
Chapter 83 - Scandalous

"I'd love to dulzura but you see my schedule here is kind of hectic," He lied. Truth was he certainly didn't have problems giving in to her request because right then he was under her spell already but his time in Mondrew City was limited and he certainly didn't want to miss this chance he had of spending a few hours with her. This was the reason why he didn't want to let her go, not just yet.



"Why don't you give your friends a ring? Tell them you are okay and that you are stuck here. I promise to bring you back to the bay before the day ends,"

Gabriella sighed at her lack of choice. Then the man before her took a phone out of nowhere and handed it to her. Hesitantly, she accepted it and dialed Lucy's number. For some reason Lucy wasn't picking up and so she tried Simione's number and luckily after many many tries, the line opened up.

"Sisi!" She exclaimed in relief that finally she was able to contact one of them. "Sisi, were you worried about me? I'm so sorry Sisi. Please don't panic, I'm—"

"Worried what?" The yawning Simione answered through the line. "Who are you by the way? And why are you calling? You are so disturbing my peaceful sleep,"

"Sisi it's me Gabbie. I'm sorry I was not able to come home last night," She cleared. Judging by Simione's voice it was obvious she just woke up and the Monteria heiress already suspects the two went home so late without even noticing her absence. Perhaps that was the reason why Lucy was not answering, both the girls were still drunk and were still trying to get a good sleep.

"You know what…xjsksnksns..." The drunk Simione blabbered something that Gabriella didn't understand and then hung up. 

'Ah! Lucy, Simione! The heck are these two drunkards!'

"So were your friends so worried?" He sarcastically asked her. Although Gabriella didn't put the call to speak he could clearly tell whoever she was calling was still drunk at this moment.

Gabriella only gave him an angry look before she turned on her back again and texted Simione's phone saying that she called yet the girl was not yet clear headed and would just want her and Lucy not to worry about her.

"What are you gonna do here in the middle of the ocean again?" She threw his mobile on the table and decided to change the topic. 

"Coral planting," He answered hoping the girl would find it amusing but her angry look only tells him she was not happy at all. However, he intended to make this a great afternoon for the both of them and so he didn't bother himself with her sour expression.

"Would you like to help me?" He asked as a way of inviting her to dive with him under the sea. He knew for sure she would like it. "I have an extra gear and some clot—"

"Nope, I don't want to. Besides I don't have much diving skills," She confessed as a way to dismiss his attention to her. 

"I can teach you," He offered but was determined the girl was determined she wasn't going to try any and so he gave up the idea.

Soon the man already started his routine and went scuba diving while Gabriella had some tan on the hatch. Since she had nothing to do then, she thought of splattering under the sun, taking this chance to make her complexion darker. While she was on it, she could see him, her annoying host, seriously planting corals in the name of saving mother earth. 

After an hour of staying in the hatch, Gabriella felt utterly bored and so spent her time looking at the man who was swimming back and forth doing his business. When he caught a glimpse of her watching him, he waved and invited her again.

"Wanna go for a dive? I promise it's fun!" he said and luckily, his persuasion worked this time because right  then Gabriella was already so bored she needed some distractions. She thought scuba diving would be fun and it won't hurt to try. So with this sudden change of mind, Gabriella accepted the man's  invitation. She descended in the hatch then and went to where he was. Immediately, the man went to assist her and helped her with the task, especially with the gear.

  Soon she was then under the sea, enjoying the scenery of the beautiful fishes and colorful plants.  For once, she had forgotten about everything, even her predicament with her ex-fiancee and enjoyed the whole afternoon under the sea.  The man himself was a great teacher, he carefully taught her how to use the gears and patiently followed her all throughout until she was able to go independently. However because scuba diving was new to her, she didn't stay in the water for long and retreated to the yacht even before the man finished his tasks.

"How was it?" The man after long hours of doing his routine approached her, ready to retreat. She was then swimming at the foot of the yacht, spending the rest of her time swimming while waiting for him.

"It was good thank you," She answered and abruptly made way for him. The man climbed to the yacht for once and took off his suit and  gear before he joined her in the water again. He made it so with a big splash to Gabriella's surprise!

"Hey!" She shouted wiping off the water from her face but the moment she opened her eyes, he was already in front of her, floating so close.

"Hey what?" He asked, smiling. He was so done with coral planting that he could give her all his attention then. Of course he wanted to spend the rest of his time on something worth his time.

"What are you doing?" She asked in panic. The hair at the back of neck stood as if they all recognized the danger or the pleasure he brings.

"I ain't doing nothing yet," he replied with a grin that almost took all of Gabriella's breath. He was obviously using his charms on her and goddam, it worked so well that in just a minute, Gabriella's own veins and body were so anticipating his touch and warmth. Immediately, a need inside her was formed and she was very sure he was the only one who could satisfy it.  And as if things weren't uncontrollable enough, his next words fell every last defense she had against him. "But I'm planning on doing you again, you won't stop me right?"

Instead of answering, Gabriella only swallowed a big gulp. She attempted to flee by moving back but it was already too late. His hands already grabbed her and in just a second his lips were on hers again, tasting every bit of her mouth again as if he wasn't satisfied at all with all his chances previously. His mouth moved expertly, so was his hands, unbothered by the fact that they were in the ocean water and that someone might be able to get a picture of them.

There was a part of Gabriella that wanted to push him away. She once labelled their sexual encounter as a one night stand only but at this point when their passionate sex had continued even until the very next day she was having hard time labelling already what they had. Also she was a bit bothered by the fact that the man seemed to be expecting more about her one time sexual adventure and hoped he was still on the same page with her—that they had nothing to do with each other and that all that had happened was just for today. There's no more next time and certainly no more another round.

Yep. Speaking about no more 'another round', that certainly wasn't prevented because the moment the man started making advances on her again, it lasted until past sunset and they did many rounds the whole afternoon with Gabriella's consent. 

Turns out, as much as how he was so craving for her, Gabriella's desire aggravated that she consented and even initiated more rounds with the man. The thought of going back to the shoreline was pushed back for hours. When it happened, it wasn't because they were done with their cravings and had gone exhausted, it was because they both had schedules and they had people and friends waiting for them.

"I think I should leave now," Gabriella announced. The man was still nuzzling her neck, giving her kisses as his car was parked on the hotel where Gabriella and her friends were staying. They were already back to the bay and he insisted on driving her back to her hotel.

"Just another kiss dulzura," He begged and Gabriella took his mouth for one last time. Their last kiss was deep and ravenous that surely if not put off, will lead to another hot session but luckily they were a bit shameful to do it again in a parking lot so after a few minutes they both let go.

"Give me your name," He demanded gently, looking forward to being with her again.

"Angel. My name is Angel Alarcon," She lied and hoped to never see him again. 

"What's your suite number?"

"352," She lied again. She had spent enough time for her to know he was the type of man whom you cannot easily answer by no, so she lied instead of saying 'no' to all his questions.

"Call me as soon as you get inside safely," He handed her his personal number, something he didn't give to everyone and finally let her go. 

Gabriella then climbed down his car and walked as fast as she could. She didn't dare to look back and when she was sure he wasn't looking anymore, she tore his number into pieces, ready to forget him at the scandalous night she spent with him.

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