
Chapter 134 - Song

Comis Village

Although they were in the same Village, Hawk and Simione didn't get to spend more time together. Hawk spent most of his time farming, while Simione went on attending the foreigners and the orphanage needs. After All they both went there for other reasons other than getting along with each other.

However because Hawk cannot keep his eyes off with Simione, he had been watching her closely every time there was a chance. He was curious how she was with her relationship with other people and was amazed at what he had found—Simione was a very sensitive and considerate companion, and all the more, she was very kind. Perhaps kindness was innate to her because she was really making an effort—a huge effort to help everyone in the village aside from him. He didn't know why but he felt even with their ceasefire, Simione was still avoiding him, or probably she was really busy enough that she didn't have time to mess up with him.

If there were any good relationships Hawk was able to build, it was with Bunbun. The child got so close to him that even the folks in Comis Village were already making fun at how inseparable they were. On the first few days, the child was obsessively tailing Hawk to the point that he was almost irritated by it. He had never really had real life experience raising or dealing with kids, so Bunbun almost dried out his patience. However, as days went by, Hawk got used to him and found his affection somewhat amusing. 

One late afternoon while Hawk was resting in the temple, Mario with some of their field companions came to see him. He asked if Hawk somehow knew how to strum a guitar because they wanted to go and court a lady in another village by rendering her a song. Marion, although already old, was still a bachelor and because he had a love interest in another village, he went there from time to time to court the woman he had his interest on.

Hawk really found it amusing and since he had really nothing to do that night aside from joining Butler Gah in his prayers he agreed. The other village was miles away but it almost took them hours to walk there by foot. They had to cross one big stream too whilst going there and Hawk realized how hard it was to fall in love when you are from these villages. Deep inside, he laughed at how unusual these things were.

"Hawk you are the one who is going to strum the guitar, then leave the singing to us okay?" Mario had instructed all his companions when they were already close to the village. He had kept repeating this instruction their entire journey Hawk had already memorized every single word he said. Soon, Hawk could already see the glittering lights from afar and realized they were close. Since it took them a while to get there, the sun had already set and there was nothing lighting their way aside from the oil lamps his companions bought. However, despite the hassle and the inconvenience, Hawk really enjoyed the journey specially that they were singing on their way and listening to each other's stories. 

When they entered the village, many noticed them especially that they were so loud on the streets. Many of the people living there exited their hut or opened their windows to check on them and were thrilled to see that there was young blood with them. So when they reached the house of Mario's love interest, they were shocked to see people flocking on the sidelines.

Hawk and his companions stood in front of a regular hut. It wasn't so big and the light coming from inside could tell the one who lives there was still awake. Mario let them stand in an open area facing the window and cued for them to start the music so Hawk strum the first beat on his guitar until a good melody flowed in.

~The brightness of you face cannot be forgotten ~

~Woman, you light up my world~


Just at the song's entrance, the window opened and three women stood there to welcome their warm song rendition. There was an old woman, almost the same age as Mario and Hawk could only suspect it was Mario's love interest because he became more emotional when he saw her. To her side were two young women that didn't look like they both belonged to such a village. They both beamed and blushed at the sight of Hawk Monsanto's beautiful facade.

~There was something in your eyes that mesmerize me~

~There was something in your voice that made me fall~

~Something in your love that warms me~

~I know you are my ultimate soul~

The song went on and although Hawk completely thought everything was perfect, there was an odd feeling he felt in his chest. It was beating loud and thundering that made him shake a little. Was it because of the two lovely ladies that were beaming at him interestingly or was there something else. Hawk looked around and saw everyone's expression, especially the onlooker who unlike in the Comis village, was then full of young adults. He looked up and met the eyes of the women they were rendering the song at and saw the two young women beside Mario's love interest, flinched and looked at each other with pleasure. They were certainly enjoying the scenery of a handsome man offering them a beautiful melody. However, after thorough observation, Hawk caught something beside the three. In the left side corner, he saw some strands of hair flying through the window and he realized someone was hiding beside the three. He looked more closely and saw the reflection of the hair as the window wasn't that far from them. It was copper. 

Hawk smiled. He didn't know why but he was certain it was Cat. For how she ended up in that other village was a mystery but he thought everything about her was a mystery there was nothing unusual to it. Besides, he knew his heart well and he knew that the kind of thundering he felt inside was something he felt whenever Cat was around and so he was very certain.

"Come one Cat, look at them! They all look so cute," The other girl's call only confirmed his suspicions and in just a while, Simione emerged through the window with a faint smile. She looked at the Comis village folks but tried not to check on Hawk who at that point was staring at her. Soon, the music stopped and Mario went on to extend the flowers they picked on the way through the window which the old lady accepted with all heart.

"What a good song that was," The old woman complimented as her smile brightened the night. This wasn't the first time Mario went to see her and rendered a song of love but only tonight did it feel a little special, perhaps because there was a youngblood there that attracted almost everyone's attention. "It was specially good that a young boy was with you,"

Mario looked at Hawk with so much gratitude. He knew his presence would draw up such drama and attention that why he specifically brought Hawk with him. Seeing how his love interest took special mention of it, he was really glad.

"Young boy, since you are here already. Would you rather be kind to sing us all a song?" The old man requested as she smiled sweetly at him. She was aware everyone was looking forward to hearing him render a song and since she had young ladies with her so seemed very interested in him, she took the initiative. "I have young ladies here with me too. It would be such an honor if you would sing for them,"

Sing for them? Simione raised a brow at it. If only people here knew who Hawk was, they would never ask him such. However, it would really be such an interesting thing to hear Hawk render a song like a regular village boy. Would it?

Hawk was really surprised at the request. He looked around and saw that indeed everyone was anticipating it. He wanted to refuse as he had never really done it before, especially in such a crowd but when he looked up and saw Simione got intrigued, he smiled. Well, if she wanted a song from him, why not?

"Well if that's what everyone wants," Hawk gladly took the challenge. He looked up right into Simione's eyes and gave her a curtsy and everyone sure did notice that. The two ladies beside SImione thought the curtsy was for them since Simione seemed to have not taken interest in it and so they both blushed at the thought. 

"O my Hawk, the ladies are very pleased. Make sure to sing a good song," One of his companion's whispered, thrilled at the thought that Hawk had many young ladies' hearts leaped out from joy that night.

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