
Chapter 104 - Balled Fist

Simione let Hawk take over the kiss, not that she intended it but she for a moment drowned into the fantasy again of being his woman. His lips moving on her were all possessive, so strikingly stunning and tasteful that for a moment all her sound judgement fled from the window. Hawk made sure he made a mark on her, savoring the taste of her lips, leaving no corner untouched. It was a deep kiss and it was ravishing.

However although she was all tempted, she got over her desire all too quick, specially that she knew she will only ended up defeated if she'll make her have his way and so instead of surrendering into Hawk's advances—whose lips was already on his way to her nape and down further—she tried to control her urges and played fire with him.


"Ah, you do miss this I could tell," Simione hollered, her tone was sarcastic but Hawk was so occupied in his lust he didn't notice it. "Doesn't your fiance taste so good like me?"

Hawk groaned but intendedly ignored that he heard Feather's name. He was trying so hard to get Simione to surrender to him and leave her wanting like she always does with him and so he put more pressure on his touch without knowing that he was only pushing himself more to his disadvantage because the more he explored her body, the more he got drowned into the sensation. 

Running his lips to her smooth exposed flesh and being able to catch the whip of fresh floral scent on her nape already made him so intoxicated that for once he had forgotten about his anger and all he could think of was his longing for her. His senses went numb. He was not in clear head anymore to see that they were in the women's bathroom and that any moment someone can catch them doing fleshly pleasure and this right here might end up in a huge scandalous uproar.

Simione however was too mad to ever let her guard down. She wore all her pride and sanity that night that even when her heart so wanted his company and her body was responding to all the sensations he was giving her—she fixed her focus onto the fact that unless he cannot let go of Feather and choose her—she'll not have this sinful ventures again. She had already decided to abandon the Feather project and that decision should stand, regardless of how she felt. 

Truth was she hated everything that was happening then. She hated the fact that whenever they do all this fleshly pleasures, Hawk was making her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in this word and that every part of her was worth giving attention and yet, despite how passionate and satisfying this all ends, Hawk still choose to go with Feather and pursue her. There was a time she had built some hopes for Hawk Monsanto—that probably he was something that would turn out wortht and good of all the shamelessness she did in the name of revenge. However, fate had already proved to her that nothing can come out good for making things out of covetousness and so Hawk was not something she could own just because she felt like she deserved him.

Hawk after all was Hawk Monsanto–the President of M Conglomerate, the youngest billionaire in the country and a man that rests so high in a pedestal that was so out of her reach and that no matter how his body shouts its need for hers, she will never ever be good enough for him. 

Hawk was already on his way to capturing Simione's breast by pulling off the sleeve of her dress and started kissing her exposed chest. It was obvious by his kisses that he so wanted her and that he was already at the verge of his lust, he could kill whoever tried to snatch Simione away. Unluckily, Simione was not afraid of him and so she gave him an ultimatum before he could have another free taste. 

"You know very well the price of having me," Simione stopped Hawk's hands as he was about to rip her gown off. Hawk who was all so drowned with his lust was very much surprised by her sudden protest that for a moment, he dragged his grey eyes to her with furrowed brows trying to question her what was wrong. 

Still confused, he desperately opened his mouth "Mi amor, what's wrong? Please I terribly—"

"You want me?" Simione asked head on, her honey colored eyes dug deeper on him. Then in a hard demanding tone she collected. "Pay the price,"

"I can give you everything you want," Hawk wasn't in his right mind yet, not still aware that Simione's fury was far too alarming than his lust. 

Simione laughed so suddenly, very hard that Hawk's mind caught up with what was happening and immediately flushed a complicated look. Only then that he became aware of Simione's mockery and a panged of anger and annoyance hit back onto him. Heavily breathing, he grabbed Simione's wrist and steadied her then repeated his words with precisement. "How much? You know I can afford anything,"

Simione's laughed only aggravated at his rising fury that made Hawk too aware she was not all afraid at him. It was such a rare sight to see as he had never seen a woman so blatantly mocking him when the rest of the population in the city cowered at him with fear.

"Can you afford me Feather's place?" Simione's lips twitch at her inordinate demand. "I want to be your woman, with no other. Can you afford that?"

Hawk's expression dimmed at Simione's words and only at the moment he had became aware of how serious and complicated things went on for everything. Why did Cat all so suddenly demand Feather's place when she first sought nothing but only his wild company? He couldn't believe the thing she was asking and for a moment he got so confused that he stepped back with a face that bore all complicated expressions. 

"You can't," Simione answered in behalf of him. His expression and retreat in reality hurt her in so many ways but she held all of it in, sucking all the pain and failed expectations. Funny was that she had already expected this reaction from the great Hawk Monsanto and yet seeing it outright was damn more painful than she ever thought of it. She didn't even love him yet. Or probably she had but not yet as deep and desperate like she had with Lyndon but he already managed to hurt her,deep.

Stupid Simione. Stupid!

The first man she loved betrayed her and ended up not choosing her.

The second man betrayed someone for her yet still ended up choosing the other.

  Ah love, when will she ever be lucky with all the men she hands her heart on.

Lucy was right, they were all the same! She'll remember to listen to her in the future.

"Cat, I don't know why you are—"

"No need for an explanation Hawk Monsanto," Simione took advantage of the space Hawk made for both of them to fix herself under his still confused whim. She went on and smothered her gown and pushed back in place her straight long copper hair before she walked away. The current rejection Hawk gave her helped her push aside all her insecurities and make a glorious exit by sophisticatedly walking past Hawk Monsanto like an empress who needed no man to escort her out.

"Cat," Hawk tried to stop her by uttering her name but she didn't even spare him a look. Desperate, he chased her out until the door and grabbed her wrist again, wanting to clear things out. He was so done with all their complicated relationship and wanted to see what could be done for everyone's benefit because until right then, he didn't have an ounce of idea what she wanted. Although she told him she wanted Feather's place, he was still confused why and how serious she was with it. 

"Cat please, let's talk," He demanded, his Hawk Monsanto aura taking over the place immediately that even Simione shuddered at it. However her frustration over Hawk's late reaction had already ruined all her hopes.

Cat aggressively yanked his hands away from her so that for one glorious moment their domineering attitude collided. Hawk wasn't anymore clouded with his lust that he was then flushing off his being  Monsanto—proud, ruthless, commanding that for a moment, he looked like a rigid businessman who wasn't at all pleased with their transaction. 

Simione however didn't fidget despite the fact that the sight of him gave her an instant fear. She however faced him with her headstrong unrelenting attitude that gave Hawk Monsanto an instant message—she wasn't going to bend on him.

"There is nothing to talk about President Hawk Monsanto," Simione answered with all her pride that was about to shatter any moment if she would stay long in his succumbing presence. "It's nice to have a good business with you.Unfortunately you cannot afford my price, so I'll give it to someone who can,"

"Adios," She added and turned, leaving Hawk with his fist balled tight.

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