
Chapter 52 - 52 - Promise

"When will Aeri return to Korea?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about her?" Dae Hyun felt strange about his wife's question.

"I just want to know. If Aeri comes back will you live with her?" Soo Yin was eager to know the answer, to know whether Dae Hyun really loved her or not.

"Are you jealous?" Dae Hyun teased.

"No, I just wanted to know." Soo Yin turned her head to the side. Didn't understand how she felt right now. Even though she was jealous, she didn't want to admit it.

"If I have to choose, I would prefer to live with you. Before I married you a few months ago, I also stayed more often in hotels."  Dae Hyun stopped his car on the side of a quiet road.

 "What if Aeri, like you, has someone else out there?" Soo Yin asked.

"Did you see her with someone?"  Dae Hyun asked in return.  Feeling sure that Soo Yin knew something.

"No," Soo Yin replied curtly.

"Our marriage is just a marriage on paper. Maybe if Jo Yeon Ho wasn't there, we'd been divorced for a long time. But if we divorce, it will affect the hotel," Dae Hyun said with a deep sigh.

"How come?" Soo Yin didn't understand what impact it will have on the hotel if they divorce.

"It's a long story, next time I'll tell you. I just want you to believe in me and be patient until I make you the only one." Dae Hyun kissed the back of Soo Yin's hand.

"What if I don't like Jo Yeon Ho?" Soo Yin can't lie to her feelings.

"I will not force you to like him," Dae Hyun replied with a smile. The man was sure that Soo Yin just felt jealous so he can't like his son yet. It was natural for her to act like that. Basically every woman definitely didn't want to share love with others.

Dae Hyun kissed his wife on the forehead then made his way back to the Pyeongchang-dong villa.


Soo Yin can't sleep thinking about her feeling of emptiness.  Rolling around while looking at the man who was fast asleep beside her for a moment.

A man who never forced his will. This was what makes Soo Yin slowly melted. But on the other hand, the girl was afraid that one day Dae Hyun would left her.

Should her fate be the same as her mother? Although the truth was never known whether her mother was like what people said or not.

Soo Yin looked at the wall clock which still showed four in the morning.  Get out of bed, stepped her feet to open the door to the balcony. Soo Yin stood while holding on to the fence. Took a deep breath of the fresh morning breeze while looking at the moon that was still shining.  It looked very beautiful and enchanting.

"Mom, I miss you," Soo Yin said, unconsciously her tears were dripping.  If her mother were still alive maybe her life wouldn't be like this.  Although sometimes there was hate that comes.  Every child must miss their parents even though they have made mistakes.

Soo Yin didn't notice Dae Hyun who was already standing behind her. Still pensive with his own thoughts.

Dae Hyun wrapped his arms around Soo Yin's waist. Made the girl look back.

"Are you awake?" Soo Yin asked as she back facing the front. Seeing the moon that was covered in clouds. Wiping the tears with both hands.

"Hmmm." Dae Hyun leaned his head on Soo Yin's shoulder.  Inhale her sweet scent.

"You can't sleep? Tell me what's stuck in your heart?" Dae Hyun asked.

"No, I just miss my mother," Soo Yin replied softly.

Dae Hyun could hear a tinge of sadness as the girl said this.

"Come back to Aeri," Soo Yin said.

"Why did you suddenly say something like that?"  Dae Hyun couldn't believe what he was hearing.  Just last night everything was fine.  But why this morning the girl has changed.

Soo Yin didn't answer.  Still arguing with her own heart.  Should you admit your feelings? Must she say that she was jealous of his son? Must she say if she was afraid of losing him someday?  Was it selfish if she wanted to be the only one? Could she live like this all her life?

Dae Hyun couldn't stand to see his wife who had been silent since last night.  Better to see her angry than silent.  Dae Hyun turned Soo Yin's body to face him.  Staring into his wife's beautiful, now shady eyes.

"Say it."  Dae Hyun gently rubbed Soo Yin's cheek.

"I ... I don't want to be like my mother. I don't want to snatch another woman's husband. I don't want my son to have the same fate as me. Being ridiculed as a mistress's daughter," Soo Yin sobbed, who can't stop her tears. She also didn't want to snatch Jo Yeon Ho's happiness.

Soo Yin hated herself so much for falling for someone she hated so much at first.

"Honey, you did not take me from Aeri. I forced you to marry me."  Dae Hyun hugged Soo Yin. Couldn't bear to see her sad like this.  No wonder Soo Yin hated him, it was all because of the bitter experiences of her childhood.

"Still, people will look down on me!" Soo Yin shouted while hitting Dae Hyun's broad chest.

"Sorry, I was so selfish." Dae Hyun was very hurt to hear the girl cry.

"Have you ever imagined how Jo Yeon Ho would feel if he know his father had another woman?" Soo Yin didn't want to be selfish.  Better to threw away her feelings before getting too late.

"After marrying you I have thought about every consequences. So I will choose you no matter what," Dae Hyun said without thinking.

"Are you sure?" Soo Yin asked while releasing Dae Hyun's embrace. Looked at her husband's face to know if there were no lies in his eyes.

"You can keep my promise." Dae Hyun held out his round finger.

"But if you lie I'll make sure your life will be ruined." Soo Yin didn't mess with her words.

"You're so cute."  Dae Hyun pinched Soo Yin's cheek.  Did not think if a girl who looked innocent like her now threatened him.

"Are you going to keep Mr. Peter company?" Dae Hyun asked desperately hoping the girl would refuse his request.

"Of course," Soo Yin sais determinedly.

"But I'm afraid that the old man will do something bad to you." Dae Hyun felt traumatized by what happened to Soo Yin the other day by one of his relatives.

"Calm down, this time I can take care of myself." Soo Yin had prepared a small knife that she will carry. If unwanted things happen, she can easily use them.

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