
Chapter 226 - Her Soon To Be Husband

"What?" Simione's was shaking on it. Did she hear Don say she was to be sent off to get married?

"Hahahahaah…" Simione end up laughing on such cruelty. Who would have thought the Don would lean toward this kind of resolution. However he was the Don and this decision right there was one of the cruelest things he was best at doing "Shameless…..after you used me to fulfill all your ballet dreams for many years…now …you are going to use me to save your reputation…Is there any end to your cruelty?"

"You started this Simione. I had no choice but to make this decision," Don Benedicto ignored Simione's resentment. "I had already made the arrangement for your wedding and your husband will come and pick you up.."

"Who are you going to marry her off?" Madam Fara was curious. The Don was a very influential person and so if he sold Simione for a marriage it should be with a very wealthy man. However, knowing that there was no bachelor as rich enough in Devon City to match up Hawk's Monsanto's wealth, then was it possible he was going to marry Simione to one of his friends? Friends of the same age as the Don?

"You'll get to meet him soon," The Don promised the rest of them.

"That's just right grandfather. I think this is indeed the best solution for all of us," Feather was extremely overjoyed at the news that Simione will now be sent off to get married. Perhaps when she's not around, she and Hawk can continue on wherever they left at. "You should be thankful for this Simione. At least grandfather is still thinking of your future. I'm sure he married you off to someone very rich,"

"Father….who did you arrange for Simione to marry?" There was some hint of worry in Mauro Han's voice. Although he had never really cared about his niece, he was still worried that her husband would have more influence than him and would get to be involved with all the Han's estate. Right then, it was this legitime he was most worried about. 

"Be patient…you'll meet him one of these days," Don Benedicto replied nonchalantly before he turned to Simione. "Simione, you've got to do this,"

"No I won't!" Simione screamed. "I swear I'm not going to cooperate in this wedding even if you'd kill me!"

"You have no choice but to do this, or all of the Han's will suffer," The old man added, emphasizing the fact that what she was about to do was for the sake of their family.

"I don't care if all of the Han's will suffer!" Simione rebutted aggressively. "I don't care about your family!"


"I loathed this family! I don't want to be a part of it!"


"What?" The Don's voice went high at the butler who just came in. The latter stepped back afraid, thinking it was him the Don was angry about.

"Mr. Brown is here to fetch the Miss," He announced politely despite his shaking legs. "He had come to pick up the bride,"

"Very well, had someone escort Simione out," The Don replied now in a neutral tone before he went off the room, leaving Simione and the rest of the Han's. In a minute, big men came to dragged the girl away despite her protest.

"Who is going to be his husband?" Madam Fara immediately ran to the window to check who was in the front yard. The butler mentioned someone whose name is Mr. Brown and she were thinking maybe he was waiting outside. 

When she looked, she did find a few people standing in the front yard while an extravagant car was parked right in the center. So he indeed married off his granddaughter to a rich man?

"I'm sure  he is old and ugly," Feather also walked toward the window to see what's going on outside. Seeing a man in a suit standing just at the foot of the car that was parked, she thought it was Simione's husband. "Is that him? O my God…well at least he is not as old as I expected,"

"Who is this Mr. Brown?" Madam Fara asked as she tried to remember whether she had heard the name somewhere. "I don't remember anyone in Devon City with such a last name,"

"He might not be from this city," Mauro came to join the observation. Soon he saw Simione being dragged mercilessly and thrown into the car that was waiting for her. The Don stood in front of this so called Mr. Brown and had a few exchanges with him before he mounted back to his car. "It must be someone that father knew from abroad but looking at the man, he is indeed old. Poor girl,"

"She deserves that," Feather snapped out. "If she didn't hit on Hawk Monsanto, she should have ended this way,"

"Feather, don't be too happy. Don't you forget your grandfather had not approved of your wedding to Hawk yet and the damages for breach of contract can already be paid in full by Sisi's husband so there was no more reason for Hawk to be attached to you," Madam Fara reminded her. 

"Grandfather will make it happen," Feather promised as if she was meant to swear for her future self. "If he won't, then I'll do it on my own,"

"It's not wise to defy your grandfather these days, Feather," Mauro Han advised her daughter about all the things she was planning. "You might lose everything we worked hard for before we know it,"

"But papa, he didn't disallow my marriage. He refused to talk about it, which means he surely doesn't mind me continuing my relationship with Hawk. All I had to do was assure Hawk that I still wanted us," Feather was feeling so good about it. Now that her Simione dilemma had already been taken care of, she had nothing to worry anymore. There was no one who could go between her and Hawk Monsanto now.

"Don't worry about it Mauro, I'll make sure Feather won't mess up this time," Madam Fara tried to make him calm down from all the stress that was brought by the sudden appearance of the Don. "Besides, the Don had no other son. You are the only one he had so you shouldn't worry about Han's Scintillait being taken away from us,"

"I can't believe you can still say that after what happened," Mauro shot daggers at his wife. How could she still be willing to support their daughter with her plans in  playing fire with that Monsanto President?

"Do not forget that all this happened because you messed up with Han's Scintillait," His wife reminded him. "If you had been a little responsible with yout gambling habits, then we should have not worry of the Don taking us out from your family's company,"

"Please stop arguing…" Feather get in between them. "That is not the most important thing now. Father, you should help me with my relationship with Hawk. If the venture will push through then you won't have this conversation anymore,"

"He is our only hope now," Madam Fara pressed in. "Simione's husband is a rich man and for sure he will be very willing to pay for the damages. If this will happen, the Don will continue favoring Simione's husband and might give him Han's Scintillait. Our hope now is to reconcile Feather with Hawk so that payment for damages won't be necessary and the planned venture will pushed through,"

"Father will not allow the wedding," Mauro was very sure of it.

"Then we can do the wedding in secret," Madam Fara suggested. "The Don will surely go back abroad. When he's not here, we should push through the wedding of Feather and just invite him to attend it. If everything will be set in place, he won't mind it anymore,"

"And if he would end up minding it?" Mauro raised the fact. "What's going to be the end of me? You and our daughter?"

"Then just let it be. If that happens, you are already the Father-in-law of Hawk Monsanto and so there will be greater things waiting for you than the Han's Scintillait," Madam Fara laid all her plans thoroughly.

"I promise to ask Hawk to give one of his companies to you then Father," Feather added, luring her father to agree to her plans. She knew that she could never get past all of the Don's guards and eyes without the help of his father and it was a necessity to include him in such a plan. "All you need to do Father is tell Hawk how the Don had imprisoned me here and ask him to save me. He will surely come and take me,"


"Father please…do this for me once," Feather begged. She had sacrificed so much just to become a Monsanto bride. She can't just let go of waste like that. If she had to defy even her own grandfather for it, then she will. 

She will become the Madam of the Monsanto, no matter what.

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