
Chapter 15

Just overnight, the first trailer for "Vie for Supremacy" was spread all over China.

Up till now, the drama actually had already finished all of its filming. The last stages of editing work had also been about half way done, and would be aired simultaneously on the top three national TV stations three months later, seizing three golden slots.

In the TV drama circle, Guo Long and Qili Studio, Tang Menglan and Dong Zheng, this kind of cast and crew was definitely beyond first-class. When the character posters came out before, it already amazed and stunned millions of viewers. And now that the trailer came out, it set off an even fiercer storm, causing an extremely heated discussion online.

Tang Menglan as a valiant and heroic female general, Dong Zheng as a calm and collected crown prince, Ye Qiao as a villain BOSS with exceedingly demonic charm…

And the one that amazed people the most was Rong Xu, who only appeared in the trailer for a mere five seconds!

Between the blue rippling waves extending over into the distance, under the lofty sunset clouds in afterglow, the distant view quickly zoomed in on the isolated Wang Qiu Pavilion that stood alone on the great lake. The four-storey tall pavilion of carved beams and painted pillars; a white adorned Confucian scholar lone stood erect at the end of waters. His changpao flitted across, and gentle gaze watched as the boundaries of the waves and sky intertwined to one, his silk black hair moving to the wind. He suddenly lifted his head and looked directly at the camera.

With his lips slightly raised, a boundless radiant rays of sun glow from sunrise to sunset shined from that pair of translucent, bright eyes, very much like the shine from a precious gem\'s resplendent brilliance!

A second passed-

Countless members of the female audience screamed, completely excited to the point that they couldn\'t hold back at all.

【Isn\'t this just to meimeimei right! Sinking red clouds and lone goose together flies, one are the limpid autumn waters and long-lasting sky! This is the first time this science dept. girl understood the sentiments behind this line! It\'s exactly this sort of feeling!】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah a beauty under the dusk, a beauty under a great lake! This is simply a beauty that\'s beautiful to having no friends!】

【Again and again he always turn out as such a great beauty! I kneel down to the beauty!_(:3」∠)_】

【Want the still want the still, this white dressed beauty is just too beautiful! If you don\'t have a still, then take one right now! I only accept bribes in the form of Wanqi Yao\'s beauty! 】

The character poster\'s attractiveness was limited due to the fact that it was only a picture. For artists that had some flaws, the posters could be edited and be taken at their best sides in the best angles, then have any of their facial and body flaws fixed with the use of technology. As for outstanding actors, what could really show off their charm was a dynamic video.

Most artists before their debut would receive some physical training. Even after becoming famous, many would not drop this course. A good star, when sitting would sit picturesquely, when standing would stand beautifully, and when they walk, they can make people feel that they warms the heart and delights the eye, with an excellent temperament.

This was the so-called star temperament.

Within a crowd of people, if anyone could recognize you and know that you are a star, then you have succeeded.

In the trailer, Rong Xu\'s head shot was only for a short five seconds. It was only a seemingly careless glance when he raised his head and lips hooked in a smile, however, it caused Rong Xu\'s Weibo fans broke through 800,000 overnight. A total of 300,000 fans were added!

Even though it was like this, it was still far from enough.

People still judge by appearance, it was obviously only a trailer, but "Vie for Supremacy" crew didn\'t lower their guard at all, saving a penny. The ten thousand arrows being fired together was a spectacular sight, the heroic feeling of the magnificent army of thousands of men and horses galloping into the battlefield, the yellow sand that stirred in flight when the three major powers contend for supremacy in the chaotic world; this trailer had everything!

The special effects were beautifully done to where they dazzle the eyes, the video quality was absolutely top notch, completely worthy of an investment over 300 million!

Rong Xu was on the way to the set on the second day when he saw this trailer in the passing. The whole trailer altogether was one minute, it took almost ten seconds to explain the background, coupled with a scene from the female and male lead. The fact that they were able to give him, the fourth male lead, five seconds of screen time was already beyond Rong Xu\'s expectations.

After watching the trailer, Rong Xu also couldn\'t help but feel a bit moved.

This world\'s post-production level was much higher than his world\'s. This trailer was made for only a TV drama, but if it was in his last world, it was already movie standard. It was much better by a few miles than those worthless special effects in money-making movies.

As Rong Xu walked along the road, he looked at all the different comments and likes.

When he was about to reach the studio, Rong Xu placed his phone back in his pocket when he suddenly heard Luo Zhentao sucked in a breath of cold air. He exclaimed in shock: "We didn\'t do anything at all, but Xiao Xu! You actually reach 34th place on the hottest searches all by yourself!"

Hearing this, Rong Xu was slightly surprised, but then smiled and asked: "Wanqi Yao entered the list again?"

Luo Zhentao forcefully shook his head and hurriedly handed his phone to Rong Xu, seriously answering: "It\'s Rong Xu!"

On the phone screen showed Weibo\'s 34th most popular search, and there it impressively showed the two words #Rong Xu!

That day, the "Ambush" crew members quickly learned the news. Zhang Tongtong, Yi Lan, and the others all congratulated Rong Xu on "Vie for Supremacy" success. They were both actresses, even if they were envious of Rong Xu joining a good crew and got a good role, there was still no way that they could act in a male role and play as Wanqi Yao, right?

"Ambush" third male lead was the same as Rong Xu, he was through and through a newcomer. And probably even better off than Rong Xu. He also congratulated Rong Xu and even mutually followed each other\'s Weibo, in addition to exchanging contact info with Rong Xu.

Before leaving, that third male lead asked, surprised: "Hey, you don\'t seem to be following many people? Did you just start using Weibo?"

Rong Xu smiled and nodded: "En, I also just entered the circle. Currently, I\'m only following a few of "Vie for Supremacy" and "Ambush" crew and cast." Saying that, Rong Xu opened his own lonesome following list.

The third male lead peeked at Rong Xu\'s following list, and smiled: "I know this Xu jie, she\'s a very famous makeup artist in the circle."

After he left, the third male lead silently followed some of "Ambush" assistant directors, small group leaders\' Weibo, and muttered to himself: "This Rong Xu knows how to conduct himself ah, even though he\'s not following any big stars, he\'s following "Vie for Supremacy" makeup group leader. But that\'s true, for people like Wen Xuan and Xia Muyan, even if you follow them, it\'s not like they\'ll know who you are. It\'s still better to follow the crew personnel. How come I never thought about that this before, I\'ll also follow!"

He didn\'t expect that just following would be useful? What you want was to reap people\'s goodwill, but what you more so needed was to be a bit more attentive in the day-to-day interactions.

By the time it was the afternoon, even Director Zheng congratulated Rong Xu.

Director Zheng was just over forty years old this year, but had already been in the industry for many years. He had took in all of Rong Xu\'s performance during this period of time. Looking at this gentle and kind young actor, he couldn\'t help but take care of him: "Director Guo\'s films has always easily boost stars up, but you can\'t be too conceited Xiao Rong. Although your momentum is going very strong now, you still have to make sure to maintain it ah."

Rong Xu nodded: "Thank you, Director Zheng."

Yes, today at noon Rong Xu\'s Weibo fans completely broke though to one million mark. At the same time, on Huaxia Entertainment\'s official website, his fan club also had 70,000 fans in it. This kind of fan club was a practice that every entertainment company has. There was a need to pay for membership and only then you can become that star\'s fan club member.

This was equivalent to being an advanced fan. In the club, you have more access to celebrity-related informations, and from time to time, some people among the members from the club would be chosen for the artist\'s Meet and Greets.

Rong Xu\'s rise like this might appear to be very gentle and wasn\'t like reaching the Heavens in a single step. However, in the eyes of Director Zheng and Luo Zhentao, these seniors in the industry, this was already more than scary enough.

You don\'t see it, but there were thousands of newbies every year that fall down at the doorway of the industry. Don\'t talk about becoming famous, their Weibo fans don\'t even reach 100,000!

Taking advantage of lunchtime, Rong Xu took a look at his Weibo and fan club. When he saw the discussion contents, he couldn\'t help but laugh in spite of himself. The corner of his mouth drawing out and he quickly placed his phone on the table. The less was seen, the better.

【Report!!! Rong Xu is actually 185cm! So tall! Than I can only jump up to give him a muah =3=】

【My Beauty Rong Rong is

so hot, he\'s also tall and has such nice figure! I keep on watching that five seconds over and over again!】

【I licked till my phone is already soaking wet, okay!?!?】

【How can he be so hot so hot so hot! Temperament was already so outstanding, before I had already surrender to the blue robes in the character poster, but now the trailer actually had him dress up in white! It\'s said that if you want to be beautiful, you must wear white, my family\'s Rong Rong dressing in white is just very meimeimei!】

…...You wear white, humph!

Rong Xu also didn\'t think of why he suddenly had an addition "Rong Rong" nickname. In his last life, no one gave him a nickname, his fans were relatively "cool", and would support his movies, would support the programs he participated in, but there wouldn\'t be much discussion on the internet. He only had a solid, ironclad record of the actual results.

Yet, in this life……why were his fans so enthusiastic?!

Although his mouth says "It\'s embarrassing to see those enthusiastic fans\' comments," when it was break time in the evening, Rong Xu still silently opened his phone to read these overflowing with enthusiasm fan discussions. When he saw a #Rong Xu Weibo tag he couldn\'t help but lightly chuckle.

【#Rong Xu One time, my hubby and I walked down the street when I suddenly saw a poster. I looked at it for a long time, my hubby ate vinegar as he asked me: "What, you still like him ah?" I was surprised, but shook my head: "That was before when I was chasing after stars, my heart only has you now." Hubby immediately reached out to cover my eyes: "Then you\'re not allowed to look at him." I happily smiled and hugged him: "Be good now, Ye Qiao was my past, you are my present now." Rong Xu gently smiled and hugged me back.】

Rong Xu: "……"

Don\'t know if when this little fan sees "Vie for Supremacy" official story, and after learning Ye Qiao\'s and his dispute in the story, what would their expression be… En, he was feeling a bit excited now thinking about it.

Fans, after all, were talented. Even if Rong Xu was calm and collected, he still couldn\'t help but be amused by them sometimes.

He was laughing happily when Han Yanghao suddenly walked past him. Hearing Rong Xu\'s laughter, he frowned as he glanced at the teen. But it was only a glance and left very quickly.

Han Yanghao walked up next to Director Zheng and heard the other say: "Han Yanghao, you are part of the underground society, the underground society, you understand? The action you just did was too clumsy, you go practice it again with the action instructors. The way Rong Xu draws the gun is much more beautiful than yours, you have to be like him later and come to training every morning okay?"

Han Yanghao blinked: "He was playing on his phone, when did he go to training?"

Director subconsciously answered: "But he came everyday during the first two weeks to train, and now his training achieved its results. His movements have always been very beautiful and not ugly. He doesn\'t need to go to training anymore."

Han Yanghao pursed his lip: So that is to say, his movements are extremely ugly?

Appearing to have noticed Han Yanghao\'s gaze, Rong Xu raised his head to discover that the other was staring at him. He nodded with a small smile, which could be counted as a greeting. But Han Yanghao completely didn\'t give him a good expression, he only smiled sarcastically before turning away again.

Towards the other\'s near-provocative behavior, Rong Xu didn\'t feel angry at all, but instead felt that the other was very foolish. Either way, there was one more month or so before they part ways. The scenes on the screen would give the audience a fair answer: Exactly whose acting skills were better; whose performance was more outstanding.

And what was even more interesting was that when it was a scene with him, Han Yanghao would always NG.

If it was a scene between Han Yanghao and Zhang Tongtong, there wouldn\'t even be a NG out of five times, but when it was with him, there would at least a NG every two times. Luo Zhentao didn\'t understand the reason for this, Director Zheng also didn\'t understand either, but Rong Xu understood it a bit.

Han Yanghao still had some acting skills, but he didn\'t like being suppressed by others. When he realized Rong Xu\'s acting skill was suppressing his and didn\'t let his light shine to audience. When Rong Xu\'s oppression made it too hard to breath, he would persistently try to resist it and the ending was always a NG.

Afterwards, Rong Xu would concede to him a little bit, and hold back on his acting.

This kind of person who had no luck and little strength, yet still didn\'t know how to deal with people was an idiot the industry was best at dealing with. But as long as Han Yanghao no longer came to provoke him, Rong Xu was also too lazy to do something superfluous.

However, only a short one day passed when Rong Xu arrived at the set early in the morning on a certain day, and haven\'t even entered yet when he heard Director Zheng\'s loud roaring: "Change actor? There\'s only two weeks left before the broadcast, yet you tell me to change actors? Where\'s Han Yanghao, you let him come tell me himself! The crew is getting along just fine, why is there a need to change actors? Does he think that we can make it?! We simply do not have the time to do this kind of thing! You tell him, we can change the second male lead. Let him play the second male lead himself, Rong Xu can play the male lead instead!"

At the same time, an airplane steadily landed at Shoushe Airport nearby Xiangshan Movie and Television City. A youthful and fashionable young man wearing a baseball cap and a pair of wide sunglasses walked through the airport, quickly attracting the attention of many passersby. Someone exclaimed: "Zhong Yi?!"

As a result, a group of people gathered around and began asking for signatures.

Zhong Yi was smiling all over as he showed a mouthful of white teeth, and said: "Everyone kept it down a bit more, no need to bother everyone else." Taking out a signing pen that he had already long prepared beforehand, and even got out a prepared small blank notebook, he started giving out autographs.

And in the VIP aisle not far away, a refined and elegant man heard all the noise and turned to look. Zhong Yi was completely surrounded by a group of fans, so he couldn\'t see the person inside at all. He raised an eyebrow and questioned: "Qin Cheng, did that plane had any other stars on it? I didn\'t seem to notice ah."

The upright and handsome man wearing a simple black long coat, this coat didn\'t have any additional designs and there didn\'t even appear to be any brandmark. But with the fine workmanship and top quality tailoring alone, you could tell that it was definitely a custom-made of the highest quality.

Hearing his manager\'s words, the man slightly pulled down his sunglasses. It just happened that the crowd had opened up a gap, revealing Zhong Yi\'s face. Qin Cheng quickly glanced over for a second and his thin lips slightly pursed together: "Don\'t recognize him."

Xu Jin laughed: "I don\'t recognize him either, probably not from our Huaxia Entertainment."

Saying that, the two left the VIP lane and soon arrived at the parking area where they were picked up by a specialized driver to go over to Xiangshan Movie and Television City.

The author has something to say:

Rongrong: Change… actor? EXM? Meow meow meow?

Zhong Yi: Hehe, let\'s see what you, this golden master, have to say.

Qin Orangeorange: Ah, what expression would he show when he sees me, would he be especially happy? Would he be extremely happy? Would he be shy! Ao ao ao ao (/RQ/)


Carved beams and painted pillars – [雕梁画栋 – diāo liáng huà dòng]

A richly ornamented building

Sinking red clouds and lone goose together flies, one are the limpid autumn waters and long-lasting sky – [晚霞与野鸭一起天际飞舞,秋水和长天相映澄碧一色 – Wǎnxiá yǔ yěyā yīqǐ tiānjì fēiwǔ, qiūshuǐ hé cháng tiān xiàng yìng chéngbì yīsè]

Writen by Wang Bo (650 – – 676) A Tang Dynasty poet

The phase came from his “Preface to the Prince of Teng’s Pavilion” [滕王閣序 -Téngwáng Gé Xù] or

Preface to a farewell feast atop the Prince of Teng’s Pavilion in Autumn [秋日登洪府滕王閣餞別序 – Qiurì deng Hóngzhou Téngwáng Gé Jiànbié Xù] or

Preface to a Poem on the Prince of Teng’s Pavilion [滕王閣詩序 – Téngwáng Gé Shi Xù]

Same piece, it was a literacy piece considered as the founding essay of Tang Literature

The four scenes of sinking clouds, lone goose, clear water, and long skies are suppose to outline that tranquility yields transcendence/ one can accomplish something lasting by leading a quiet life, still water runs deep, etc.

;;;;;This took forever translating, the english ver. didn’t sound poetic enough for me. Ancient flowery Chinese language is hard, but I weirdly prefer them over regular\\\\o


A beauty that\'s beautiful to having no friends – Beauties are lonesome existences, I have no other way to out (シ_ _)シ

Saving a penny – A penny saved is a penny earned

Reaching the Heavens in a single step – Instant success

So hot – They’re actually saying [辣麼好看 – là me hǎokàn] instead of [那么好看 – nàme hǎokàn] (So good-looking/handsome)

[辣- là] means hot/ spicy

If you want to be beautiful, you must wear white – Oh gosh hehe, the full saying is this: [男要俏一身皂,女要俏一身孝 – Nán yào qiào yīshēn zào, nǚ yào qiào yīshēn xiào]

If men want to be handsome, they should wear black. If women want to be beautiful, they should wear white. <.< You can see why the [humph!]

Young man – Just wanted to point out, the author had actually being calling ZY as [大男孩 – Dà nánhái] *cough*Man child*cough*

Golden Master – [金主 – Jīn zhǔ] financial back, money back, same thing. Used here cause I thought is sounded better.


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