
Chapter 96 - Father And Son

Adam was currently looking at the fifty plus members, all youngsters. The oldest was Rick who was 24 years old, and the youngest was Tommy. The Misfits don't allow anyone below 17 to join, but Tommy was able to spend 20 days alone among the zombies and also had a special ability. He was probably the toughest Misfits member, so Tommy was an exception.

The Misfits were now too big to be led by himself. Adam chose several people to become unit leaders. Jason, his school friend, and Rick, the apartment neighbor. Nathalie and Nathan from the street mercenaries and of course Daisy. All of these leaders were also the strongest among these youngsters.

Adam and all five unit leaders were being called tonight for a strategy briefing by the general. The briefing was held in one of the buildings, it was the basketball stadium.

"Wow, the Misfits are being recognized by the General", Nathan was impressed..

"I guess we really should give ourselves some credit for our contributions for the last few days."

"Hahahhaa, we really should.", Rick said with a big smile on his face.

The group went to the meeting with proud faces. But their confidence was crushed within minutes. When they went inside the basketball stadium, it was already filled with more than 500 men. They were all platoon leaders and special forces unit leaders. All were extraordinary soldiers, there were also some famous militia fighters and martial artists.

A few of the Red Barrets' special forces soldiers looked at Adam group and said:

"Sorry kids, no basketball tonight..."

"Hahahahahhaha... "

They must have known, no one could enter without invitation, they only said those words to mock the group. Rick and Jason were disturbed, but surprisingly Nathalie said:

"We often hear such mockery, don't worry, at the end only strength and achievements matter."

Adam and Daisy were impressed by hearing such words, it appears the siblings really were special. The group took seats at the back facing the center court.

General Rico was currently standing in the middle of the basketball stadium. Next to him were the four colonels and a few of the cabinet members. The court floor appeared to be drawn. It's a map of Java.

The General was ready to explain his strategy.

"Greetings and thank you for coming."

Rico stared at all the five hundred plus men in front of him. All these men were the best and brightest. They would play an important role in the survival of the country.

The briefing was quite straightforward, there will be four divisions being sent to four directions. Each division would have one military battalion, one militia battalion, two special forces platoons, and a few civilians group support. There were about 3000 men in each division. The first division will head westward and collect all the remaining survivors from the west to be brought back to Jakarta Base. The other three divisions will head eastwards, one through the north coast, one through the south coast and one through the central highland.

1st Divison, led by Colonel Andry going to the western area of Tangerang. Collecting many survivors and must be back at the Jakarta base by one month at the latest.

2nd Division, led by Colonel Rano going to central Java through the north coast, a direct approach to the city of Cirebon.

3rd Divison, led by Colonel Joko going to central Java through the city of Bandung, one of the crowdest city in the West Java, located in the highlands.

4th Division, led by Colonel Bernard going to central Java through the south coast, passing through the city of Bogor and then Sukabumi.

The three Divisions who went to the east will become scouts, an advance team to check the best route for the 100.000 civilians. They will also go to set up a communication antenna as a signal booster. The divisions were expected to find two things during their missions; either hordes of zombies or hordes of survivors. Each had its own challenges. Therefore each division will be provided with two 'Badak' tank units, two trucks of supplies and three buses as a way of transportation.

Since the EMP attack, it's been difficult to modify vehicles to work. The survival base only had limited working vehicles. The buses won't be used as a way to transport the soldiers, but later on, they will be useful to carry the old, young and sick survivors.

The Divisions will be given full authority to adapt to each situation. The colonels will be accompanied by one cabinet member and a public figure, to represent the civilian voice into the decision making. The Misfits are being assigned to the fourth divisions.

"OMG, we got the unlucky number of four!!" Ricky said...

Adam never believed such a thing and accepted his task sincerely.

Adam realized Daisy was staring at one corner of the stand, a figure walked closer to the group. It's Melissa, his schoolmate and used to be one of Daisy's best friends. But since the doomsday, they hardly talked. This time Melissa approached them.

"Adam, Daisy, Jason... You all are joining this mission as well."

"Yes.", Daisy said.

"I see you all are with the fourth division, I am going with my mother, she's in the cabinet member entourage for the third division, we are going to the city of Bandung, I guess we will meet up again in a few days."

"..." Daisy was not sure how to respond, their relationship had been broken since the death of Sally and Rahel...

Melissa continued: "I know we have our differences in opinion, but no matter what, we have a history together. You and I Daisy, I hope we can still be friends, we all need friends, especially in today's world. What do you think can we still be friends?"

Daisy looked at Melissa's eyes, reminiscing of the good times they had in the past, Daisy smiled and nodded.

"That's great, hope to see you again Daisy, be safe. You too, Adam, Jason."

Before the group headed out, they were being stopped by another person. It's General Rico.

"I see you made some new friends."

The general looked at Nathan and Natalie. It seemed although the general looked very ignorant to Adam's activity, he recognizes the little things of Adam's situation. Adam realized this as well, his opinion of his father turned more positive each day. Not only just because of what he did to Adam, but also his treatment to the survivors and how he led the base.

The general approached him closer and said:

"It seems things will turn crazier each day, I need you to be safe, but the only way for you to be safer is to become stronger. Be careful."

"Yes, father."

Adam thought of something and gave the courage to ask:

"These 4 divisions are about half the number of defensive forces of this base father, will you be able to hold the base?"

"Hahahahahah, you worried about me boy? Don't worry, the militia is currently much stronger and experienced, I will have the manpower to recruit more militia afterward. Don't worry about me. Also, you will need this more than I do, there are some weapons and supplies inside... Take care."


Rico just gave his son the storage ring, this was the best he could do for his son at the moment. Watching how the General specially treated Adam, the siblings then realized that Adam was the son of the General... It's being friendly with the president's son... They were somehow impressed and felt much safer being in the Misfits.

Tomorrow, the mission will start.

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