
Chapter 26 - Angered The Boss

Tiana was quiet, she knew she couldn't stop him from leaving, there was no way she could force him to give up his job and stay in California, just waiting for her. But then, it was really a hard nut to chew.

''Okay, when are you going? ''

She asked; her eyes sunken. She was almost on the verge of crying.

''In two days' time ''

He said and Tiana's jaws fell open, she was gazing at him with so much fear written on her face, he knew that she would not be happy but he didn't expect that she would be so taken aback; he wanted to speak but on a closer look he realized that she wasn't looking at him but behind him;

He immediately turned around to know what she was staring so intently at, and the moment he turned, a sharp blow met his nose, which sent him flying.

Tiana shrieked as she stood up and leaped toward him but before she could touch him; someone had hijacked her little body from the floor;

She felt herself being placed on a broad shoulder; her head falling over the man's shoulders and her long hair almost sweeping the floor;

"Let me go!! Let me go, you moron!''

She heard blows, and she knew the other men were beating Adrian;

''Let him go, let him go! He has done nothing! Leave him alone! ''

She cried as she hit the man fiercely on his back; but it was as though she was hitting on a hardwood, her hands were weak soon;

''It's enough; we don't have time to waste here. ''

The man who had her over his shoulder said to the other two guards, and they left Adrian alone.

The guard carried her out of the restaurant; she heard a car door open, and she was shoved inside. He immediately sat beside her and slammed the door after him; she turned to the other side and saw another guard already sitting down, with a horridly looking expression, and she knew she was in huge trouble.

Nicklaus walked into the living room with silent steps; Tiana was kneeling with her head slightly bowed; she was trembling visibly as her hands twisted the sides of her gown. As Nicklaus's eyes fell on her, his mind flashed back to the video of her kissing another man and he felt anger boiling within him.

He fisted his palms so tight that his knuckled became so pale; they looked as though they could pop out any second; he walked to a couch in front of her and sat down; there was a bottle of water on the stool beside the couch, he picked it up and uncorked it; trying to be busy with another thing other than the woman in front of him;

''Who let you leave this estate without my permission? '' Tiana shook on her spot when she heard his voice, his tone bore great fury, it was as though he was trying hard not to raise his voice and Tiana knew that any moment from now, he would snap.

But how was she going to tell him she sneaked into his car to leave the estate?

She thought of the words to say, but she couldn't find any. Her eyes shut tightly as hot tears brewed within them; if she had been just a little careful, if she had just told Adrian that she couldn't come, all these would not have happened! Now, what was she going to do?

She knew her crime was unforgivable. She had really crossed the line this time. What if he killed her and took her sister? So she had just suffered for nothing?

''Are you deaf?!!''

Tiana flinched when she heard his voice and she inched backward; she was sweating all over and shaking like a wet rat; before she could find her words, she felt a sharp pain on her head as someone tugged her hair from behind, such that she was now staring straight at him;

When her eyes saw his expression, she knew she was as good as dead;

She had seen him cold and icy, fearful, and devilish, but at that moment, his expression was much more dreadful than anything she had ever seen.

Yet she couldn't answer, what good could her answer do, she was already dead meat.

Nicklaus played with the lid of the bottle in his hands as he stared straight at the woman in front of him;

He could easily slice off her tiny head and let it roll on the floor, but he didn't know why he was hesitating to do it. He was exceedingly angry, but he didn't know why he just didn't want to kill her.

''You know the consequences of your actions, Tiana Peters? ''

He said after a while; raising the bottle of water to his lips, he swallowed some, then placed it back on the stool.

Tiana trembled on her spot, she understood the meaning of his words very well, and she needed no person to tell her she was done for.

What was she going to do now? How would she tell her sister she had failed her?

She imagined the miserable look in Gwen's eyes, and she could not stop the tears from falling from her eyes.

''You must be very stupid Tiana peters, to think you can do something like that and get away with it!''

Nicklaus stood up and walked towards her, Tiana coiled back as he approached;

''I'm sorry… Mr. Nicklaus… it would never happen again. '' she finally found a little voice inside her and she spoke; her eyes shutting fearfully;

She knew it would not make any difference, but still, she had to try;

''Shut up!'' She would have thought of the consequences before kissing someone in front of his company, she was only sorry because she was caught. 

Tiana bit her lower lip tightly as she felt hot tears seep from her eyes; there was no way she was leaving unhurt, she had really angered him this time.

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