
Chapter 205 I missed you guys, too

Chapter 205 I missed you guys, too

In the middle of Yu Chen’s therapy session, a visitor had arrived at the hospital. It was the infamous scientist, Davi. Since she was one of the renowned doctors who was attending him, Davi was informed that Yu Chen had woken up by Yang Jin. Of course, Yang Jin told her to keep it a secret when he called her.

Yang Jin believed that the biggest reason behind Yu Chen’s miraculously fast recovery was because of the genius scientist’s medications. She had been such a big help from the start so Yang Jin didn’t hesitate to call her over to check on him.

\"He’s pretty tenacious so I don’t think advice is needed. From here on, his recovery will depend on him. His muscles just need a few more days to fully recover and go back to normal.\" Davi commented as she and Yang Jin watched Yu Chen.

\"But the problem is, he wants to recover NOW. He’s pretty impatient.\"

\"Haha, you guys should understand him. He just wants to make it up to Xiaolei.\"

\"That’s right, we can’t even stop him.\"

\"It’s okay. Just make sure that he won’t hurt himself.\"

\"We will make sure to watch him closely. Also, thank you for dropping by.\"

After Davi gave Yang Jin something which seemed to be an ointment, she walked towards the resting Yu Chen.

\"I’m glad you finally woke up.\" She said and Yu Chen simply nodded at her. Davi was used to his attitude since a long time ago so she wasn’t bothered at all when he simply nodded or shook his head when she talked to him.

\"I heard Xiaolei still doesn’t know?\" she added, looking at him with a raised brow and the man just looked away. Davi smiled a little looking at him. \"With only two days of therapy, you are doing pretty well. You can at least walk now on your own but you can’t exhaust yourself yet. Give your internal organs time to fully recover and don’t rush it.\"

\"I will do that, thank you.\" he finally replied.

\"I’m leaving now. Am I allowed to tell the news to your brothers?\"

\"Don’t tell them... yet.\"

\"Okay, got it. Xiaolei must know about this first so I’ll keep this a secret for now otherwise, they will definitely rush over to see you.\"


When Davi left, the little buns arrived. Yu Chen was at the therapy room when they entered their father’s room so the buns were shocked when they saw that their daddy wasn’t on his bed anymore.

Shocked, Rui dragged his brother out of the room and said, \"Daddy is gone!\"

The twins’ guards immediately looked alarmed. They noticed that Yu Chen’s men also weren’t in the lobby. Where were they? And what? The boss was gone?!

The men were about to make a call when the playful Gu Wei, who just came back from his mission, arrived. He was whistling by himself in the hallway when he saw a bunch of men in black, looking anxious.

’Oops!!! The little young masters are here again!’ he screamed inside him upon seeing the two little buns in the middle of the bunch. ’Wahh, big boss is in the therapy room right now! Meaning, the little young masters already saw that he’s gone! What should I do?’

Before Gu Wei could hide himself, Little Ran had spotted him. He raised his hand and pointed at him, causing everyone to turn their heads in his direction.

Little Rui was the first to run towards him. \"Uncle Wei! Daddy’s gone! Where is he?!\" the little guy was worried and at the same time curious as he tugged on Gu Wei’s sleeve.

\"Uhm... er...\"

\"Daddy’s awake right? That’s why he’s not in his bed anymore, right? Right?\"

Darn, this little guy already found out! T^T

While poor Gu Wei was struggling to think of what he should do, little Ran had held his other hand.

\"Bring us to him, pleaseeee!\" the little buns both looked at him with those big round adorable puppy eyes and just like that, Gu Wei lost.

\"S-sure... Uncle will bring you guys to him.\" Oh no!!! What if big boss will get angry with me? Well, I’ll just say that the little buns forced me and threatened me, right?!

Gu Wei didn’t have any choice. He knew he couldn’t outsmart these two little geniuses at this point, even if he managed to think about an idea to trick them.

By the time they stood in the therapy room, Gu Wei heaved a long deep sigh. He looked at the little buns standing beside him before he spoke. \"Let go of my hands now, little young masters.\"

The little buns immediately did as he said and finally, Gu Wei opened the door. He let the little buns in while he stayed outside. His body was half in, half out, obviously ready to run once things became bad for him.

\"D-daddy?\" Little Rui said. His voice weak and filled with disbelief as they both looked at Yu Chen standing there, drinking water as he panted.

\"D-daddy!\" he repeated and when the man looked at them, his eyes widened. The little buns were rooted to the ground as they looked at him. They looked like they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

Yu Chen slowly put the water down and faced them. His eyes warmed up upon seeing them and then, he knelt down on one knee as he spread his arms out wide.

The little buns finally took a step. At first, they hesitated but after a few little steps, little Ran began to run towards him and Rui followed behind him.

Little Ran crashed on him first and then Rui.

\"D-daddy...\" for the first time, Yu Chen heard Little Ran say that word. He only heard Ranran’s voice when he read so this was basically the first time he heard him speak to him directly. \"Miss you...\"

\"I missed you guys, too.\" Yu Chen uttered as he embraced them. The boys began to tear up, refusing to let go of him.

\"Daddy... we really, really missed you. Uwah...\" Little Rui cried and everyone in the room was touched watching their heartfelt reunion except of course for the guy who was still sandwiched by the door. The guy didn’t have the time to feel touched by the scene before him because, he was too happy that he could finally continue his beloved job after all these four long months.


Meanwhile, at Yu Empire’s headquarters,

Outside the CEO’s office, there were two rows of men in black lined up like bridesmaids in front of the door. They were holding bouquets of flowers in their hands as they stood there, waiting for the lady boss to come out.

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