先性后爱 电影

Chapter 902

A close friend made a last-minute call to her, asking for help when her coordinator had an accident, confining the woman in charge of the event in a hospital with a broken hip. She needed someone to take over the party she had organized for a good cause.

Now, she was trying to remedy the situation by taking over from an incompetent assistant who, in turn, had run the show. The initial program was great, but the assistant made changes when she took charge, messing up the entire plan.

“What do you think? Would we make it in time?” Her friend asked since the party would be later that evening.

Luckily, it was not a ballroom party but a small social gathering in a private club featuring several works of art that would be the event’s highlight and be up for auction for fundraising. At the least, the pressure was less, and the job was manageable.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” She assured her friend, seeing that she almost had it all under control. It helped that she had been doing this for a long time and had connections with reliable resources.

“If you think so.” Her friend smiled at her, looking relieved compared to when she first arrived at the scene. It was just as she had expected. The party went without a hitch.


Her friends commented that she was a miracle worker. It was one of the things she was good at, and she was proud of herself. She was giving it another hour before she should leave the party when her services would not be needed by then.

In the meantime, she strolled away from the commotions and into the garden, where the music slowly toned down. Her eyes ended admiring the beautifully kept lawn and the landscape before her. It was indeed magical as the strategic lights created that enchanting feeling.

She suddenly found herself sitting on a bench, daydreaming about a man. She would have loved to sit on this bench with him beside her. She could not keep denying it, not even to herself. She missed him.

“What now?” Amelia asked, pulling her phone out of her bag and staring at the screen. But it had no activity on it.

No calls. No texts.

Everything was quiet on his end all day except for the flowers that arrived this morning. Of course, they had chatted on the phone last night. It had been more than an hour, but it seemed it was not enough anymore.

Honestly, she was enjoying his late-night calls and them sharing what happened to them for the day. Now, she was anticipating his ring, which should be any minute now. She could not wait to tell him about this garden.

A few minutes later, staring at the stars, her mind rewound to the memories of that eventful weekend. Amelia admitted that she had a great night. She loved the show, enjoyed the delicious meal, and had a good time with a perfect gentleman.

She could not remember the multiple times she laughed while he worked his charms on her. But disappointingly, he never made a move to kiss her. She could sense that he wanted it by how he reacted when they accidentally touched or when he escorted her, holding her close.

Still, he had held himself away from her for some reason. Although she caught him staring at her when he thought she was not looking. It was enough to send fire throughout her body.

It was clear he wanted her, but he did not make a move.

Eventually, they rode on his plane, and he took her home, saying goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. Then, he walked away while she closed her door, regretting that she did not run after him and stop him from leaving.

“It is my fault.” She mumbled to herself. She had practically told him that she was not ready. And now, he had put a barrier between them.

But was she ready now to accept him back into her life? After what he did to her, could she say that she had forgiven him and welcomed him back into her arms? Should it be that simple?

“I am stupid.” She muttered under her breath. She tapped her cheeks with the palm of her hands, realizing she had made a mistake.

Instead of playing hard to get, she should have pulled him into a kiss when she had the chance. But was that the right thing to do?

“Be honest with yourself.” She spoke aloud. “Could you leave without him?” She asked loudly. Seconds then minutes ticked by as she thought of her answer.

“No.” She released a large bulk of air out of her lungs. “I want him to be in my life.” But could she make the first move? Could she tell him that she had changed her mind?

Then, she sprinted out of the party, saying goodbye to her friend. “I am sorry, but I had to go.”

She grabbed her things, in a hurry to deal with something personal. “Is there a problem?” Her friend asked worriedly, seeing that she was slightly agitated.

“Nothing is wrong. Actually...” Amelia widened her lips, showing a nervous smile. “Everything is perfect.” She answered her friend as she rushed to her car and made the necessary arrangement.

She did not even bother to go home and pack up some things. She drove straight ahead to her destination, stopping only at the red lights.

“I must be going out of my mind.” She stepped on the gas when the light turned green, both nervous and excited about her plan.

After almost an hour of haggling and begging at the counter, she finally sat in a cramped and crowded room. “Am I going crazy?” She whispered, asking herself as she looked outside her window.

Yes, she was. There was no turning back now.

Is she ready to take a leap of faith? Yes. It is now or never.

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