
Chapter 129 - It Wasn't Her

''You heard me right, I met Tiana just before I came here, Nicklaus, and I told her exactly the same thing I told you now; and without the slightest hesitation, she took the money and house I offered. She even wishes you a grand wedding, what an irony.''

Grandpa completed with a slight chuckle;

For the first time in his life; Nicklaus felt like a battered dog in the rain; he was utterly shocked; there was no way…

''it's not possible, I don't… I don't believe you…''

His face was as pale as dew, his eyes looking like he had seen a ghost;

Grandpa shook his head;

''Nicklaus, this is not what I've come here to talk about; you can call her and confirm for yourself, so what do you say, do you still want to wager your inheritance for a woman who didn't even think twice to give you up? Or are you going ahead with the marriage? ''

 The world around Nicklaus stood still, and he felt it hard to breathe.

It's not possible… no… it can't be…

Nicklaus opened his lips to let in air into his mouth; he pinned his feet to the ground to prevent himself from falling backwards.

Grandpa must be lying. There was no way she would leave him…

No way… He must say this to make him go with his plans…

Nicklaus felt goose bumps wash his skin as his heart slammed rapidly against his chest. Even though he didn't believe him, he didn't know why he was scared; so scared that he might have said the truth.

Scared that the only thing that kept him going was…

No, it's not possible; she can't do that to me…

''Give me three days to sort this out; Grandfather. ''

Nicklaus spoke; his voice shaky;

''I don't have that much time, Nicklaus. ''

''Two days '' Nicklaus begged, his hands fisting to the sides; his eyes red with panic; he couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way; like he was about to lose something so dear.

Grandpa narrowed his brows, but did not speak;

''24 hours, please… give me 24 hours, if I don't get it sorted out, you can hand the company over. ''

Grandpa was stunned. He never believed Nicklaus could actually waiver his inheritance for a woman, a woman, who had given him up without a fight?

This woman, what had she done to you?

''Please grandfather, I beg you… ''

Nicklaus head fell as he pleaded; he needed to run home to her, he needed to see her and ask her if everything Grandfather just said was true…

''You don't even consider marrying the president's daughter a choice, tsk tsk, what a shame. Alright then, if you don't solve this in 24 hours, your uncle would be made CEO, you've made your choice.''

''Thank you… ''

Nicklaus replied and before Grandpa could raise his eyes to him, he had disappeared from the office.

Nicklaus ran as fast as his legs could carry him, not minding the peering eyes of his employees. He panted as he raced to the parking lot, when his guards saw him; they ran to the car immediately and opened the back seat;


Nicklaus blared, his face drenched of all color; the guard handed the key over immediately and they watched their boss enter the car and drive out with the highest speed possible.

Nicklaus heart rammed against his chest as he approached his mansion;

His face was as pale as death as he continually reminded himself that she couldn't leave him. She had told him not to be late, she told him not to make her wait too long; there was no way she would leave him…


Grandpa was lying…

He panted as he blinked severally, trying to clear his vision;

His hands tightened around the steering, so much that his knuckled turned white; his face drained of all color and his heart slamming against his chest as he approached the building; without even bothering to park properly; he dashed out of the car and ran towards the house.

The maids and workers watched their boss run like something was chasing him, but there was no-one behind him; they all cast each other weird glances as they each wondered what was wrong.

As Nicklaus approached the last floor, his steps slowed; his breath heavy as sweat dropped from his face; when he reached his door, his hands shook; he took in a deep breath and pushed it open, ever so slightly;

…please be in there… I can't… I can't bear it, please beautiful, I don't want to believe him…

He spoke silently to himself as he pushed the door open, and his eyes glanced into the room;


Nicklaus gasped as his eyes fell on her;

How could grandpa joke so expensively?

A smile washed his lips as he shut the door and walked towards her, she was looking into his fridge and her hair tied up into a bun;

''Beautiful, I was so scared right now…''

His words caught in his lips and his face drained of all color when the person by the fridge turned around.

''Young… Young Master…. '' Veronica's face looked terrified as she turned to look at him; Nicklaus felt his whole world crumble in a second.

It wasn't her…

''I didn't know you'll be back early… I came to clean the fridge…''

Veronica stuttered as she explained;

She… she was not here…

Nicklaus' head was in turmoil. The words were at the back of his throat but he couldn't bring himself to ask it.

No, maybe she was in her room, right; she should be in her room…

''Tiana… guards from the ancient home came to pick her earlier today; she had not been back since then. ''

Veronica explained honestly; it seemed that he had mistaken her to be Tiana, so maybe he would want to know her whereabouts.

Nicklaus felt his entire world stop.

Right now, even when he didn't want to ask, even when he didn't want to know the answer anymore; he was forced to hear it.

'���GET OUT!!''

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