
Chapter 320 - Sleep With You

Diana watched his eyes gaze at her scorchingly, and she swallowed, she tried to think of what to say, but no thoughts could form in her head, she just stood there, heart pounding erratically. 

Michael gulped as his eyes fell on her chest, she was wearing a cardigan but he could see the faint outline of her nipples; his teeth clenched as he imagined how naked she was inside of that single clothing…

Diana's breath raged, she involuntarily licked her lower lip as her hand clutched the end of her cardigan; 

Was he going to touch her?

They were standing irresistibly close to each other, and his scent filled her nostrils. She wanted him so badly and she knew if he made just one move, she was going to melt like a bucket of ice in the sun. 

Michael blinked after a moment; 

''I'll be in the living room,'' he spoke huskily, without waiting for her response, he turned and walked out from the kitchen speedily.

Diana's eyes fluttered as she exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

This was the first time she had seen his eyes gaze at her so wantonly. That moment, it seemed like nothing would stop him from taking her right there in the kitchen and she was damn ready, every cell and muscle in her body were already singing 'halleluiah, but he had just walked away.

Diana turned on the tap first and washed her face to calm her raging hormones. She could not even blame him, she brought this upon herself. 

After calming herself down, she went to the living room, he was lying on a couch and looking at his phone. Her eyes glanced at the clock and saw it was past 10, it was late to watch a movie, the next thing to do was sleep; 

''Are you going to be staying out for long? '' 

She asked and Michael raised his eyes from his phone, seeing her, he shook his head and stood up;

''No, I was about going in for the night, goodnight. ''

Diana nodded; ''yeah, goodnight. '' she wanted to apologize again for what happened in the kitchen but she decided to leave it, it was best to just forget what happened. She watched him walk to his room and close the door, and her eyes turned to her room. 

The night was cold. As she walked into her room, her eyes fell on the empty king-sized bed, and a sigh left her lips.

Even though they weren't going to do anything she just wanted to sleep hugging him. Diana sulked as she walked to the bed and covered herself with the duvet, hugging her giant teddy bear tight. 

Before it gave her some comfort, but today, she felt like tossing it out of the window. She had never yearned for human touch so much before. Maybe, it was because he was sleeping in the next room. 

Diana shut her eyes and tried to catch some sleep, but all to no avail. She turned and twisted on the bed until she finally gave up and picked her phone. 

Tapping on her WhatsApp messenger, she went to his contact, surprisingly, he was online. 

She quickly typed a message but before she could send it, his message came in;

''Hey, you're still awake? ''

She read it and replied almost instantly; 

''yes, I can't sleep. What about you? ''

''Can't sleep either, was going through social media when I saw you online. ''

''Oh, okay. ''

She sent it, and there was silence. She wanted to ask if they could sleep together, but after what happened that night, she didn't know if she was being too much. 

A light sigh left her lips as she stared at her phone. 

''We have a scene together on Wednesday, so you'll come over tomorrow or should I come over for a practice? '' 

''No worries, I want to see Caesar, so I'll come to your place, just call me when you're done in the office. ''

''Okay. ''

Silence ensued again as there was nothing else to say; 

Diana sulked as she stared at her phone; 

She didn't have a choice, if she didn't ask, she was going to stay awake till morning. 

So gathering up courage; she typed the message'

''uh… can I come sleep with you, maybe I might fall asleep? ''

Her heart raced as she tapped on the send button. She had said she wouldn't be shameless, but she was diving headfirst into the ocean of shamelessness!

What if he turned her down?

Her heart pounded as she waited for his message; 

Jeez, why was he taking so long?!

She cried in her head. Was he thinking of how to turn her down politely? 

If he did, she wouldn't even know how to look at him in the face again. He would have just crushed the remaining part of her pride. 

Her phone vibrated in her hands and she clicked on his message ever slowly;

''Sure… '' 

A huge sigh left her lips. It was just a single word, why did he take so long to send it?

Without thinking much of it, she thanked her stars he didn't turn her down. Standing from the bed, she carried two pillows and scurried over to his room.

Her knock was light on his door as her heart raced; she was going to sleep with him for the first time. 

She was giddy, but she tried to act cool. The door opened and her eyes looked up at him; 

''Sorry, I hope I'm not disturbing you?'' she spoke tenderly;

''No, not at all; '' he made way for her to come in and closed the door after her. 

Diana walked carefully to the bed and sat on it. 

Michael lay on down and chuckled when he saw her sitting on the edge of the bed like a kid that was just beaten. 

''Are you shy? ''

Her eyes widened and she shook her head immediately, 

''No, not at all; '' she kept her pillows and took off her slippers then got into the bed. Michael watched her lie down far away from him, hugging her pillow tight. His eyes glided down her body and he chuckled. 

She was so brave to ask to sleep with him now she was here, she was acting like a shy little kid. 

Michael stretched his hand and with one pull he drew her towards him, leaving no space between them.

Diana's eyes flung open and she opened her mouth to speak;

''Shh…'' he shut her up, 

''You asked to sleep together, this is what is called sleeping together. ''

Her cheeks burned and she looked away from him. Michael brushed her hair away so he could look at her face. 

''And relax your nerves, I'm not going to eat you. ''

That was when Diana realized she was lying stiffly. Breathing out, she relaxed her bones.

''Good; '' 

Michael smiled; his hand pulling her closer if that was possible. 

''Let's sleep now. '' He caressed her back and kissed her forehead before he closed his eyes to sleep.

Diana opened her eyes after a while and she looked at him. 

She knew she was affecting him a lot, but he must be very strong to hold her this close and still not do anything. Or maybe he just loved her too much not to hurt her? She had told him she didn't want them to have sex, so he was trying to respect her.

She knew men had a hard time restraining themselves, and mostly in front of the women they loved, so she knew how hard it must be for him.

Diana smiled, she was falling more in love with this man. 

'' What are you staring at? ''

Michael asked with eyes still closed and her eyes shut instantly as her cheeks burned. His eyes were shut, how did he know she was staring at him? 

Diana closed her eyes this time, and slowly drifted to sleep. After some time, she lifted her hand from in-between them and hugged him.

Claire stood outside the company, it was past twelve, and she didn't know it was going to rain as it wasn't in the forecast. She didn't bring her umbrella, so she knew she was going to walk into the rain whether she liked it or not. 

She took in a breath as she got ready to run, she didn't like heavy rains. 

Suddenly, she felt someone walk up to her side and opened an umbrella, giving it to her. 

Her brows creased when she didn't recognize the person. 

''That man over there said I should give this to you, I think he has a crush on you. '' 

Claire suspected who it was, so she did not look. Nodding, she took the umbrella from him;

''Thank you.'' she smiled and walked into the rain, her eyes turned to the direction the man had pointed at when she got into her car and she saw him;


She felt a knot in her throat as her eyes locked in his. She knew he was looking at her even though the rain was obstructing them. After some seconds, he turned and walked away. 

Claire felt her chest swell up. She didn't know six months could be so hard. She watched him walk away until she couldn't see him anymore. 

A sigh left her lips as she dropped the umbrella on the passenger's seat, but something caught her eyes;

There was a paper tied to it; 

Creasing her brows, she took it out and opened it. 

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