
Chapter Second Coming Of Goddess And Child Of Hope (1/79) 26.1

Vol 6: Chapter 26 (1)

Shadow Dragon Route

The reunion with the dragon was shocking.

While I was staying in the Elder Hobbit village, a “giant shadow” suddenly appeared.

I prepared myself to fight, thinking it was an attack by the goddess’s minion. However, that shadow landed at the village square elegantly without any hostility.

Its body shone golden.

A dragon I had never seen before.


To my surprise, however, a girl got off the dragon’s back.


Lark should be working to compensate the families of the mine soldiers she had killed.

She ran towards me with light footsteps and hugged me.

「I’m glad that you are safe!」

「Lark… is it really you?」

「Obviously! Have you already forgotten your sister’s face!?」

As she released the hug, her face was right in front of mine.

Her long blond hair tied up behind, and her mischievous purple eyes had grown more mature in this short period of time.

When her thin lips opened,

「…D-Don’t stare at me.」

「I’m sorry.」

She pushed me away.

「Ah, more importantly, what are you doing here Lark!?」

Fully armed Elder Hobbits surrounded the square.

But the golden dragon simply let out a big yawn. What a carefree guy.

「While you were trying to put the “World Union” into motion, I headed for the Sixth Mine, where I met this dragon.」

「…There was a dragon in the mine?」

『I am the golden dragon. I was born by inheriting the experience of my predecessor.』

Since it spoke so suddenly, I unintentionally turned towards the dragon.

Predecessor…… Meaning…

「The dragon which I fought in the Achenbach Dukedom…?」

『Correct. The dragon whose neck was cut off by this girl.』

「It seems to be a reincarnation of that dragon.」Lark said.


I looked at both Lark and the gold dragon.

Dragons reincarnate? No, more importantly, this dragon flew the person who killed it?

「According to the gold dragon… you seem to have roused the wrath of the goddess.」

『While each dragon is a different individual, we still have a unified will. I also know that you have met the dragon who claims to be the “Sage of Medicine”.』

「Ah… right. Is the sage safe?」

『Of course. That is the longest living dragon… It’s crafty and cunning. He was also wondering what happened to you. You couldn’t be detected after being blown away.』

「I don’t really understand everything that is going on, but after listening to the gold dragon’s story, I asked him to help me search for you.」


Elder Hobbits started to disperse, leaving only a few guards behind. Apparently since I’m there, they thought I’ll take care of the situation.

After that, I learned that as soon as Lark and the gold dragon met, they immediately bonded with each other. The reason for that is because Lark had the power to kill the gold dragon.

Compared to the gold dragon’s predecessor, who was “overly serious about their duty”, this incarnation seems to be an eccentric soul who is attracted to “strong guys”. And at a glance, the gold dragon realized who Lark was.

Lark seems to have been honest with the dragon and said that she had lost her power, but the dragon said, “Then I’ll help you get it back.”

And while talking, my topic seems to have come up and they decided that searching for me would be the top priority. And they seem to have been flying all over the world.

『There is a reason why I flew around this area. The dragons will be gathering in a location a bit further away from here. Of course, that dragon who calls himself “Sage of Medicine” will also be there.』

I asked the gold dragon to take me there by all means.

And my request was granted—I met/reunited with 12 dragons, where I learned more about the goddess.

I was directed to act with the two shadow dragons, heading for the unstable Kruvan Holy Kingdom.

To tell the truth, I really wanted Lark to come along.

However, her body was still weak. And Lark herself said:

——I don’t have the power to fight anymore.

Thus, I couldn’t press her to follow me.

I parted ways with Lark at the deepest part of Canion.

This was not our last farewell. I promised to see her again after defeating the goddess.


「——So, due to various reasons, I am now acting together with the shadow dragons. The shadow dragons are amazing. They can use magic that blends them into the surroundings, so it will be difficult to spot them from the ground. And even detection-type sorcery. Though, of course, while passing overhead, the sunlight will be blocked and it will cast a slight shadow momentarily.」

『Exactly. Though, that stupid gold dragon called us “dumbasses”.』

『Yes Yes. We are smart dragons.』

The two dragons said proudly.

「…Reiji, I understand that, but was there really no other way to move?」

Dante-san said, with a pale face.

We were 5,000 meters above the ground right now.

Flying west at a speed of about 300 kilometers per hour.

The caravans on the highway seemed like small grains of sand.

We were flying on the backs of two shadow dragons.

The wind pressure was considerably reduced by the shadow dragons with some kind of magic, but the chilling cold was still present, so we huddled closer and I cast【Wind magic】and【Auxiliary magic】to get through it.

It is extremely difficult to control the temperature with 【Fire Magic】.

「H-How long before we get there!?」

「Please rest assured, Mimino-san. I know it’s tough right now, but we’ll get there much sooner.」

Mimino-san clearly made a relieved face.

「I’d say just three more days.」

「Three more days!?」

「——Mimino, Mimino? Hey Mimino!」

Dante-san grabbed Mimino-san as she seemed to faint.

「No fair, Mimino! You’re taking the easy route!」Dante-san exclaimed.

「For the time being, I have tightly wrapped everyone with a rope, so you won’t fall even if you fall asleep.」I said.

「How can anyone sleep in this situation!?」

Certainly, there seems to be many people who can’t bear the fear of “falling” even on a magic airship and faint.

In which case, the dragons’ speed would be even more terrifying.

However, the dragons are not even moving at their full speed

I didn’t say that because I didn’t want to scare everyone.

At night, we went down to the ground for a rest.

The Keith Gran Federation had an area where the Goddess Temple was not built, so we landed around that area—obviously, there would be a big commotion if someone saw the Shadow Dragons, so we landed discreetly.

When we entered the inn, Lady Eva was trembling with a deep pale face. But after having a hearty dinner, she fell asleep peacefully.

On the contrary, Mimino-san, who fainted, was fine after we landed. And surprisingly, Asha seems to have had no problem with the tough journey. So the three of us went to a bar next to the inn.

On a side note, Zerry-san went to a gambling house, saying, “I’ll stay up all night and sleep on the back of the dragon.”

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