from his previous life. He tried to convince them to prepare and invited them to the base.

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The Army Base

This would be the most important phase. There were 18 regional military command centers all around Indonesia. The one in Bali was the 9th Division. This division had 4 districts under its jurisdiction. The Bali island district, and the islands on the east as the other three districts; the West Nusa Tenggara District, the East Nusa Tenggara District, and the East Timor District.

Today, all the head of the four districts had gathered. The division led by Major General Agus and each district were represented by a colonel. The whole division controlled six infantries, one cavalry, and one combat engineer battalion. There was also the special forces, the Red Berets, stationed there. It amounted to 8,500 soldiers.

In the meeting, the person Alex looked forward to meet the most was Captain Farel. An army intelligence officer. In Alex's previous life, he was one of Bali's surviving leaders. He was born in a family of soldiers but graduated from Oxford University. A genius, unfortunately, the smarter the person was, the more skeptical they were. The Regent's introduction and Aria being present were not enough to move them. Alex must explain the doomsday in a hypothetical situation. Luckily, Captain Farel was a rational person.

Alex requested the army to recall all non-active personnel back to their bases. He even requested for all the reserve soldiers and trainees to gather. Their presence managed to add 10,000 more soldiers. In total, there should be over 18,000 military personnel. These soldiers were divided between 4 districts. But the Bali district itself had total a little over 8,000 soldiers.

Alex gave them the information about his base, discussed strategies and asked them to prepare a two-way radio to communicate.

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The Governor's Office

Governor Agung was the leader chosen by the people of Bali. When the doomsday starts, the death of the President would end the main government of Indonesia. Alex didn't know the fate of this governor either because in Alex's previous life they never met. This meant that the governor either died from the disease or died very early.

This meeting was important. The governor facilitated a meeting with the local authorities and religious leaders. There were almost 100 invitations sent out, but only 25 of them came to the meeting.

This result was within Alex's expectation, as it's still in the holiday season. Mayor Rendy of Bay City was the best example. Even so, Alex still wished to see them. Alex briefed them the same information all over again. And he couldn't help but feel as if he's on a Writer Book Tour.

"Doomsday Pillar: Meet and Greet"...

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The Pencak Silat Society

This was a martial art dojo. The biggest and the most famous base of traditional martial art in Bali. During many Bali incidents that threatened the locals e.g. the Bali bombing in 2002 and 2005. Or the prison break in 2017, the Pencak Silat Society was the most reliable activists on-site. Their overall members were more than 5,000 practitioners. Some of the strongest survivors in Alex's previous life were members of this society.

Generalizations in Pencak Silat technique were very difficult. The styles and movements were as diverse as the Indonesian archipelago itself. The principles behind the movement of Pencak Silat were self-defense and self-control. The techniques were not limited to hand-to-hand combat. The practitioners also trained in the usage of sharp edged weapons e.g. dagger, saber, also spear and shield.

Like many other martial arts, the practitioner's level were indicated by their belt's color. White, yellow, green and blue, were the four basic levels. When practitioners mastered the basic techniques, they received the violet belt as a sign of recognition. Completing the advanced training would receive brown and then the red belt. While the master level practitioners would receive the honorable white sash.

In Bali's Pencak Silat Society, out of 5,000 members, there were 500 red belts and only 70 white sash masters. From this masters, twenty people received the title of Guru, and only three receive the Mahaguru title.

Today, Alex's group was welcomed in the hall by the masters. Some of the Gurus also posed as the Indonesian Army trainer, thus his visit were received with open arms. It was an honor to be received by a Mahaguru.

Alex saw a few faces that he recognized within this hall. It's quite nostalgic. He fought together with a few of them as comrades.

Alex stood in the middle of the hall facing the Mahaguru surrounded by the many masters who sat on the floor.

"Mahaguru Indra, My name is Alex. I came with important information, but before that, I wish to have a friendly match with one of the masters. I hope you can grant my wish."

A guru sitting on the side said, "A brave man, but do you have the capability? Which one of us would you like to spar with?"

Alex looked at one of the youngest looking masters in the hall sitting next to the Mahaguru then pointed at him.

"I heard so much about master Rama's talent, will you give me this honor?"

The master named Rama was not surprised that he was chosen since he looked young.

Another guru jumped in to comment,

"Hahahha. Mr. Alex, Rama may look young but he is not weak, in fact, I think he is the one with the most potential in here."

Alex knew the guy's name, Rama. In his previous life, Rama is a Saint fire element spirit enhancer. One of the strongest survivors in Bali. He was a very talented martial artist and received his violet belt when he was 16 and the red belt when he was 20. He then studied other martial arts skills around the world resulted in him winning an Olympic medal in silat. After winning, he returned to master the White Dove techniques style of the pencak silat. Received his white sash at the age of 24. Then last year at age 25, he received the honorable title of 'Pendekar'. The brave and fierce spirit enhancer named Rama. Alex wanted him to be part of his team.

"So will I be granted this honor?" Alex clasped his hand and bowed to the Mahaguru.

"Do you accept Rama?" the Mahaguru asked him.

"Yes Mahaguru, I accept."

Rama felt that this Alex was not a normal guy, as a talented spirit enhancer his perception was beyond normal.

The fight started after they bowed to each other

"Thank you for accepting." Alex smiled at Rama.




Immediately, Rama performed his tiger stance move. It's a defensive crouching style. Pencak Silat was best in terms of its defensive forms and explosive moves.

Alex smiled, 'At last someone worthy.' This time, he took the initiative and attacked first.


Alex advanced with his full speed.


Rama barely blocked Alex's punch, he even got pushed back a few steps. All the masters in the hall were startled.

Within Alex's group, it was the first time Theo saw Alex's skill and he's astonished. Cindy was excited as always while Aria kept her cool.

Usain Bolt, the Olympic gold medalist broke the 100-meter world record with his 9.69 seconds dash. Alex, being a high stage mortal realm, could break the record with less than 8 seconds. He could run a 10-meter distance of less than 1 second.

Alex was surprised too because Rama managed to block his high-speed attack. He indeed was a great talent. Alex assumed that Rama had passed the limit of the medium rank mortal realm. Impressive. Such a talent at a young age.

They exchanged moves for another 10 rounds. In the Pencak Silat steps techniques, the 8 directions were considered as basic techniques. Being a master, Rama managed to use and utilize it perfectly.

After the 10 rounds of exchanges, Alex felt Rama's moves got stronger and faster.

Alex was surprised yet again, Rama's White Dove techniques had already surpassed the mortal realm. As a spirit enhancer, Rama was very talented in the usage of the inner energy. The Pencak Silat called it Chakra. This inner energy could create powerful explosives strikes.

Alex felt pressure with his exchanges with Rama, but in the end, Rama still lost. All the masters were surprised. They all possessed a mastery in the martial art. They could tell the moves Alex showed were beyond the limits of the human body.

Alex then told them about the secret of his strength, about the coming doomsday, and his base. On the 31st, the Bali island will be in chaos. Alex requested the help and co-operation of the Pencak Silat society. They were, of course, willing to help, it's their island. Alex left another two-way radio for them. Unfortunately, with the current condition, there was no reason for Rama to follow him. So Alex left empty-handed.

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Three days have passed... and it's the 30th of December. On the way to the base, Alex felt something different from the streets of Bali. It didn't have its usual charm. Less music on the street, less party, and fewer crowds. The human minds were unique, they refused to believe in the doomsday message. But when it becomes near to D-date, it disturbed their minds. This could be a good sign, Alex thought.

Alex returned to the base after 3 days. The base population exploded by 5 times. There are now more people staying on the base than before the announcement. The team was hard at work separating the newcomers. There was nothing much Alex can do at the moment than allocate them all in some of the warehouses. These sudden increase of people was a good sign that his message had accepted by the locals. But it also could bring a problem.

Not the time to worry about it, this will be the last day. Alex spent the remaining peaceful hours by having a quality time with his family. The tension in the air made it hard, but as usual, Hendrik could always light up the mood.

Another day passed.

And the D-day finally came. Even with all the planning and preparation, deep down Alex was afraid. No one could ever be prepared for this.

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