
Chapter 124 Robbed The Colosseum

At the end of the day, Zayn ordered a Mace Artifact, an Aegis Shield Artifact, a full-scale Shrilariat Heavy Armor for Herculean, metal-covered leather armor for himself, two Dagger Artifacts, and metal-covered leather armor for Agile, an Antler Helmet for Mocalw, a Shiralariat Heavy Armor for Mocalw, and an Energy Ring that condensed soul particles into a ball of energy that causes tremendous destructive damage for Glutton.

Zayn would have ordered something for his new Spirits as well but he had to observe them longer to see what exactly they needed.

"Are you sure that you didn\'t hit your head somewhere?" Titan asked. He observed the changes in Zayn\'s demeanor, but the only thing he ended up seeing was a confident smile and a young Normie who was unwilling to explain the reason for his specific orders.

The details offered by Zayn while he explained the items he needed were more than enough for the Blacksmith to visualize what exactly the young Normie wanted. In fact, Titan could even visualize, what kind of beings would end up using most of these Armaments and Artifacts. Some things were for ordinary people, some for a small Giant, and some would be perfect for monsters.

The more Titan thought about it, the more he felt confused. He didn\'t like being confused like this. Thus, he chose to accept everything as it is. That was much better than tormenting himself like this. Zayn wouldn\'t explain anything either.

"I really don\'t know why you need some of these specific armaments, but I will see what I can do. I will finish forging the Artifacts you\'re looking for. Give me three weeks, and 4000 gold coins, and I\'m going to exceed your expectations!" Blacksmith Titan ended up saying with a shaking head.

"4000 gold coins?" Zayn asked in return. He knew that most Ordinary Artifacts were priced at around 500 gold coins. With his unique demands and the sheer mass of commissions he made, Zayn actually thought that he would have to part ways with a majority of his fortune that he had earned from the Colosseum.

"You do know that Shrilariat Alloy is extremely hard to produce and that it needs the essence of a–..." Blacksmith Tilan began, trying to justify the price before he was going to get mad at the young Normie, when Zayn accessed his expanding pouch to retrieve a heavy pouch that smashed on the wooden counter in front of the blacksmith.

Zayn opened the pouch and started to retrieve a total of 400 gold thalers.

"Your price is really good. Considering that a 25 cubic meters second-hand Pseudo-Storage Artifact costs 40 gold coins, your price makes me blush a little. You are really too nice to me…not that I dislike that. I\'m happy!" He said while smiling at Titan.

He didn\'t think that there was a need for him to hide his honest thoughts. Titan valued honesty and straightforwardness the most. Thus, that was exactly what Zayn delivered.

"You…" Titan said, staring at the 400 gold thalers. He didn\'t actually expect Zayn to have 400 gold thalers. Titan knew that Merlin was dirt poor and that Zayn had to use up his whole fortune four months ago to purchase everything they needed to train like a madman.

The Dragontale Twin Sabers were Artifacts that had been made by his teacher. Zayn would never be able to afford them under normal circumstances. However, because he could read the language carved on the blade of the Saber Artifacts, Titan gave them to Zayn. That was what his teacher had demanded.

Titan thus realized that Zayn had earned more than 4000 gold coins from challenging the Colosseum twice and betting on his own victory twice as well.

\'Do I even want to know how suicidal he must have fought to win the challenges and bets?\' He wondered, shaking his head while taking the money.

"You really robbed the treasury of the Colosseum…" Titan mumbled while Zayn continued to smile calmly.

"Not yet. I am just doing my best to complete my part of the mission," He responded. Zayn thought of something and added, "By the way, do you know where I can get a good coat with special attributes, such as resistance to particular elements?"

It looked like Zayn would continue his shopping trip even after he had paid 4000 gold coins for a bunch of Artifacts. Titan didn\'t expect this, but it was not as if he had expected anything Zayn did today either. With that in mind, he thought that answering the question would save him lots of trouble rather than asking some questions and further confusing himself.

He was pretty sure that he didn\'t want to hear the answers, if Zayn would answer them, in the first place.

"There is a cloth shop nearby. Some clothes are made with the imbued energy of Elemental crystals, or the fur of some monsters with high elemental resistance. You should find something there. It\'s called Helga\'s Textile Shop. It might not look and sound special but you can find basically anything over there.

Though her price is not cheap…but I am not sure how much that affects you after robbing the Colosseum\'s treasury…"

After he received the answer he was looking for, Zayn thanked Titan. He told him that he would return to collect the goods after three weeks if nothing went wrong.

Titan wished him good luck with the following Colosseum challenges, not knowing that Zayn\'s next challenge was already the fight against the crippled Chimera.

Zayn left the shop and bought many things including two cloaks and a few other pieces of cloth. He had been in dire need of new clothes.

All of his clothes were either torn apart or burned to a crisp.

Zayn came up with a few strategies to face the crippled Chimera.

But before he fought the crippled Chimera, Zayn spent an entire week inside the Adventurer Suite, watching his Spirits grow stronger while he trained using his Saber technique.

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