
Chapter 248 - Ticklings

" Stop laughing ! " said Helios .

" Pffft ! Hahahahahahahahahaha ! " laughed Aria .

" How can you even laugh when saying that ?! A girl would sink into depression . " said Helios with a shocked expression .

" Don't be so dramatic !.....Haaaah ! That was a good laugh . I shall shock you more in the future since it's very pleasing . " said Aria .

From all the times that he had remained shocked by Aria , he was the most shocked now .

" I guess , I will say this phrase more often from now on . Your expression just now.....was so epic ! I should have taken a photo of it . Haaaaaaa.....what a pity ! Well , I guess I will have other chances in the future . " said Aria .

" You better not utter another word . " said Helios super shocked and confused .

" Hey , boss ! What do you think ? Would I make a fine handsome man like yourself if I were a boy ? " said Aria taking a bossy and coll posture similar to a boy .

' Geez ! What do I do with her ?!..... ' thought Helios helpless .

" Cut it out . " said Helios .

" Oh , are you jealous because I would be more handsome than you ? " said Aria how was really enjoying .

" You , more handsome than me ?! " said Helios with a forced smirk .

" Why not ?! Be careful or I may take all of your fangirls away . Girls are really fond of cute and gentle boys . " said Aria .

" Hmmmm...Cute and gentle , huh ?! Is this your type ? " said Helios with an angry expression but smirking on the outside .

" Of course ! Who wouldn't like a person that treats you with kindness , love, and respect that one deserves . " said Aria with a dreamy smile while imagining the scene .

"  I didn't know that you were into the puppy and mama's type . Aren't you disappointed that your preferences are so easy ? " said Helios and went near her .

Aria didn't realize that he was getting closer to her than normal . She continued to laugh due to his face's funny expressions .

" That would be the complete opposite of yours . " said Aria and laughed again .

" The complete opposite of me ?! Is my character that unattractive in your eyes . " said Helios and looked at her with a smirk .

" Honestly speaking , you have the word cheater written all over your face boss . " said Aria with a smile .

" Ohh ! Cheater ?....Well , you should know that it's not my fault that they become bored easily . Although they are sexy and beautiful , their beauty never seems to last long in my eyes . " said Helios with a dangerous smirk .

' Why do I feel this sentence sounds a bit off ?.....It sounds weirdly true . ' thought Aria .

Aria noticed that he raised his hands and directed them towards her .

" B....Boss ? " said Aria with a forced and nervous smile . 

" Hehe !... " laughed Helios a little then leaned his face near her ear .

Aria thought he would say something but to her surprise , he touched her waist and started to tickle her .

" You ! Stop it ! Hahahahahahaha ! I....Hahahahaha ! I said stop it . " said Aria who couldn't stand the tickling anymore .

" This is the punishment you get when you start laughing at your superior . " said HGeios and continued to tickle her while laughing .

" Hahahahahaha ! Hahahahahaha ! I...I will sue you for harassment . Hahahahahahaha ! " said Aria as she laughed .

She tried to push him away and prevent him from tickling her but unexpectedly , he was very strong . She gave up and tried to resist as much as she could .

" You will sue me ?!...I don't think the court will take your case ion consideration . " said Helios .

" Why not ? " said Aria .

" I am handsome , rich and charming while you are a girl with no sex appeal at all . Who do you think the court will believe ? " said Helios with a cunning smile .

" You..... " said Aria .

She realized that pushing him wasn't enough so she decided to tickle him too . If it didn't work , she would try to kick him . When she raised her hand , Helios's phone started to ring .

" Saved by the phone . " said Helios with a smirk when he saw Aria's hand .

" Right....unfortunately . " said Aria .

" Fortunately for me . Hahaha ! " said Helios and let go of Aria then took his phone out .

' If the one who's calling me now is Bekora , I will definitely smash that good for nothing head of his . ' thought Helios and when he saw the phone , he saw that it was his grandmother .

" Hello, mighty queen ! How can I help you ? " said Helios with a sweet tone . 

" Cut the sweet talk , you ungrateful brat ! You didn't even take the time to call me even once . " said queen Margrethe .

" I apologize for that but you know that my job is a very difficult one . It keeps me really busy . " said Helios .

" Busy playing around with guns and computers . You really did choose an interesting job , my dear grandson . " said queen Margrethe a bit annoyed .

" For what did you call me for , your majesty ? " said Helios and noticed Aria's eyes open wide in confusion .

" .....Your parents and your uncle along with his wife returned . " said queen Margrethe with a serious tone .

" .......I got it . I have a lot of work to do . Goodbye my queen ! " said Helios with a clearly displeased tone .

" You are not alone grandson . Don't think too much about it . I just called you to inform you beforehand . " said queen Margrethe .

" I know.........Thank you ! " said Helios with a caring tone at the end . 

Helios saw Aria's curious expression and smirked .

" If you are that curious , you can beg me to tell you who I spoke with . " said Helios with a teasing smirk when he saw her focused on the phone .

" No need ! " said Aria and hurried to take the sheets of the contract on the table with a noncaring expression . 

Helios liked her expression when he teased her so he decided to tease her again .

" Queen Margrethe of Denmark , is the one who called me just now . " said Helios with a smile .

Aria stared at him from head to toe silently . He expected her to look at him with disbelief or surprise but to his once again shock , she started to laugh .

" Her majesty the queen just called you ?! Pffft ! Hahahahahahaha ! " said Aria and laughed .

" I am telling the truth . " said Helios .

" Yes , yes ! I am sure you are . Hahahahaha ! The queen....hahahhahaha . " said Aria and couldn't hold back from laughing .

" It is true . " said Helios who couldn't bring himself to laugh .

" Sure ! You received a phone call from a busy queen all of a sudden . Your business finished long ago when we were at the palace . I wonder what connects you now . " said Aria .

" You seem to be determined to annoy me today . " said Helios . 

" It's not every day that I get the chance to be so free and relaxed when I talk with you , mr president . " said Aria .

' More exact , to make fun of you . ' thought Aria with a smirk .

" .......Do you know what's the relationship between the queen and me ? " said Helios .

" ....Ex-business partners ? " said Aria with an immediate response .

" She is my grandmother and I am her grandson . " said Helios with a look full of pride cause he was not only a billionaire but also a royal prince .

Aria looked at him surprised for a few seconds than couldn't keep her laugh anymore .

" Hahahahahahahahahahahaha !!! " laughed Aria .

" I am telling the truth . " said Helios .

" If you are the queen of Denmark's grandson , I am to be the next future billionaire to be added to the list of billionaires . Pfffft habahahahahahaha ! Sso hilarious ! " said Aria .

' Plus , you being a prince and a billionaire is too much of a weird coincidence . If he were a real-life prince , I would have already been executed for kicking him in the balls . ' thought Aria with a relaxed expression thinking that it would be quite shocking and impossible .

" President , I don't know what's gotten into you today , but I......Pffffttt !  " said Aria and laughed again .

' Laugh , Laugh......in the end, I will be the one who will laugh more than anyone else . ' thought Helios with an annoyed expression . 

For the first time that he was being honest to her and telling her everything , she wouldn't believe him and laugh out of it instead .

After taking the sheets , calming down from all that laughing, and taking some photos of the images of the contract on the computer , Aria got up heading to the door .

" Hey , you haven't signed the contract yet nor put on any terms of your own . " said Helios when seeing her to the door .

" Mr Boss , my brain works at its full capability once my stomach is full . I shall go back and grab a nice snack . " said Aria .

" You just ate biscuits with tea . " said Helios .

" They were a simple appetizer . I also need to go home to write down my conditions in the contract . " said Aria .

" Can't you do that here ? It's not like I lack food anyway . " said Helios .

" You know that I am on break today , don't you ? " said Aria looking at him with a serious expression .

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