
Chapter 110 - The Color Of Your Lips

''Mm, let me see… ''

''Uh? Are you thinking about it? A while ago, you wanted to make me a meal so badly but now you want to think about it? ''

Her eyes widened;

Nicklaus grinned; ''Oh well, now I know you love my meals so much, my services are no longer free. ''

Tiana's lips fell open; ''you are not serious now! '' she exclaimed but remembering how chicken pizza would feel against her tongue and the fact that he would make it himself, she sighed;

''Alright, what do you want? ''

''Now that's better. '' Nicklaus smirked, and Tiana glared at him.

''First let's eat; you don't want our meal getting cold do you? '' He smirked as poured some wine into a glass then passed it to her before serving himself.

Tiana was itching to know what he wanted but Nicklaus did not speak until they had finished eating and where sitting in the parlor watching the daily news.

''Okay, so what is it? ���' She asked for the umpteenth time lowering the volume of the television so she could pay attention to him.

Nicklaus relaxed on the couch and placed his head on her laps, taking her tiny hands in his, he closed his eyes.

''Let's see… how about we start from your favorite color? ''

Tiana was stunned. Her eyes gazed at his handsome features for a moment and a blush tainted her cheeks.

She had thought he would ask for something she would find strange like the last time but all he wanted was to know more about her.

She felt her heart squeeze and her lips slanted into a smile.

''Well, my favorite color is yellow. ''

Nicklaus opened his eyes briefly;

''Why is it your favorite color? ''

''Well; '' She tilted her head to the side as she thought for a moment;

''Because it's the color of the sun, and it's the color of summer, I love summer and I love yellow. ''

Tiana smiled as she explained; ''so what's yours? ''

She asked, her free hand playing with his thick hair;

''Mm,'' Nicklaus moaned lightly as her tiny fingers caressed his scalp,

''I didn't have a favorite color before now. ''

Tiana was surprised; that was not the answer she was expecting;

Everything in his room before now was black; she was thinking he would say black.

Nicklaus eyes were still shut but he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it;

''But I think I have a favorite color now. ''

''What is it? '' Tiana asked anxiously; wondering what his favorite color was;

''The color of your lips ''

'' ''

Her cheeks reddened so much that she feared it would bleed; her mind instantly replayed the kiss scene that just happened some hours ago and she felt the need to go pee instantly;

The whole place grew silent as she was so embarrassed to even say a word in reply.

How could say that so casually as if it was nothing?!

Her eyes glanced down, and she saw that his eyes were still closed, and his chest rising and falling gently as though he had fallen asleep.

Tiana bit her lower lip and swallowed as her eyes fell to his lips; she gulped.

Now she thought about it, how could he kiss so well? She had kissed a few times in the past but that kiss was so amazing!

And yet he said he hadn't been with other women before, was he born a good kisser?

She wondered, and then suddenly a thought entered her mind.

Does that mean… does that mean he was good in bed too?

Tiana mentally slapped herself at the lewd thoughts she was getting; her face all red from thinking dirty.

She was about to say something to Nicklaus when a picture on the television screen caught her attention. She had lowered the sound of the TV earlier, but the headline on the screen and the picture together with it made her pick the remote from her side and increase the volume in a flash.


''Stop crying now, your tears can't bring back the dead. ''

Douglas consoled Michelle as she cried uncontrollably;

''Mia doesn't drive recklessly; she is a good girl, what happened? What went wrong? My God!! ''

Michelle's eyes were so red that they could barely open anymore. The news had come like a shock, and they quickly rushed to the hospital but she was already unrecognizable.

Although they had confirmed the car was hers, Michelle insisted that a DNA test be run on her to be sure she was her sister, she didn't want to believe it, the family didn't want to believe it, she wished Mia would just walk in through the door and laugh and say that she couldn't die so easily.

But it was really her, it was Mia. She was the one lying black as coal and unrecognizable, her heart couldn't take it and she fainted.

''You should stop crying now, it's terrible for your health. ���' Douglas consoled, but she wasn't even hearing a word that he was saying, her cries rang out in the hospital ward where she was placed after she had fainted.

Everyone was devastated. The family more especially, she was working on a movie which had aired one season already and she had garnered fame with it, and now she was dead? The internet was in shock.

Everyone was talking, no-one wanted to believe that she had driven recklessly as the news said, they wanted someone to blame, someone to hold accountable.

Mia's family requested for an investigation. Since Mia had never been involved in reckless driving before, and none of her friends had seen her drink and drive, they wanted to be sure that there was nothing suspicious about her death.

''What did the police say? Have they found anything yet? ''

Michelle asked, her hand gripping Douglas's hand.

He sighed and patted her hand;

''Darling, we'll go to the police station tomorrow okay? If they've found anything they'll tell us, for now you need to rest. ''

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